2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
'use strict' ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
var _extends = Object . assign || function ( target ) { for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; i ++ ) { var source = arguments [ i ] ; for ( var key in source ) { if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( source , key ) ) { target [ key ] = source [ key ] ; } } } return target ; } ;
var _react = require ( 'react' ) ;
var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _react ) ;
var _classnames = require ( 'classnames' ) ;
var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _classnames ) ;
var _util = require ( './util' ) ;
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
var _propTypes = require ( 'prop-types' ) ;
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _propTypes ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : { "default" : obj } ; }
function _defaults ( obj , defaults ) { var keys = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( defaults ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) { var key = keys [ i ] ; var value = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( defaults , key ) ; if ( value && value . configurable && obj [ key ] === undefined ) { Object . defineProperty ( obj , key , value ) ; } } return obj ; }
function _toConsumableArray ( arr ) { if ( Array . isArray ( arr ) ) { for ( var i = 0 , arr2 = Array ( arr . length ) ; i < arr . length ; i ++ ) { arr2 [ i ] = arr [ i ] ; } return arr2 ; } else { return Array . from ( arr ) ; } }
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ; } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn ( self , call ) { if ( ! self ) { throw new ReferenceError ( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ) ; } return call && ( typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function" ) ? call : self ; }
function _inherits ( subClass , superClass ) { if ( typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null ) { throw new TypeError ( "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass ) ; } subClass . prototype = Object . create ( superClass && superClass . prototype , { constructor : { value : subClass , enumerable : false , writable : true , configurable : true } } ) ; if ( superClass ) Object . setPrototypeOf ? Object . setPrototypeOf ( subClass , superClass ) : _defaults ( subClass , superClass ) ; } /* eslint no-console:0 */
function noop ( ) { }
var Tree = function ( _React$Component ) {
_inherits ( Tree , _React$Component ) ;
function Tree ( props ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , Tree ) ;
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn ( this , _React$Component . call ( this , props ) ) ;
[ 'onKeyDown' , 'onCheck' ] . forEach ( function ( m ) {
_this [ m ] = _this [ m ] . bind ( _this ) ;
} ) ;
_this . contextmenuKeys = [ ] ;
_this . checkedKeysChange = true ;
_this . state = {
expandedKeys : _this . getDefaultExpandedKeys ( props ) ,
checkedKeys : _this . getDefaultCheckedKeys ( props ) ,
selectedKeys : _this . getDefaultSelectedKeys ( props ) ,
dragNodesKeys : '' ,
dragOverNodeKey : '' ,
dropNodeKey : ''
} ;
return _this ;
Tree . prototype . componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps ( nextProps ) {
var expandedKeys = this . getDefaultExpandedKeys ( nextProps , true ) ;
var checkedKeys = this . getDefaultCheckedKeys ( nextProps , true ) ;
var selectedKeys = this . getDefaultSelectedKeys ( nextProps , true ) ;
var st = { } ;
if ( expandedKeys ) {
st . expandedKeys = expandedKeys ;
if ( checkedKeys ) {
if ( nextProps . checkedKeys === this . props . checkedKeys ) {
this . checkedKeysChange = false ;
} else {
this . checkedKeysChange = true ;
st . checkedKeys = checkedKeys ;
if ( selectedKeys ) {
st . selectedKeys = selectedKeys ;
this . setState ( st ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragStart = function onDragStart ( e , treeNode ) {
this . dragNode = treeNode ;
this . dragNodesKeys = this . getDragNodes ( treeNode ) ;
var st = {
dragNodesKeys : this . dragNodesKeys
} ;
var expandedKeys = this . getExpandedKeys ( treeNode , false ) ;
if ( expandedKeys ) {
// Controlled expand, save and then reset
this . getRawExpandedKeys ( ) ;
st . expandedKeys = expandedKeys ;
this . setState ( st ) ;
this . props . onDragStart ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
this . _dropTrigger = false ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragEnterGap = function onDragEnterGap ( e , treeNode ) {
var offsetTop = ( 0 , _util . getOffset ) ( treeNode . refs . selectHandle ) . top ;
var offsetHeight = treeNode . refs . selectHandle . offsetHeight ;
