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.. _topics-i18n:
Django has full support for internationalization of text in code and
templates, and format localization of dates and numbers. Here's how it works.
The goal of internationalization is to allow a single Web application to offer
its content and functionality in multiple languages and locales.
For text translation, you, the Django developer, can accomplish this goal by
adding a minimal amount of hooks to your Python code and templates. These hooks
are called **translation strings**. They tell Django: "This text should be
translated into the end user's language, if a translation for this text is
available in that language."
Django takes care of using these hooks to translate Web apps, on the fly,
according to users' language preferences.
Essentially, Django does two things:
* It lets developers and template authors specify which parts of their apps
should be translatable.
* It uses these hooks to translate Web apps for particular users according
to their language preferences.
For format localization, it's just necessary to set
:setting:`USE_L10N = True <USE_L10N>` in your settings file. If
:setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, Django will display
numbers and dates in the format of the current locale. That includes field
representation on templates, and allowed input formats on the admin.
If you don't need internationalization in your app
Django's internationalization hooks are on by default, and that means there's a
bit of i18n-related overhead in certain places of the framework. If you don't
use internationalization, you should take the two seconds to set
:setting:`USE_I18N = False <USE_I18N>` in your settings file. If
:setting:`USE_I18N` is set to ``False``, then Django will make some
optimizations so as not to load the internationalization machinery.
You'll probably also want to remove ``'django.core.context_processors.i18n'``
from your ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting.
If you do need internationalization: three steps
1. Embed translation strings in your Python code and templates.
2. Get translations for those strings, in whichever languages you want to
3. Activate the locale middleware in your Django settings.
.. admonition:: Behind the scenes
Django's translation machinery uses the standard ``gettext`` module that
comes with Python.
1. How to specify translation strings
Translation strings specify "This text should be translated." These strings can
appear in your Python code and templates. It's your responsibility to mark
translatable strings; the system can only translate strings it knows about.
In Python code
Standard translation
Specify a translation string by using the function ``ugettext()``. It's
convention to import this as a shorter alias, ``_``, to save typing.
.. note::
Python's standard library ``gettext`` module installs ``_()`` into the
global namespace, as an alias for ``gettext()``. In Django, we have chosen
not to follow this practice, for a couple of reasons:
1. For international character set (Unicode) support, ``ugettext()`` is
more useful than ``gettext()``. Sometimes, you should be using
``ugettext_lazy()`` as the default translation method for a particular
file. Without ``_()`` in the global namespace, the developer has to
think about which is the most appropriate translation function.
2. The underscore character (``_``) is used to represent "the previous
result" in Python's interactive shell and doctest tests. Installing a
global ``_()`` function causes interference. Explicitly importing
``ugettext()`` as ``_()`` avoids this problem.
.. highlightlang:: python
In this example, the text ``"Welcome to my site."`` is marked as a translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
def my_view(request):
output = _("Welcome to my site.")
return HttpResponse(output)
Obviously, you could code this without using the alias. This example is
identical to the previous one::
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
def my_view(request):
output = ugettext("Welcome to my site.")
return HttpResponse(output)
Translation works on computed values. This example is identical to the previous
def my_view(request):
words = ['Welcome', 'to', 'my', 'site.']
output = _(' '.join(words))
return HttpResponse(output)
Translation works on variables. Again, here's an identical example::
def my_view(request):
sentence = 'Welcome to my site.'
output = _(sentence)
return HttpResponse(output)
(The caveat with using variables or computed values, as in the previous two
examples, is that Django's translation-string-detecting utility,
`` makemessages``, won't be able to find these strings. More on
``makemessages`` later.)
The strings you pass to ``_()`` or ``ugettext()`` can take placeholders,
specified with Python's standard named-string interpolation syntax. Example::
def my_view(request, m, d):
output = _('Today is %(month)s, %(day)s.') % {'month': m, 'day': d}
return HttpResponse(output)
This technique lets language-specific translations reorder the placeholder
text. For example, an English translation may be ``"Today is November, 26."``,
while a Spanish translation may be ``"Hoy es 26 de Noviembre."`` -- with the
placeholders (the month and the day) with their positions swapped.
