
578 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _react = require('react');
var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);
var _reactDom = require('react-dom');
var _reactDom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactDom);
var _classnames = require('classnames');
var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames);
var _beeAnimate = require('bee-animate');
var _beeAnimate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_beeAnimate);
var _util = require('./util');
var _propTypes = require('prop-types');
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes);
var _tinperBeeCore = require('tinper-bee-core');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _defaults(obj, defaults) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(defaults); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(defaults, key); if (value && value.configurable && obj[key] === undefined) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, value); } } return obj; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : _defaults(subClass, superClass); }
var browserUa = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? (0, _util.browser)(window.navigator) : '';
var ieOrEdge = /.*(IE|Edge).+/.test(browserUa);
// const uaArray = browserUa.split(' ');
// const gtIE8 = uaArray.length !== 2 || uaArray[0].indexOf('IE') === -1 || Number(uaArray[1]) > 8;
var defaultTitle = '---';
var TreeNode = function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(TreeNode, _React$Component);
function TreeNode(props) {
_classCallCheck(this, TreeNode);
var _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$, props));
_this2.getNodeChildren = function () {
var children = _this2.props.children;
var originList = (0, _util.toArray)(children).filter(function (node) {
return node;
var targetList = (0, _util.getNodeChildren)(originList);
if (originList.length !== targetList.length) {
(0, _util.warnOnlyTreeNode)();
return targetList;
['onExpand', 'onCheck', 'onContextMenu', 'onMouseEnter', 'onMouseLeave', 'onDragStart', 'onDragEnter', 'onDragOver', 'onDragLeave', 'onDrop', 'onDragEnd', 'onDoubleClick', 'onKeyDown'].forEach(function (m) {
_this2[m] = _this2[m].bind(_this2);
_this2.state = {
dataLoading: false,
dragNodeHighlight: false
return _this2;
TreeNode.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
if (!this.props.root._treeNodeInstances) {
this.props.root._treeNodeInstances = [];
// shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
// if (!nextProps.expanded) {
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// }
TreeNode.prototype.onCheck = function onCheck() {
TreeNode.prototype.onSelect = function onSelect() {
var _this = this;
if (this.props.onDoubleClick) {
this.doubleClickFlag = setTimeout(function () {
//do function在此处写单击事件要执行的代码
}, 300);
} else {
TreeNode.prototype.onDoubleClick = function onDoubleClick() {
TreeNode.prototype.onMouseEnter = function onMouseEnter(e) {
this.props.root.onMouseEnter(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onMouseLeave = function onMouseLeave(e) {
this.props.root.onMouseLeave(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onContextMenu = function onContextMenu(e) {
this.props.root.onContextMenu(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onDragStart = function onDragStart(e) {
// console.log('dragstart', this.props.eventKey, e);
// e.preventDefault();
dragNodeHighlight: true
this.props.root.onDragStart(e, this);
try {
// ie throw error
// firefox-need-it
e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', '');
} finally {
// empty
TreeNode.prototype.onDragEnter = function onDragEnter(e) {
this.props.root.onDragEnter(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onDragOver = function onDragOver(e) {
// todo disabled
this.props.root.onDragOver(e, this);
return false;
TreeNode.prototype.onDragLeave = function onDragLeave(e) {
this.props.root.onDragLeave(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onDrop = function onDrop(e) {
dragNodeHighlight: false
this.props.root.onDrop(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onDragEnd = function onDragEnd(e) {
dragNodeHighlight: false
this.props.root.onDragEnd(e, this);
TreeNode.prototype.onExpand = function onExpand() {
var _this3 = this;
var callbackPromise = this.props.root.onExpand(this);
if (callbackPromise && (typeof callbackPromise === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(callbackPromise)) === 'object') {
var setLoading = function setLoading(dataLoading) {
dataLoading: dataLoading
callbackPromise.then(function () {
}, function () {
// keyboard event support
TreeNode.prototype.onKeyDown = function onKeyDown(e) {
this.props.root.onKeyDown(e, this);
if (e.keyCode == _tinperBeeCore.KeyCode.SPACE || e.keyCode == _tinperBeeCore.KeyCode.DOWN || e.keyCode == _tinperBeeCore.KeyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode == _tinperBeeCore.KeyCode.RIGHT || e.keyCode == _tinperBeeCore.KeyCode.UP) {
TreeNode.prototype.renderSwitcher = function renderSwitcher(props, expandedState) {
var stateIcon = void 0;
var prefixCls = props.prefixCls;