var pageY = e . pageY ;
var gapHeight = 2 ;
if ( pageY > offsetTop + offsetHeight - gapHeight ) {
this . dropPosition = 1 ;
return 1 ;
if ( pageY < offsetTop + gapHeight ) {
this . dropPosition = - 1 ;
return - 1 ;
this . dropPosition = 0 ;
return 0 ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragEnter = function onDragEnter ( e , treeNode ) {
var enterGap = this . onDragEnterGap ( e , treeNode ) ;
if ( this . dragNode . props . eventKey === treeNode . props . eventKey && enterGap === 0 ) {
this . setState ( {
dragOverNodeKey : ''
} ) ;
return ;
var st = {
dragOverNodeKey : treeNode . props . eventKey
} ;
var expandedKeys = this . getExpandedKeys ( treeNode , true ) ;
if ( expandedKeys ) {
this . getRawExpandedKeys ( ) ;
st . expandedKeys = expandedKeys ;
this . setState ( st ) ;
this . props . onDragEnter ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode ,
expandedKeys : expandedKeys && [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( expandedKeys ) ) || [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . expandedKeys ) )
} ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragOver = function onDragOver ( e , treeNode ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onDragOver ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragLeave = function onDragLeave ( e , treeNode ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onDragLeave ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDrop = function onDrop ( e , treeNode ) {
var key = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
this . setState ( {
dragOverNodeKey : '' ,
dropNodeKey : key
} ) ;
if ( this . dragNodesKeys . indexOf ( key ) > - 1 ) {
if ( console . warn ) {
console . warn ( 'can not drop to dragNode(include it\'s children node)' ) ;
return false ;
var posArr = treeNode . props . pos . split ( '-' ) ;
var res = {
event : e ,
node : treeNode ,
dragNode : this . dragNode ,
dragNodesKeys : [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . dragNodesKeys ) ) ,
dropPosition : this . dropPosition + Number ( posArr [ posArr . length - 1 ] )
} ;
if ( this . dropPosition !== 0 ) {
res . dropToGap = true ;
if ( 'expandedKeys' in this . props ) {
res . rawExpandedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . _rawExpandedKeys ) ) || [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . expandedKeys ) ) ;
this . props . onDrop ( res ) ;
this . _dropTrigger = true ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onDragEnd = function onDragEnd ( e , treeNode ) {
this . setState ( {
dragOverNodeKey : ''
} ) ;
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onDragEnd ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . prototype . onExpand = function onExpand ( treeNode ) {
var _this2 = this ;
var expanded = ! treeNode . props . expanded ;
var controlled = 'expandedKeys' in this . props ;
var expandedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . expandedKeys ) ) ;
var index = expandedKeys . indexOf ( treeNode . props . eventKey ) ;
if ( expanded && index === - 1 ) {
expandedKeys . push ( treeNode . props . eventKey ) ;
} else if ( ! expanded && index > - 1 ) {
expandedKeys . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
if ( ! controlled ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . setState ( {
expandedKeys : expandedKeys
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onExpand ( expandedKeys , {
node : treeNode ,
expanded : expanded
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
// after data loaded, need set new expandedKeys
if ( expanded && this . props . loadData ) {
return this . props . loadData ( treeNode ) . then ( function ( ) {
if ( ! controlled ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
_this2 . setState ( {
expandedKeys : expandedKeys
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onCheck = function onCheck ( treeNode ) {
var _this3 = this ;
var checked = ! treeNode . props . checked ;
if ( treeNode . props . halfChecked ) {
checked = true ;
var key = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
var checkedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . checkedKeys ) ) ;
var index = checkedKeys . indexOf ( key ) ;
var newSt = {
event : 'check' ,
node : treeNode ,
checked : checked
} ;
2018-01-24 10:40:38 +08:00
if ( this . props . checkStrictly ) {
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
if ( checked && index === - 1 ) {
checkedKeys . push ( key ) ;
if ( ! checked && index > - 1 ) {
checkedKeys . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
2018-01-24 10:40:38 +08:00
this . treeNodesStates [ treeNode . props . pos ] . checked = checked ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
