fix: keep latestState to judge whether a node is about to expand
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,11 +103,34 @@
.u-tree li.drag-over > a[draggable] {
background-color: #108ee9;
color: white;
opacity: 0.8; }
opacity: 0.8;
position: relative; }
.u-tree li.drag-over-gap-top > a[draggable] {
border-top: 2px #108ee9 solid; }
border-top: 2px #108ee9 solid;
position: relative; }
.u-tree li.drag-over-gap-top > a[draggable]::before {
position: absolute;
top: -6px;
left: -7px;
content: ' ';
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
border: 2px solid #108ee9;
border-radius: 99px;
opacity: 1; }
.u-tree li.drag-over-gap-bottom > a[draggable] {
border-bottom: 2px #108ee9 solid; }
border-bottom: 2px #108ee9 solid;
position: relative; }
.u-tree li.drag-over-gap-bottom > a[draggable]::before {
position: absolute;
bottom: -5px;
left: -6px;
content: ' ';
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
border: 2px solid #108ee9;
border-radius: 99px;
opacity: 1; }
.u-tree li.filter-node > a {
color: #f50;
font-weight: bold; }
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
_this[m] = _this[m].bind(_this);
_this.contextmenuKeys = [];
_this.latestTreeNode = {};
_this.checkedKeysChange = true;
_this.selectKeyDomPos = '0-0';
_this.state = {
@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
_this.endIndex = _this.startIndex + _this.loadCount;
_this.cacheTreeNodes = []; //缓存 treenode 节点数组
|||| = (0, _createStore2["default"])({ rowHeight: 24 }); //rowHeight 树节点的高度,此变量在滚动加载场景很关键
_this.latestState = null;
_this.cachedLatestState = null;
return _this;
@ -359,6 +362,9 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
lazyLoad = _props2.lazyLoad;
var expanded = !treeNode.props.expanded;
this.latestState = expanded;
this.cachedLatestState = treeNode.props.expanded;
this.latestTreeNode = treeNode.props;
var controlled = 'expandedKeys' in this.props;
var expandedKeys = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(this.state.expandedKeys));
var index = expandedKeys.indexOf(treeNode.props.eventKey);
@ -383,7 +389,8 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
node: treeNode,
expanded: expanded
//收起和展开时,缓存 expandedKeys
this.cacheExpandedKeys = new Set(expandedKeys);
// after data loaded, need set new expandedKeys
if (expanded && this.props.loadData) {
return this.props.loadData(treeNode).then(function () {
@ -394,8 +401,6 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
//收起和展开时,缓存 expandedKeys
this.cacheExpandedKeys = new Set(expandedKeys);
//启用懒加载,把 Tree 结构拍平,为后续动态截取数据做准备
if (lazyLoad) {
var flatTreeData = this.deepTraversal(treeData);
@ -434,7 +439,15 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
this.treeNodesStates[treeNode.props.pos].checked = checked;
newSt.checkedNodes = [];
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(this.props.children, function (item, ind, pos, keyOrPos) {
var childs = this.props.children;
var _props3 = this.props,
renderTreeNodes = _props3.renderTreeNodes,
treeData = _props3.treeData;
if (renderTreeNodes && treeData) {
childs = renderTreeNodes(treeData);
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(childs, function (item, ind, pos, keyOrPos) {
if (checkedKeys.indexOf(keyOrPos) !== -1) {
@ -527,6 +540,9 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
selectedKeys: selectedKeys
focusKey: ''
props.onSelect(selectedKeys, newSt);
@ -676,8 +692,9 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
var prevTreeNode = void 0,
preElement = void 0;
var treeNodes = props.children || this.cacheTreeNodes;
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(props.children, function (item, index, pos, newKey) {
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(treeNodes, function (item, index, pos, newKey) {