For this reason, you should use named-string interpolation (e.g., ``%(day)s``)
instead of positional interpolation (e.g., ``%s`` or ``%d``) whenever you
have more than a single parameter. If you used positional interpolation,
translations wouldn't be able to reorder placeholder text.
Marking strings as no-op
Use the function ``django.utils.translation.ugettext_noop()`` to mark a string
as a translation string without translating it. The string is later translated
from a variable.
Use this if you have constant strings that should be stored in the source
language because they are exchanged over systems or users -- such as strings in
a database -- but should be translated at the last possible point in time, such
as when the string is presented to the user.
.. _lazy-translations:
Lazy translation
Use the function ``django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy()`` to translate
strings lazily -- when the value is accessed rather than when the
``ugettext_lazy()`` function is called.
For example, to translate a model's ``help_text``, do the following::
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
class MyThing(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(help_text=ugettext_lazy('This is the help text'))
In this example, ``ugettext_lazy()`` stores a lazy reference to the string --
not the actual translation. The translation itself will be done when the string
is used in a string context, such as template rendering on the Django admin
The result of a ``ugettext_lazy()`` call can be used wherever you would use a
unicode string (an object with type ``unicode``) in Python. If you try to use
it where a bytestring (a ``str`` object) is expected, things will not work as
expected, since a ``ugettext_lazy()`` object doesn't know how to convert
itself to a bytestring. You can't use a unicode string inside a bytestring,
either, so this is consistent with normal Python behavior. For example::
# This is fine: putting a unicode proxy into a unicode string.
u"Hello %s" % ugettext_lazy("people")
# This will not work, since you cannot insert a unicode object
# into a bytestring (nor can you insert our unicode proxy there)
"Hello %s" % ugettext_lazy("people")
If you ever see output that looks like ``"hello
<django.utils.functional...>"``, you have tried to insert the result of
``ugettext_lazy()`` into a bytestring. That's a bug in your code.
If you don't like the verbose name ``ugettext_lazy``, you can just alias it as
``_`` (underscore), like so::
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class MyThing(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(help_text=_('This is the help text'))
Always use lazy translations in :ref:`Django models <topics-db-models>`.
Field names and table names should be marked for translation (otherwise, they
won't be translated in the admin interface). This means writing explicit
``verbose_name`` and ``verbose_name_plural`` options in the ``Meta`` class,
though, rather than relying on Django's default determination of
``verbose_name`` and ``verbose_name_plural`` by looking at the model's class
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class MyThing(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(_('name'), help_text=_('This is the help text'))
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('my thing')
verbose_name_plural = _('mythings')
Use the function ``django.utils.translation.ungettext()`` to specify pluralized
``ungettext`` takes three arguments: the singular translation string, the
plural translation string and the number of objects.
This function is useful when you need your Django application to be localizable
to languages where the number and complexity of `plural forms
<>`_ is
greater than the two forms used in English ('object' for the singular and
'objects' for all the cases where ``count`` is different from zero,
irrespective of its value).
For example::
from django.utils.translation import ungettext
def hello_world(request, count):
page = ungettext('there is %(count)d object', 'there are %(count)d objects', count) % {
'count': count,
return HttpResponse(page)
In this example the number of objects is passed to the translation languages as
the ``count`` variable.
Lets see a slightly more complex usage example::
from django.utils.translation import ungettext
count = Report.objects.count()
if count == 1:
name = Report._meta.verbose_name
name = Report._meta.verbose_name_plural
text = ungettext(
'There is %(count)d %(name)s available.',
'There are %(count)d %(name)s available.',
) % {
'count': count,
'name': name
Here we reuse localizable, hopefully already translated literals (contained in
the ``verbose_name`` and ``verbose_name_plural`` model ``Meta`` options) for
other parts of the sentence so all of it is consistently based on the
cardinality of the elements at play.