newSt . checkedNodes = [ ] ;
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( this . props . children , function ( item , ind , pos , keyOrPos ) {
if ( checkedKeys . indexOf ( keyOrPos ) !== - 1 ) {
newSt . checkedNodes . push ( item ) ;
} ) ;
2018-01-24 10:40:38 +08:00
if ( ! ( 'checkedKeys' in this . props ) ) {
this . setState ( {
checkedKeys : checkedKeys
} ) ;
var halfChecked = this . props . checkedKeys ? this . props . checkedKeys . halfChecked : [ ] ;
this . props . onCheck ( ( 0 , _util . getStrictlyValue ) ( checkedKeys , halfChecked ) , newSt ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} else {
if ( checked && index === - 1 ) {
2017-09-07 18:13:10 +08:00
this . treeNodesStates [ treeNode . props . pos ] . checked = true ;
var checkedPositions = [ ] ;
Object . keys ( this . treeNodesStates ) . forEach ( function ( i ) {
if ( _this3 . treeNodesStates [ i ] . checked ) {
checkedPositions . push ( i ) ;
} ) ;
( 0 , _util . handleCheckState ) ( this . treeNodesStates , ( 0 , _util . filterParentPosition ) ( checkedPositions ) , true ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
if ( ! checked ) {
this . treeNodesStates [ treeNode . props . pos ] . checked = false ;
this . treeNodesStates [ treeNode . props . pos ] . halfChecked = false ;
( 0 , _util . handleCheckState ) ( this . treeNodesStates , [ treeNode . props . pos ] , false ) ;
var checkKeys = ( 0 , _util . getCheck ) ( this . treeNodesStates ) ;
newSt . checkedNodes = checkKeys . checkedNodes ;
newSt . checkedNodesPositions = checkKeys . checkedNodesPositions ;
newSt . halfCheckedKeys = checkKeys . halfCheckedKeys ;
this . checkKeys = checkKeys ;
this . _checkedKeys = checkedKeys = checkKeys . checkedKeys ;
if ( ! ( 'checkedKeys' in this . props ) ) {
this . setState ( {
checkedKeys : checkedKeys
} ) ;
this . props . onCheck ( checkedKeys , newSt ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . onSelect = function onSelect ( treeNode ) {
var props = this . props ;
var selectedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . selectedKeys ) ) ;
var eventKey = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
var index = selectedKeys . indexOf ( eventKey ) ;
var selected = void 0 ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
selected = false ;
selectedKeys . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} else {
selected = true ;
if ( ! props . multiple ) {
selectedKeys . length = 0 ;
selectedKeys . push ( eventKey ) ;
var selectedNodes = [ ] ;
if ( selectedKeys . length ) {
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( this . props . children , function ( item ) {
if ( selectedKeys . indexOf ( item . key ) !== - 1 ) {
selectedNodes . push ( item ) ;
} ) ;
var newSt = {
event : 'select' ,
node : treeNode ,
selected : selected ,
selectedNodes : selectedNodes
} ;
if ( ! ( 'selectedKeys' in this . props ) ) {
this . setState ( {
selectedKeys : selectedKeys
} ) ;
props . onSelect ( selectedKeys , newSt ) ;
} ;
2018-04-08 15:29:15 +08:00
Tree . prototype . onDoubleClick = function onDoubleClick ( treeNode ) {
var props = this . props ;
var eventKey = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
var newSt = {
event : 'dblclick' ,
node : treeNode
} ;
props . onDoubleClick ( eventKey , newSt ) ;
} ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
Tree . prototype . onMouseEnter = function onMouseEnter ( e , treeNode ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onMouseEnter ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . prototype . onMouseLeave = function onMouseLeave ( e , treeNode ) {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onMouseLeave ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . prototype . onContextMenu = function onContextMenu ( e , treeNode ) {
var selectedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . selectedKeys ) ) ;
var eventKey = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
if ( this . contextmenuKeys . indexOf ( eventKey ) === - 1 ) {
this . contextmenuKeys . push ( eventKey ) ;
this . contextmenuKeys . forEach ( function ( key ) {
var index = selectedKeys . indexOf ( key ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
selectedKeys . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} ) ;
if ( selectedKeys . indexOf ( eventKey ) === - 1 ) {
selectedKeys . push ( eventKey ) ;
this . setState ( {
selectedKeys : selectedKeys
} ) ;
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
this . props . onRightClick ( {
event : e ,
node : treeNode
} ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
// all keyboard events callbacks run from here at first