if (pos == prePos) {
prevTreeNode = item;
@ -786,16 +803,16 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
// 如果当前tree节点不包括上一个焦点节点会触发此方法
if (this.tree == targetDom && !this.isIn && !this.tree.contains(e.relatedTarget)) {
var _props3 = this.props,
onFocus = _props3.onFocus,
children = _props3.children;
var _props4 = this.props,
onFocus = _props4.onFocus,
children = _props4.children;
var _state$selectedKeys = this.state.selectedKeys,
selectedKeys = _state$selectedKeys === undefined ? [] : _state$selectedKeys;
var tabIndexKey = selectedKeys[0];
var isExist = false;
var treeNode = children && children.length && children[0];
var eventKey = treeNode && treeNode.props.eventKey || treeNode.key;
var eventKey = treeNode && (treeNode.props.eventKey || treeNode.key);
if (this.selectKeyDomExist && tabIndexKey || !tabIndexKey) {
isExist = true;
var queryInfo = 'a[pos="' + this.selectKeyDomPos + '"]';
@ -829,6 +846,8 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
Tree.prototype.getFilterExpandedKeys = function getFilterExpandedKeys(props, expandKeyProp, expandAll) {
var _this6 = this;
var keys = props[expandKeyProp];
if (!expandAll && !props.autoExpandParent) {
return keys || [];
@ -842,17 +861,26 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
var filterExpandedKeys = [];
var removeRoot = this.latestState === false && props.canCloseFreely;
var cachedLatestState = this.latestState; // 这个值用来判断此次刷新是否是因为点击了展开/收回
this.latestState = null;
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(props.children, function (item, index, pos, newKey) {
if (expandAll) {
} else if (props.autoExpandParent) {
expandedPositionArr.forEach(function (p) {
if ((p.split('-').length > pos.split('-').length && (0, _util.isInclude)(pos.split('-'), p.split('-')) || pos === p) && filterExpandedKeys.indexOf(newKey) === -1) {
if (!props.canCloseFreely || (cachedLatestState === null ? true : _this6.cacheExpandedKeys ? _this6.cacheExpandedKeys.has(newKey) : true)) {
if (removeRoot && this.latestTreeNode.eventKey && filterExpandedKeys.includes(this.latestTreeNode.eventKey)) {
var index = filterExpandedKeys.indexOf(this.latestTreeNode.eventKey);
filterExpandedKeys.splice(index, 1);
return filterExpandedKeys.length ? filterExpandedKeys : keys;
@ -1067,27 +1095,28 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
Tree.prototype.render = function render() {
var _this6 = this;
var _this7 = this;
var props = this.props;
var _props4 = this.props,
showLine = _props4.showLine,
prefixCls = _props4.prefixCls,
className = _props4.className,
focusable = _props4.focusable,
checkable = _props4.checkable,
loadData = _props4.loadData,
checkStrictly = _props4.checkStrictly,
tabIndexValue = _props4.tabIndexValue,
lazyLoad = _props4.lazyLoad,
getScrollContainer = _props4.getScrollContainer,
defaultExpandedKeys = _props4.defaultExpandedKeys,
defaultSelectedKeys = _props4.defaultSelectedKeys,
defaultCheckedKeys = _props4.defaultCheckedKeys,
openAnimation = _props4.openAnimation,
draggable = _props4.draggable,
others = _objectWithoutProperties(_props4, ['showLine', 'prefixCls', 'className', 'focusable', 'checkable', 'loadData', 'checkStrictly', 'tabIndexValue', 'lazyLoad', 'getScrollContainer', 'defaultExpandedKeys', 'defaultSelectedKeys', 'defaultCheckedKeys', 'openAnimation', 'draggable']);
var _props5 = this.props,
showLine = _props5.showLine,
prefixCls = _props5.prefixCls,
className = _props5.className,
focusable = _props5.focusable,
checkable = _props5.checkable,
loadData = _props5.loadData,
checkStrictly = _props5.checkStrictly,
tabIndexValue = _props5.tabIndexValue,
lazyLoad = _props5.lazyLoad,
getScrollContainer = _props5.getScrollContainer,
defaultExpandedKeys = _props5.defaultExpandedKeys,
defaultSelectedKeys = _props5.defaultSelectedKeys,