.. _pluralization-var-notes:
.. note::
When using this technique, make sure you use a single name for every
extrapolated variable included in the literal. In the example above note
how we used the ``name`` Python variable in both translation strings. This
example would fail::
from django.utils.translation import ungettext
from myapp.models import Report
count = Report.objects.count()
d = {
'count': count,
'name': Report._meta.verbose_name
'plural_name': Report._meta.verbose_name_plural
text = ungettext(
'There is %(count)d %(name)s available.',
'There are %(count)d %(plural_name)s available.',
) % d
You would get a ``a format specification for argument 'name', as in
'msgstr[0]', doesn't exist in 'msgid'`` error when running
`` compilemessages`` or a ``KeyError`` Python exception at
In template code
.. highlightlang:: html+django
Translations in :ref:`Django templates <topics-templates>` uses two template
tags and a slightly different syntax than in Python code. To give your template
access to these tags, put ``{% load i18n %}`` toward the top of your template.
The ``{% trans %}`` template tag translates either a constant string
(enclosed in single or double quotes) or variable content::
<title>{% trans "This is the title." %}</title>
<title>{% trans myvar %}</title>
If the ``noop`` option is present, variable lookup still takes place, but the
original text will be returned unchanged. This is useful when "stubbing out"
content that will require translation in the future::
<title>{% trans "myvar" noop %}</title>
Internally, inline translations use an ``ugettext`` call.
It's not possible to mix a template variable inside a string within ``{% trans
%}``. If your translations require strings with variables (placeholders), use
``{% blocktrans %}``::
{% blocktrans %}This string will have {{ value }} inside.{% endblocktrans %}
To translate a template expression -- say, using template filters -- you need
to bind the expression to a local variable for use within the translation
{% blocktrans with value|filter as myvar %}
This will have {{ myvar }} inside.
{% endblocktrans %}
If you need to bind more than one expression inside a ``blocktrans`` tag,
separate the pieces with ``and``::
{% blocktrans with book|title as book_t and author|title as author_t %}
This is {{ book_t }} by {{ author_t }}
{% endblocktrans %}
To pluralize, specify both the singular and plural forms with the
``{% plural %}`` tag, which appears within ``{% blocktrans %}`` and
``{% endblocktrans %}``. Example::
{% blocktrans count list|length as counter %}
There is only one {{ name }} object.
{% plural %}
There are {{ counter }} {{ name }} objects.
{% endblocktrans %}
When you use the pluralization feature and bind additional values to local
variables apart from the counter value that selects the translated literal to
be used, have in mind that the ``blocktrans`` construct is internally converted
to an ``ungettext`` call. This means the same :ref:`notes regarding ungettext
variables <pluralization-var-notes>` apply.
Each ``RequestContext`` has access to three translation-specific variables:
* ``LANGUAGES`` is a list of tuples in which the first element is the
language code and the second is the language name (translated into the
currently active locale).
* ``LANGUAGE_CODE`` is the current user's preferred language, as a string.
Example: ``en-us``. (See :ref:`how-django-discovers-language-preference`,
* ``LANGUAGE_BIDI`` is the current locale's direction. If True, it's a
right-to-left language, e.g.: Hebrew, Arabic. If False it's a
left-to-right language, e.g.: English, French, German etc.
If you don't use the ``RequestContext`` extension, you can get those values
with three tags::
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% get_available_languages as LANGUAGES %}
{% get_current_language_bidi as LANGUAGE_BIDI %}
These tags also require a ``{% load i18n %}``.
Translation hooks are also available within any template block tag that accepts
constant strings. In those cases, just use ``_()`` syntax to specify a
translation string::
{% some_special_tag _("Page not found") value|yesno:_("yes,no") %}
In this case, both the tag and the filter will see the already-translated
string, so they don't need to be aware of translations.