var switcherCls = _defineProperty({}, prefixCls + '-switcher', true);
if (!props.showLine) {
switcherCls[prefixCls + '-noline_' + expandedState] = true;
} else if (props.pos === '0-0') {
switcherCls[prefixCls + '-roots_' + expandedState] = true;
} else {
switcherCls[prefixCls + '-center_' + expandedState] = !props.last;
switcherCls[prefixCls + '-bottom_' + expandedState] = props.last;
if (expandedState === 'open' && props.openIcon) {
stateIcon = props.openIcon;
switcherCls['icon-none'] = true;
if (expandedState === 'close' && props.closeIcon) {
stateIcon = props.closeIcon;
switcherCls['icon-none'] = true;
//switcherCls[stateIcon] = stateIcon;
props.switcherClass ? switcherCls['' + props.switcherClass] = true : '';
if (props.disabled && !props.mustExpandable) {
switcherCls[prefixCls + '-switcher-disabled'] = true;
return _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(switcherCls), style: props.switcherStyle },
return _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(switcherCls), style: props.switcherStyle, onClick: this.onExpand },
TreeNode.prototype.renderCheckbox = function renderCheckbox(props) {
var prefixCls = props.prefixCls;
var checkboxCls = _defineProperty({}, prefixCls + '-checkbox', true);
if (props.checked) {
checkboxCls[prefixCls + '-checkbox-checked'] = true;
} else if (props.halfChecked) {
checkboxCls[prefixCls + '-checkbox-indeterminate'] = true;
var customEle = null;
if (typeof props.checkable !== 'boolean') {
customEle = props.checkable;
if (props.disabled || props.disableCheckbox) {
checkboxCls[prefixCls + '-checkbox-disabled'] = true;
return _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(checkboxCls) },
return _react2["default"].createElement(
className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(checkboxCls),
onClick: this.onCheck
TreeNode.prototype.renderChildren = function renderChildren(props) {
var renderFirst = this.renderFirst;
this.renderFirst = 1;
var transitionAppear = true;
if (!renderFirst && props.expanded) {
transitionAppear = false;
var children = props.children;
var newChildren = children;
// 确定所有子节点是否是TreeNode
var allTreeNode = false;
if (Array.isArray(children)) {
for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
var item = children[index];
allTreeNode = item.type.isTreeNode == 1;
if (!allTreeNode) {
//当检查到子节点中有不是 TreeNode 的,则直接结束检查。同时不会渲染所有子节点
} else if (children && children.type && children.type.isTreeNode == 1) {
allTreeNode = true;
// 如果props.children的长度大于0才可以生成子对象
if (allTreeNode && _react2["default"].Children.count(children)) {
var _cls;
var cls = (_cls = {}, _defineProperty(_cls, props.prefixCls + '-child-tree', true), _defineProperty(_cls, props.prefixCls + '-child-tree-open', props.expanded), _cls);
if (props.showLine) {
cls[props.prefixCls + '-line'] = !props.last;
var animProps = {};
if (props.openTransitionName) {
animProps.transitionName = props.openTransitionName;
} else if (_typeof(props.openAnimation) === 'object') {
animProps.animation = _extends({}, props.openAnimation);
if (!transitionAppear) {
delete animProps.animation.appear;
newChildren = _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({}, animProps, {
showProp: 'data-expanded',
transitionAppear: transitionAppear,
component: ''
!props.expanded ? null : _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(cls), 'data-expanded': props.expanded },
_react2["default"], function (item, index) {
return props.root.renderTreeNode(item, index, props.pos);
}, props.root)
return newChildren;
* @returns
* @memberof TreeNode
TreeNode.prototype.checkIsLeaf = function checkIsLeaf() {
var _props = this.props,
isLeaf = _props.isLeaf,
loadData = _props.loadData;
var rs = isLeaf;
if (rs === false || rs === true) {
return rs;
} else {
var hasChildren = this.getNodeChildren().length !== 0;
return !loadData && !hasChildren;
TreeNode.prototype.render = function render() {
var _iconEleCls,
_this4 = this;
var props = this.props;
var prefixCls = props.prefixCls;
var expandedState = props.expanded ? 'open' : 'close';
var iconState = expandedState;
var canRenderSwitcher = true;
var content = props.title;
var newChildren = this.renderChildren(props);
var openIconCls = false,
closeIconCls = false;
var timer = 0;
var delay = 500;
var prevent = false;
// if (!newChildren || newChildren === props.children) {
// // content = newChildren;
// newChildren = null;
// if (!props.loadData || props.isLeaf) {
// canRenderSwitcher = false;
// iconState = 'docu';
// }
// }
if (this.checkIsLeaf()) {
canRenderSwitcher = false;
iconState = 'docu';
// For performance, does't render children into dom when `!props.expanded` (move to Animate)
// if (!props.expanded) {
// newChildren = null;
// }
var iconEleCls = (_iconEleCls = {}, _defineProperty(_iconEleCls, prefixCls + '-iconEle', true), _defineProperty(_iconEleCls, prefixCls + '-icon_loading', this.state.dataLoading), _defineProperty(_iconEleCls, prefixCls + '-icon__' + iconState, true), _iconEleCls);
var selectHandle = function selectHandle() {
var titleClass = props.titleClass ? prefixCls + '-title' + ' ' + props.className : prefixCls + '-title';
// const icon = (props.showIcon || props.loadData && this.state.dataLoading) ?