Tree . prototype . onKeyDown = function onKeyDown ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getFilterExpandedKeys = function getFilterExpandedKeys ( props , expandKeyProp , expandAll ) {
var keys = props [ expandKeyProp ] ;
if ( ! expandAll && ! props . autoExpandParent ) {
return keys || [ ] ;
var expandedPositionArr = [ ] ;
if ( props . autoExpandParent ) {
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( props . children , function ( item , index , pos , newKey ) {
if ( keys . indexOf ( newKey ) > - 1 ) {
expandedPositionArr . push ( pos ) ;
} ) ;
var filterExpandedKeys = [ ] ;
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( props . children , function ( item , index , pos , newKey ) {
if ( expandAll ) {
filterExpandedKeys . push ( newKey ) ;
} else if ( props . autoExpandParent ) {
expandedPositionArr . forEach ( function ( p ) {
if ( ( p . split ( '-' ) . length > pos . split ( '-' ) . length && ( 0 , _util . isInclude ) ( pos . split ( '-' ) , p . split ( '-' ) ) || pos === p ) && filterExpandedKeys . indexOf ( newKey ) === - 1 ) {
filterExpandedKeys . push ( newKey ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return filterExpandedKeys . length ? filterExpandedKeys : keys ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getDefaultExpandedKeys = function getDefaultExpandedKeys ( props , willReceiveProps ) {
var expandedKeys = willReceiveProps ? undefined : this . getFilterExpandedKeys ( props , 'defaultExpandedKeys' , props . defaultExpandedKeys . length ? false : props . defaultExpandAll ) ;
if ( 'expandedKeys' in props ) {
expandedKeys = ( props . autoExpandParent ? this . getFilterExpandedKeys ( props , 'expandedKeys' , false ) : props . expandedKeys ) || [ ] ;
return expandedKeys ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getDefaultCheckedKeys = function getDefaultCheckedKeys ( props , willReceiveProps ) {
var checkedKeys = willReceiveProps ? undefined : props . defaultCheckedKeys ;
if ( 'checkedKeys' in props ) {
checkedKeys = props . checkedKeys || [ ] ;
if ( props . checkStrictly ) {
if ( props . checkedKeys . checked ) {
checkedKeys = props . checkedKeys . checked ;
} else if ( ! Array . isArray ( props . checkedKeys ) ) {
checkedKeys = [ ] ;
return checkedKeys ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getDefaultSelectedKeys = function getDefaultSelectedKeys ( props , willReceiveProps ) {
var getKeys = function getKeys ( keys ) {
if ( props . multiple ) {
return [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( keys ) ) ;
if ( keys . length ) {
return [ keys [ 0 ] ] ;
return keys ;
} ;
var selectedKeys = willReceiveProps ? undefined : getKeys ( props . defaultSelectedKeys ) ;
if ( 'selectedKeys' in props ) {
selectedKeys = getKeys ( props . selectedKeys ) ;
return selectedKeys ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getRawExpandedKeys = function getRawExpandedKeys ( ) {
if ( ! this . _rawExpandedKeys && 'expandedKeys' in this . props ) {
this . _rawExpandedKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( this . state . expandedKeys ) ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getOpenTransitionName = function getOpenTransitionName ( ) {
var props = this . props ;
var transitionName = props . openTransitionName ;
var animationName = props . openAnimation ;
if ( ! transitionName && typeof animationName === 'string' ) {
transitionName = props . prefixCls + '-open-' + animationName ;
return transitionName ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getDragNodes = function getDragNodes ( treeNode ) {
var dragNodesKeys = [ ] ;
var tPArr = treeNode . props . pos . split ( '-' ) ;
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( this . props . children , function ( item , index , pos , newKey ) {
var pArr = pos . split ( '-' ) ;
if ( treeNode . props . pos === pos || tPArr . length < pArr . length && ( 0 , _util . isInclude ) ( tPArr , pArr ) ) {
dragNodesKeys . push ( newKey ) ;
} ) ;
return dragNodesKeys ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . getExpandedKeys = function getExpandedKeys ( treeNode , expand ) {
var key = treeNode . props . eventKey ;
var expandedKeys = this . state . expandedKeys ;
var expandedIndex = expandedKeys . indexOf ( key ) ;
var exKeys = void 0 ;
if ( expandedIndex > - 1 && ! expand ) {
exKeys = [ ] . concat ( _toConsumableArray ( expandedKeys ) ) ;
exKeys . splice ( expandedIndex , 1 ) ;
return exKeys ;
if ( expand && expandedKeys . indexOf ( key ) === - 1 ) {
return expandedKeys . concat ( [ key ] ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . filterTreeNode = function filterTreeNode ( treeNode ) {
var filterTreeNode = this . props . filterTreeNode ;
if ( typeof filterTreeNode !== 'function' || treeNode . props . disabled ) {
return false ;