.. note::
In this example, the translation infrastructure will be passed the string
``"yes,no"``, not the individual strings ``"yes"`` and ``"no"``. The
translated string will need to contain the comma so that the filter
parsing code knows how to split up the arguments. For example, a German
translator might translate the string ``"yes,no"`` as ``"ja,nein"``
(keeping the comma intact).
.. _Django templates: ../templates_python/
Working with lazy translation objects
.. highlightlang:: python
Using ``ugettext_lazy()`` and ``ungettext_lazy()`` to mark strings in models
and utility functions is a common operation. When you're working with these
objects elsewhere in your code, you should ensure that you don't accidentally
convert them to strings, because they should be converted as late as possible
(so that the correct locale is in effect). This necessitates the use of a
couple of helper functions.
Joining strings: string_concat()
Standard Python string joins (``''.join([...])``) will not work on lists
containing lazy translation objects. Instead, you can use
``django.utils.translation.string_concat()``, which creates a lazy object that
concatenates its contents *and* converts them to strings only when the result
is included in a string. For example::
from django.utils.translation import string_concat
name = ugettext_lazy(u'John Lennon')
instrument = ugettext_lazy(u'guitar')
result = string_concat([name, ': ', instrument])
In this case, the lazy translations in ``result`` will only be converted to
strings when ``result`` itself is used in a string (usually at template
rendering time).
The allow_lazy() decorator
Django offers many utility functions (particularly in ``django.utils``) that
take a string as their first argument and do something to that string. These
functions are used by template filters as well as directly in other code.
If you write your own similar functions and deal with translations, you'll
face the problem of what to do when the first argument is a lazy translation
object. You don't want to convert it to a string immediately, because you might
be using this function outside of a view (and hence the current thread's locale
setting will not be correct).
For cases like this, use the ``django.utils.functional.allow_lazy()``
decorator. It modifies the function so that *if* it's called with a lazy
translation as the first argument, the function evaluation is delayed until it
needs to be converted to a string.
For example::
from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy
def fancy_utility_function(s, ...):
# Do some conversion on string 's'
fancy_utility_function = allow_lazy(fancy_utility_function, unicode)
The ``allow_lazy()`` decorator takes, in addition to the function to decorate,
a number of extra arguments (``*args``) specifying the type(s) that the
original function can return. Usually, it's enough to include ``unicode`` here
and ensure that your function returns only Unicode strings.
Using this decorator means you can write your function and assume that the
input is a proper string, then add support for lazy translation objects at the
.. _how-to-create-language-files:
2. How to create language files
Once you've tagged your strings for later translation, you need to write (or
obtain) the language translations themselves. Here's how that works.
.. admonition:: Locale restrictions
Django does not support localizing your application into a locale for
which Django itself has not been translated. In this case, it will ignore
your translation files. If you were to try this and Django supported it,
you would inevitably see a mixture of translated strings (from your
application) and English strings (from Django itself). If you want to
support a locale for your application that is not already part of
Django, you'll need to make at least a minimal translation of the Django
core. See the relevant :ref:`LocaleMiddleware note<locale-middleware-notes>`
for more details.
Message files
The first step is to create a **message file** for a new language. A message
file is a plain-text file, representing a single language, that contains all
available translation strings and how they should be represented in the given
language. Message files have a ``.po`` file extension.
Django comes with a tool, `` makemessages``, that automates the
creation and upkeep of these files.
.. admonition:: A note to Django veterans
The old tool ``bin/`` has been moved to the command
`` makemessages`` to provide consistency throughout Django.
To create or update a message file, run this command:: makemessages -l de
...where ``de`` is the language code for the message file you want to create.
The language code, in this case, is in locale format. For example, it's
``pt_BR`` for Brazilian Portuguese and ``de_AT`` for Austrian German.
The script should be run from one of three places:
* The root directory of your Django project.
* The root directory of your Django app.
* The root ``django`` directory (not a Subversion checkout, but the one
that is linked-to via ``$PYTHONPATH`` or is located somewhere on that
path). This is only relevant when you are creating a translation for
Django itself, see :ref:`contributing-translations`.