// <span className={classNames(iconEleCls)}></span> : null;
var icon = void 0;
if (props.showIcon && props.icon) {
icon = _react2["default"].createElement(
className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(prefixCls + '-iconEle', prefixCls + '-icon__customize')
typeof currentIcon === 'function' ? _react2["default"].createElement(props.icon, _extends({}, _this4.props)) : props.icon
} else if (props.showIcon || props.loadData && _this4.state.dataLoading) {
icon = _react2["default"].createElement('span', { className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(iconEleCls) });
var title = _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: titleClass, style: props.titleStyle },
var wrap = prefixCls + '-node-content-wrapper';
var domProps = {
className: wrap + ' ' + wrap + '-' + (iconState === expandedState ? iconState : 'normal')
if (!props.disabled) {
if (props.selected || !props._dropTrigger && _this4.state.dragNodeHighlight) {
domProps.className += ' ' + prefixCls + '-node-selected';
domProps.onClick = function (e) {
var _this = _this4;
if (props.selectable) {
// not fire check event
// if (props.checkable) {
// this.onCheck();
// }
if (props.onDoubleClick) {
domProps.onDoubleClick = _this4.onDoubleClick;
if (props.onRightClick) {
domProps.onContextMenu = _this4.onContextMenu;
if (props.onMouseEnter) {
domProps.onMouseEnter = _this4.onMouseEnter;
if (props.onMouseLeave) {
domProps.onMouseLeave = _this4.onMouseLeave;
if (props.draggable) {
domProps.className += ' draggable';
if (ieOrEdge) {
// ie bug!
domProps.href = '#';
domProps.draggable = true;
domProps['aria-grabbed'] = true;
domProps.onDragStart = _this4.onDragStart;
if (props.focusable) {
domProps.onKeyDown = _this4.onKeyDown;
domProps.tabIndex = -1;
if (props.tabIndexKey) {
if (props.eventKey == props.tabIndexKey) {
domProps.tabIndex = props.tabIndexValue;
} else if (props.pos == '0-0') {
domProps.tabIndex = props.tabIndexValue;
return _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({ ref: function ref(el) {
_this4.selectHandle = el;
}, pos: props.pos, title: typeof content === 'string' ? content : '' }, domProps),
var liProps = {};
if (props.liAttr) {
liProps = _extends({}, props.liAttr);
if (props.draggable) {
liProps.onDragEnter = this.onDragEnter;
liProps.onDragOver = this.onDragOver;
liProps.onDragLeave = this.onDragLeave;
liProps.onDrop = this.onDrop;
liProps.onDragEnd = this.onDragEnd;
var disabledCls = '';
var dragOverCls = '';
if (props.disabled) {
disabledCls = prefixCls + '-treenode-disabled';
} else if (props.dragOver) {
dragOverCls = 'drag-over';
} else if (props.dragOverGapTop) {
dragOverCls = 'drag-over-gap-top';
} else if (props.dragOverGapBottom) {
dragOverCls = 'drag-over-gap-bottom';
var filterCls = props.filterTreeNode ? props.filterTreeNode(this) ? 'filter-node' : '' : '';
var noopSwitcher = function noopSwitcher() {
var _cls2;
var cls = (_cls2 = {}, _defineProperty(_cls2, prefixCls + '-switcher', true), _defineProperty(_cls2, prefixCls + '-switcher-noop', true), _cls2);
if (props.showLine) {
// console.log('line---------');
cls[prefixCls + '-center_docu'] = !props.last;
cls[prefixCls + '-bottom_docu'] = props.last;
} else {
cls[prefixCls + '-noline_docu'] = true;
return _react2["default"].createElement('span', { className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(cls) });
var selectedCls = props.selected ? prefixCls + '-treenode-selected' : '';
var focusedCls = props.focused ? prefixCls + '-treenode-focused' : '';
return _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({}, liProps, { style:,
className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(props.className, disabledCls, dragOverCls, filterCls, selectedCls, focusedCls)
canRenderSwitcher ? this.renderSwitcher(props, expandedState) : noopSwitcher(),
props.checkable ? this.renderCheckbox(props) : null,
return TreeNode;
TreeNode.isTreeNode = 1;
TreeNode.propTypes = {
prefixCls: _propTypes2["default"].string,
disabled: _propTypes2["default"].bool,
disableCheckbox: _propTypes2["default"].bool,
expanded: _propTypes2["default"].bool,
isLeaf: _propTypes2["default"].bool,
root: _propTypes2["default"].object,
onSelect: _propTypes2["default"].func,
openIcon: _propTypes2["default"].element,
closeIcon: _propTypes2["default"].element,
style: _propTypes2["default"].object,
className: _propTypes2["default"].string,
titleClass: _propTypes2["default"].string,
titleStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object,
switcherClass: _propTypes2["default"].string,
switcherStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object
TreeNode.defaultProps = {
title: defaultTitle,
tabIndexValue: 0,
mustExpandable: false
exports["default"] = TreeNode;
module.exports = exports['default'];