import React,{ReactDOM} from 'react'; import {shallow, mount, render} from 'enzyme'; import {expect} from 'chai'; //import Tree from '../src/index'; import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; const Simulate = TestUtils.Simulate; import Tree from '../src/Tree'; import TreeNode from '../src/TreeNode'; //const TreeNode = Tree.TreeNode; describe('simple tree', () => { let tree; it('should add css class of root dom node', () => { tree = mount( ); expect(tree.hasClass('forTest')).to.equal(true); }); it('should have checkbox, default expand all treeNode, not show icon, show line', (done) => { tree = mount( ); setTimeout(() => { // have checkbox expect(tree.find('.rc-tree-checkbox').length).to.equal(5); // expand all treeNode //console.log(tree.find('.rc-tree-switcher').last().html()); expect(tree.find('.rc-tree-switcher').length).to.equal(5) expect(tree.find('.rc-tree-switcher').last().hasClass('rc-tree-switcher-noop')).to.equal(true); // not show icon expect(tree.find('.rc-tree-iconEle').length).to.equal(0); // show line expect(tree.find('.rc-tree-line').length).to.equal(1); done(); }, 50); }); it('should set default expandedKeys, selectedKeys and checkedKeys', () => { tree = mount( ); const li = tree.find('li').first(); expect(li.find('.rc-tree-switcher').first().hasClass('rc-tree-noline_open')).to.equal(true); expect(li.find('.rc-tree-checkbox-checked').length).to.equal(3); expect(li.find('.rc-tree-node-selected').length).to.equal(1); }); it('should expand specific treeNode', (done) => { function cb() { setTimeout(() => { expect(li.find('.rc-tree-switcher').first().hasClass('rc-tree-noline_open')).to.equal(true); done(); }); } tree = mount( ); const li = tree.find('li').first(); li.find('.rc-tree-switcher').first().simulate('click'); //'.rc-tree-switcher').first()); }); it('should fire check event', (done) => { function cb(checkedKeys) { expect(checkedKeys.indexOf('0-0-0-1') > -1).to.equal(true); done(); } tree = mount( ); const ele = tree.find('li').at(1).find(".rc-tree-checkbox").at(0); ele.simulate("click"); }); it('should filter treeNode', () => { function filterTreeNode(treeNode) { return treeNode.props.title.indexOf('parent') > -1; } tree = mount( ); expect(tree.find('.filter-node').length).to.equal(1); }); }); describe('draggable tree', () => { let tree; let div; it('should fire drag and drop event', () => { function cb(info) { console.log(info); expect(true).to.equal(true); } tree = mount( ); Simulate.dragStart(tree.find("li").at(1).find('a')); const li = tree.find("li").at(3); Simulate.dragEnter(li); Simulate.dragOver(li); Simulate.dragLeave(li); Simulate.drop(li); }); });