defaultCheckedKeys = _props5.defaultCheckedKeys,
openAnimation = _props5.openAnimation,
draggable = _props5.draggable,
debounceDuration = _props5.debounceDuration,
others = _objectWithoutProperties(_props5, ['showLine', 'prefixCls', 'className', 'focusable', 'checkable', 'loadData', 'checkStrictly', 'tabIndexValue', 'lazyLoad', 'getScrollContainer', 'defaultExpandedKeys', 'defaultSelectedKeys', 'defaultCheckedKeys', 'openAnimation', 'draggable', 'debounceDuration']);
var customProps = _extends({}, (0, _omit2["default"])(others, ['showIcon', 'cancelUnSelect', 'onCheck', 'selectable', 'autoExpandParent', 'defaultExpandAll', 'onExpand', 'autoSelectWhenFocus', 'expandWhenDoubleClick', 'expandedKeys', 'keyFun', 'openIcon', 'closeIcon', 'treeData', 'checkedKeys', 'selectedKeys', 'renderTreeNodes', 'mustExpandable', 'onMouseEnter', 'onMouseLeave', 'onFocus', 'onDoubleClick']));
var _state = this.state,
@ -1130,9 +1159,9 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
// // domProps.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown;//添加到具体的treeNode上了
// }
var getTreeNodesStates = function getTreeNodesStates() {
_this6.treeNodesStates = {};
_this7.treeNodesStates = {};
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(treeChildren, function (item, index, pos, keyOrPos, siblingPosition) {
_this6.treeNodesStates[pos] = {
_this7.treeNodesStates[pos] = {
siblingPosition: siblingPosition
}, undefined, startIndex);
@ -1157,7 +1186,7 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
var checkedPositions = [];
this.treeNodesStates = {};
(0, _util.loopAllChildren)(treeChildren, function (item, index, pos, keyOrPos, siblingPosition) {
_this6.treeNodesStates[pos] = {
_this7.treeNodesStates[pos] = {
node: item,
key: keyOrPos,
checked: false,
@ -1165,7 +1194,7 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
siblingPosition: siblingPosition
if (checkedKeys.indexOf(keyOrPos) !== -1) {
_this6.treeNodesStates[pos].checked = true;
_this7.treeNodesStates[pos].checked = true;
}, undefined, startIndex);
@ -1178,11 +1207,14 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
this.selectKeyDomExist = false;
var isFold = this.cachedLatestState === true;
return lazyLoad ? _react2["default"].createElement(
className: 'u-tree-infinite-scroll',
treeList: flatTreeData,
debounceDuration: debounceDuration || 150,
isFold: isFold,
handleTreeListChange: this.handleTreeListChange,
getScrollParent: getScrollContainer,
@ -1190,7 +1222,7 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
_extends({}, domProps, { unselectable: 'true', ref: function ref(el) {
_this6.tree = el;
_this7.tree = el;
}, tabIndex: focusable && tabIndexValue }, customProps),
_react2["default"].createElement('li', { style: { height: preHeight }, className: 'u-treenode-start', key: 'tree_node_start' }),
_react2["default"], this.renderTreeNode, this),
@ -1199,7 +1231,7 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
) : _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({}, domProps, { unselectable: 'true', ref: function ref(el) {
_this6.tree = el;
_this7.tree = el;
}, tabIndex: focusable && tabIndexValue }, customProps),
_react2["default"], this.renderTreeNode, this)
@ -1209,27 +1241,27 @@ var Tree = function (_React$Component) {
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this7 = this;
var _this8 = this;
this.hasTreeNode = function () {
var _props5 = _this7.props,
children = _props5.children,
treeData = _props5.treeData;
var _props6 = _this8.props,
children = _props6.children,
treeData = _props6.treeData;
var noTreeNode = children === null || typeof children === 'undefined' || (typeof children === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(children)) === 'object' && children.length === 0 || (typeof treeData === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(treeData)) === 'object' && treeData.length === 0;