The script runs over your project source tree or your application source tree
and pulls out all strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) a
message file in the directory ``locale/LANG/LC_MESSAGES``. In the ``de``
example, the file will be ``locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po``.
By default `` makemessages`` examines every file that has the
``.html`` file extension. In case you want to override that default, use the
``--extension`` or ``-e`` option to specify the file extensions to examine:: makemessages -l de -e txt
Separate multiple extensions with commas and/or use ``-e`` or ``--extension``
multiple times:: makemessages -l=de -e=html,txt -e xml
When `creating JavaScript translation catalogs`_ you need to use the special
'djangojs' domain, **not** ``-e js``.
.. admonition:: No gettext?
If you don't have the ``gettext`` utilities installed, ``
makemessages`` will create empty files. If that's the case, either install
the ``gettext`` utilities or just copy the English message file
(``locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po``) if available and use it as a starting
point; it's just an empty translation file.
.. admonition:: Working on Windows?
If you're using Windows and need to install the GNU gettext utilities so
``django-admin makemessages`` works see `gettext on Windows`_ for more
The format of ``.po`` files is straightforward. Each ``.po`` file contains a
small bit of metadata, such as the translation maintainer's contact
information, but the bulk of the file is a list of **messages** -- simple
mappings between translation strings and the actual translated text for the
particular language.
For example, if your Django app contained a translation string for the text
``"Welcome to my site."``, like so::
_("Welcome to my site.")
...then `` makemessages`` will have created a ``.po`` file
containing the following snippet -- a message::
#: path/to/python/
msgid "Welcome to my site."
msgstr ""
A quick explanation:
* ``msgid`` is the translation string, which appears in the source. Don't
change it.
* ``msgstr`` is where you put the language-specific translation. It starts
out empty, so it's your responsibility to change it. Make sure you keep
the quotes around your translation.
* As a convenience, each message includes, in the form of a comment line
prefixed with ``#`` and located above the ``msgid`` line, the filename
and line number from which the translation string was gleaned.
Long messages are a special case. There, the first string directly after the
``msgstr`` (or ``msgid``) is an empty string. Then the content itself will be
written over the next few lines as one string per line. Those strings are
directly concatenated. Don't forget trailing spaces within the strings;
otherwise, they'll be tacked together without whitespace!
.. admonition:: Mind your charset
When creating a PO file with your favorite text editor, first edit
the charset line (search for ``"CHARSET"``) and set it to the charset
you'll be using to edit the content. Due to the way the ``gettext`` tools
work internally and because we want to allow non-ASCII source strings in
Django's core and your applications, you **must** use UTF-8 as the encoding
for your PO file. This means that everybody will be using the same
encoding, which is important when Django processes the PO files.
To reexamine all source code and templates for new translation strings and
update all message files for **all** languages, run this:: makemessages -a
Compiling message files
After you create your message file -- and each time you make changes to it --
you'll need to compile it into a more efficient form, for use by ``gettext``.
Do this with the `` compilemessages`` utility.
This tool runs over all available ``.po`` files and creates ``.mo`` files,
which are binary files optimized for use by ``gettext``. In the same directory
from which you ran `` makemessages``, run ``
compilemessages`` like this:: compilemessages
That's it. Your translations are ready for use.
.. admonition:: A note to Django veterans
The old tool ``bin/`` has been moved to the command
`` compilemessages`` to provide consistency throughout
.. admonition:: Working on Windows?
If you're using Windows and need to install the GNU gettext utilities so
``django-admin compilemessages`` works see `gettext on Windows`_ for more
.. _how-django-discovers-language-preference:
3. How Django discovers language preference
Once you've prepared your translations -- or, if you just want to use the
translations that come with Django -- you'll just need to activate translation
for your app.
Behind the scenes, Django has a very flexible model of deciding which language
should be used -- installation-wide, for a particular user, or both.
To set an installation-wide language preference, set :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE`.
Django uses this language as the default translation -- the final attempt if no
other translator finds a translation.