return filterTreeNode . call ( this , treeNode ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . renderTreeNode = function renderTreeNode ( child , index ) {
var level = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : 0 ;
var pos = level + '-' + index ;
var key = child . key || pos ;
var state = this . state ;
var props = this . props ;
// prefer to child's own selectable property if passed
var selectable = props . selectable ;
if ( child . props . hasOwnProperty ( 'selectable' ) ) {
selectable = child . props . selectable ;
var cloneProps = {
ref : 'treeNode-' + key ,
root : this ,
eventKey : key ,
pos : pos ,
selectable : selectable ,
loadData : props . loadData ,
onMouseEnter : props . onMouseEnter ,
onMouseLeave : props . onMouseLeave ,
onRightClick : props . onRightClick ,
2018-04-08 15:29:15 +08:00
onDoubleClick : props . onDoubleClick ,
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
prefixCls : props . prefixCls ,
showLine : props . showLine ,
showIcon : props . showIcon ,
draggable : props . draggable ,
dragOver : state . dragOverNodeKey === key && this . dropPosition === 0 ,
dragOverGapTop : state . dragOverNodeKey === key && this . dropPosition === - 1 ,
dragOverGapBottom : state . dragOverNodeKey === key && this . dropPosition === 1 ,
_dropTrigger : this . _dropTrigger ,
expanded : state . expandedKeys . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 ,
selected : state . selectedKeys . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 ,
openTransitionName : this . getOpenTransitionName ( ) ,
openAnimation : props . openAnimation ,
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
filterTreeNode : this . filterTreeNode . bind ( this ) ,
openIcon : props . openIcon ,
closeIcon : props . closeIcon
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
if ( props . checkable ) {
cloneProps . checkable = props . checkable ;
if ( props . checkStrictly ) {
if ( state . checkedKeys ) {
cloneProps . checked = state . checkedKeys . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 || false ;
2018-01-24 10:40:38 +08:00
if ( props . checkedKeys && props . checkedKeys . halfChecked ) {
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
cloneProps . halfChecked = props . checkedKeys . halfChecked . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 || false ;
} else {
cloneProps . halfChecked = false ;
} else {
if ( this . checkedKeys ) {
cloneProps . checked = this . checkedKeys . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 || false ;
cloneProps . halfChecked = this . halfCheckedKeys . indexOf ( key ) !== - 1 ;
if ( this . treeNodesStates && this . treeNodesStates [ pos ] ) {
2017-11-03 15:02:29 +08:00
_extends ( cloneProps , this . treeNodesStates [ pos ] . siblingPosition ) ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
return _react2 [ "default" ] . cloneElement ( child , cloneProps ) ;
} ;
Tree . prototype . render = function render ( ) {
var _this4 = this ;
var props = this . props ;
2017-11-03 14:37:54 +08:00
var showLineCls = "" ;
if ( props . showLine ) {
showLineCls = props . prefixCls + '-show-line' ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
var domProps = {
2017-11-03 14:37:54 +08:00
className : ( 0 , _classnames2 [ "default" ] ) ( props . className , props . prefixCls , showLineCls ) ,
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
role : 'tree-node'
} ;
2017-11-03 14:37:54 +08:00
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
if ( props . focusable ) {
domProps . tabIndex = '0' ;
domProps . onKeyDown = this . onKeyDown ;
var getTreeNodesStates = function getTreeNodesStates ( ) {
_this4 . treeNodesStates = { } ;
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( props . children , function ( item , index , pos , keyOrPos , siblingPosition ) {
_this4 . treeNodesStates [ pos ] = {
siblingPosition : siblingPosition
} ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( props . showLine && ! props . checkable ) {
getTreeNodesStates ( ) ;
if ( props . checkable && ( this . checkedKeysChange || props . loadData ) ) {
if ( props . checkStrictly ) {
getTreeNodesStates ( ) ;
} else if ( props . _treeNodesStates ) {
this . treeNodesStates = props . _treeNodesStates . treeNodesStates ;
this . halfCheckedKeys = props . _treeNodesStates . halfCheckedKeys ;
this . checkedKeys = props . _treeNodesStates . checkedKeys ;
} else {
2017-09-07 18:13:10 +08:00
var checkedKeys = this . state . checkedKeys ;
var checkKeys = void 0 ;
if ( ! props . loadData && this . checkKeys && this . _checkedKeys && ( 0 , _util . arraysEqual ) ( this . _checkedKeys , checkedKeys ) ) {
// if checkedKeys the same as _checkedKeys from onCheck, use _checkedKeys.