return !noTreeNode;
this.calculateRowHeight = function () {
var lazyLoad = _this7.props.lazyLoad;
var lazyLoad = _this8.props.lazyLoad;
// 启用懒加载,计算树节点真实高度
if (!lazyLoad) return;
var treenodes = _this7.tree.querySelectorAll('.u-tree-treenode-close')[0];
var treenodes = _this8.tree.querySelectorAll('.u-tree-treenode-close')[0];
if (!treenodes) return;
_this7.hasCalculateRowHeight = true;
_this8.hasCalculateRowHeight = true;
var rowHeight = treenodes.getBoundingClientRect().height;
rowHeight: rowHeight
@ -1243,23 +1275,23 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
rootId: null,
isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
var treeData = (0, _util.convertListToTree)(treeList, attr, _this7.flatTreeKeysMap);
var treeData = (0, _util.convertListToTree)(treeList, attr, _this8.flatTreeKeysMap);
_this7.startIndex = typeof startIndex !== "undefined" ? startIndex : _this7.startIndex;
_this7.endIndex = typeof endIndex !== "undefined" ? endIndex : _this7.endIndex;
_this8.startIndex = typeof startIndex !== "undefined" ? startIndex : _this8.startIndex;
_this8.endIndex = typeof endIndex !== "undefined" ? endIndex : _this8.endIndex;
treeData: treeData
_this7.dataChange = true;
_this8.dataChange = true;
this.deepTraversal = function (treeData) {
var parentKey = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
var isShown = arguments[2];
var expandedKeys = _this7.state.expandedKeys,
expandedKeysSet = _this7.cacheExpandedKeys ? _this7.cacheExpandedKeys : new Set(expandedKeys),
var expandedKeys = _this8.state.expandedKeys,
expandedKeysSet = _this8.cacheExpandedKeys ? _this8.cacheExpandedKeys : new Set(expandedKeys),
flatTreeData = [],
flatTreeKeysMap = _this7.flatTreeKeysMap,
flatTreeKeysMap = _this8.flatTreeKeysMap,
dataCopy = treeData;
if (Array.isArray(dataCopy)) {
@ -1290,7 +1322,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length > 0) {
// 若存在children则递归调用,把数据拼接到新数组中,并且删除该children
flatTreeData = flatTreeData.concat(_this7.deepTraversal(children, key, isExpanded));
flatTreeData = flatTreeData.concat(_this8.deepTraversal(children, key, isExpanded));
@ -1298,9 +1330,9 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.renderTreefromData = function (data) {
var _props6 = _this7.props,
renderTitle = _props6.renderTitle,
renderTreeNodes = _props6.renderTreeNodes;
var _props7 = _this8.props,
renderTitle = _props7.renderTitle,
renderTreeNodes = _props7.renderTreeNodes;
if (renderTreeNodes) {
return renderTreeNodes(data);
@ -1333,7 +1365,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var span = Math.abs(end - start);
if (span) {
sumHeight = span *;
sumHeight = span *;
return sumHeight;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
_this.handleScrollY = function () {
_this.handleScrollY = function (isNewDataLess, isFold) {
var store =;
var parentElement = _this.getParentElement(_this.scrollComponent);
@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
index += 1;
if (isNewDataLess && !isFold) {
parentElement.scrollTop = 0; // 如果不是因为点击收起造成的数据减少,则滚动条回到顶部
//true 为向下滚动, false 为向上滚动
var isScrollDown = index - currentIndex > 0 ? true : false;
@ -163,8 +165,9 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
var oldTreeList = this.props.treeList;
if (newTreeList !== oldTreeList) {
var isNewDataLess = newTreeList.length < oldTreeList.length;
this.treeList = newTreeList;
this.handleScrollY(isNewDataLess, nextProps.isFold);
@ -245,7 +248,9 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
InfiniteScroll.prototype.attachScrollListener = function attachScrollListener() {
var store =;
var _props = this.props,
store =,
debounceDuration = _props.debounceDuration;
var parentElement = this.getParentElement(this.scrollComponent);
if (!parentElement) {
@ -257,9 +262,8 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
var rowHeight = store.getState().rowHeight;
this.rowsInView = scrollY ? Math.floor(scrollY / rowHeight) : _config2["default"].defaultRowsInView;
scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', (0, _util.throttle)(this.scrollListener, 150), this.options ? this.options : this.props.useCapture);
scrollEl.addEventListener('resize', (0, _util.throttle)(this.scrollListener, 150), this.options ? this.options : this.props.useCapture);
scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', (0, _util.throttle)(this.scrollListener, debounceDuration || 150), this.options ? this.options : this.props.useCapture);
scrollEl.addEventListener('resize', (0, _util.throttle)(this.scrollListener, debounceDuration || 150), this.options ? this.options : this.props.useCapture);
* 滚动事件监听
@ -281,15 +285,15 @@ var InfiniteScroll = function (_Component) {
InfiniteScroll.prototype.render = function render() {
var _this2 = this;
var _props = this.props,
children = _props.children,
element = _props.element,
ref = _props.ref,
getScrollParent = _props.getScrollParent,
treeList = _props.treeList,
handleTreeListChange = _props.handleTreeListChange,
store =,
props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props, ['children', 'element', 'ref', 'getScrollParent', 'treeList', 'handleTreeListChange', 'store']);
var _props2 = this.props,
children = _props2.children,
element = _props2.element,
ref = _props2.ref,
getScrollParent = _props2.getScrollParent,
treeList = _props2.treeList,
handleTreeListChange = _props2.handleTreeListChange,
store =,
props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props2, ['children', 'element', 'ref', 'getScrollParent', 'treeList', 'handleTreeListChange', 'store']);
props.ref = function (node) {
_this2.scrollComponent = node;
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ exports.getNodeChildren = getNodeChildren;
exports.warnOnlyTreeNode = warnOnlyTreeNode;
exports.convertListToTree = convertListToTree;
exports.throttle = throttle;
exports.debounce = debounce;
var _react = require('react');
@ -517,3 +518,24 @@ function throttle(fn, wait) {
* 函数防抖
* @param {*} func 延时调用函数
* @param {*} wait 延迟多长时间
* @return Function 延迟执行的方法
function debounce(fn, delay) {
var timeout = null; // 创建一个标记用来存放定时器的返回值
return function (e) {
var _this = this,
_arguments = arguments;
// 每当用户输入的时候把前一个 setTimeout clear 掉
// 然后又创建一个新的 setTimeout, 这样就能保证interval 间隔内如果时间持续触发,就不会执行 fn 函数
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
fn.apply(_this, _arguments);
}, delay);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "bee-tree",
"version": "2.1.48",
"version": "2.1.49-beta.1",
"version-yonui": "2.1.27-yonui.0",
"description": "Tree ui component for react",
"keywords": [
@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ onExpand(treeNode,keyType) {
const filterExpandedKeys = [];
const removeRoot = this.latestState === false && props.canCloseFreely
const cachedLatestState = this.latestState // 这个值用来判断此次刷新是否是因为点击了展开/收回
this.latestState = null
loopAllChildren(props.children, (item, index, pos, newKey) => {
if (expandAll) {
@ -817,7 +818,7 @@ onExpand(treeNode,keyType) {
} else if (props.autoExpandParent) {
expandedPositionArr.forEach(p => {
if ((p.split('-').length > pos.split('-').length && isInclude(pos.split('-'), p.split('-')) || pos === p) && filterExpandedKeys.indexOf(newKey) === -1) {
if (!props.canCloseFreely || (this.cacheExpandedKeys ? this.cacheExpandedKeys.has(newKey) : true)) {
if (!props.canCloseFreely || (cachedLatestState === null ? true : this.cacheExpandedKeys ? this.cacheExpandedKeys.has(newKey) : true)) {
Reference in New Issue