checkKeys = this . checkKeys ;
} else {
var checkedPositions = [ ] ;
this . treeNodesStates = { } ;
( 0 , _util . loopAllChildren ) ( props . children , function ( item , index , pos , keyOrPos , siblingPosition ) {
_this4 . treeNodesStates [ pos ] = {
node : item ,
key : keyOrPos ,
checked : false ,
halfChecked : false ,
siblingPosition : siblingPosition
} ;
if ( checkedKeys . indexOf ( keyOrPos ) !== - 1 ) {
_this4 . treeNodesStates [ pos ] . checked = true ;
checkedPositions . push ( pos ) ;
} ) ;
// if the parent node's key exists, it all children node will be checked
( 0 , _util . handleCheckState ) ( this . treeNodesStates , ( 0 , _util . filterParentPosition ) ( checkedPositions ) , true ) ;
checkKeys = ( 0 , _util . getCheck ) ( this . treeNodesStates ) ;
this . halfCheckedKeys = checkKeys . halfCheckedKeys ;
this . checkedKeys = checkKeys . checkedKeys ;
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
return _react2 [ "default" ] . createElement (
'ul' ,
2017-11-03 14:37:54 +08:00
_extends ( { } , domProps , { unselectable : 'true' , ref : 'tree' } ) ,
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
_react2 [ "default" ] . Children . map ( props . children , this . renderTreeNode , this )
) ;
} ;
return Tree ;
} ( _react2 [ "default" ] . Component ) ;
Tree . propTypes = {
2017-10-18 16:01:17 +08:00
prefixCls : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ,
children : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . any ,
showLine : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
showIcon : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
selectable : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
multiple : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
checkable : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . oneOfType ( [ _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool , _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . node ] ) ,
_treeNodesStates : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . object ,
checkStrictly : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
draggable : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
autoExpandParent : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
defaultExpandAll : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . bool ,
defaultExpandedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) ,
expandedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) ,
defaultCheckedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) ,
checkedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . oneOfType ( [ _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) , _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . object ] ) ,
defaultSelectedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) ,
selectedKeys : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . arrayOf ( _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ) ,
onExpand : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onCheck : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onSelect : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
loadData : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onMouseEnter : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onMouseLeave : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onRightClick : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDragStart : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDragEnter : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDragOver : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDragLeave : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDrop : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
onDragEnd : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
filterTreeNode : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . func ,
openTransitionName : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string ,
openAnimation : _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . oneOfType ( [ _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . string , _propTypes2 [ "default" ] . object ] )
2017-01-12 09:21:18 +08:00
} ;
Tree . defaultProps = {
prefixCls : 'rc-tree' ,
showLine : false ,
showIcon : true ,
selectable : true ,
multiple : false ,
checkable : false ,
checkStrictly : false ,
draggable : false ,
autoExpandParent : true ,
defaultExpandAll : false ,
defaultExpandedKeys : [ ] ,
defaultCheckedKeys : [ ] ,
defaultSelectedKeys : [ ] ,
onExpand : noop ,
onCheck : noop ,
onSelect : noop ,
onDragStart : noop ,
onDragEnter : noop ,
onDragOver : noop ,
onDragLeave : noop ,
onDrop : noop ,
onDragEnd : noop
} ;
exports [ "default" ] = Tree ;
module . exports = exports [ 'default' ] ;