If all you want to do is run Django with your native language, and a language
file is available for your language, all you need to do is set
If you want to let each individual user specify which language he or she
prefers, use ``LocaleMiddleware``. ``LocaleMiddleware`` enables language
selection based on data from the request. It customizes content for each user.
To use ``LocaleMiddleware``, add ``'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware'``
to your ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` setting. Because middleware order matters, you
should follow these guidelines:
* Make sure it's one of the first middlewares installed.
* It should come after ``SessionMiddleware``, because ``LocaleMiddleware``
makes use of session data.
* If you use ``CacheMiddleware``, put ``LocaleMiddleware`` after it.
For example, your ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` might look like this::
(For more on middleware, see the :ref:`middleware documentation
``LocaleMiddleware`` tries to determine the user's language preference by
following this algorithm:
* First, it looks for a ``django_language`` key in the current user's
* Failing that, it looks for a cookie.
.. versionchanged:: 1.0
In Django version 0.96 and before, the cookie's name is hard-coded to
``django_language``. In Django 1,0, The cookie name is set by the
``LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME`` setting. (The default name is
* Failing that, it looks at the ``Accept-Language`` HTTP header. This
header is sent by your browser and tells the server which language(s) you
prefer, in order by priority. Django tries each language in the header
until it finds one with available translations.
* Failing that, it uses the global ``LANGUAGE_CODE`` setting.
.. _locale-middleware-notes:
* In each of these places, the language preference is expected to be in the
standard language format, as a string. For example, Brazilian Portuguese
is ``pt-br``.
* If a base language is available but the sublanguage specified is not,
Django uses the base language. For example, if a user specifies ``de-at``
(Austrian German) but Django only has ``de`` available, Django uses
* Only languages listed in the :setting:`LANGUAGES` setting can be selected.
If you want to restrict the language selection to a subset of provided
languages (because your application doesn't provide all those languages),
set ``LANGUAGES`` to a list of languages. For example::
('de', _('German')),
('en', _('English')),
This example restricts languages that are available for automatic
selection to German and English (and any sublanguage, like de-ch or
.. _LANGUAGES setting: ../settings/#languages
* If you define a custom ``LANGUAGES`` setting, as explained in the
previous bullet, it's OK to mark the languages as translation strings
-- but use a "dummy" ``ugettext()`` function, not the one in
``django.utils.translation``. You should *never* import
``django.utils.translation`` from within your settings file, because that
module in itself depends on the settings, and that would cause a circular
The solution is to use a "dummy" ``ugettext()`` function. Here's a sample
settings file::
ugettext = lambda s: s
('de', ugettext('German')),
('en', ugettext('English')),
With this arrangement, `` makemessages`` will still find
and mark these strings for translation, but the translation won't happen
at runtime -- so you'll have to remember to wrap the languages in the
*real* ``ugettext()`` in any code that uses ``LANGUAGES`` at runtime.
* The ``LocaleMiddleware`` can only select languages for which there is a
Django-provided base translation. If you want to provide translations
for your application that aren't already in the set of translations
in Django's source tree, you'll want to provide at least basic
translations for that language. For example, Django uses technical
message IDs to translate date formats and time formats -- so you will
need at least those translations for the system to work correctly.
A good starting point is to copy the English ``.po`` file and to
translate at least the technical messages -- maybe the validation
messages, too.
Technical message IDs are easily recognized; they're all upper case. You
don't translate the message ID as with other messages, you provide the
correct local variant on the provided English value. For example, with
``DATETIME_FORMAT`` (or ``DATE_FORMAT`` or ``TIME_FORMAT``), this would
be the format string that you want to use in your language. The format
is identical to the format strings used by the ``now`` template tag.
Once ``LocaleMiddleware`` determines the user's preference, it makes this
preference available as ``request.LANGUAGE_CODE`` for each
:class:`~django.http.HttpRequest`. Feel free to read this value in your view
code. Here's a simple example::
def hello_world(request, count):
if request.LANGUAGE_CODE == 'de-at':
return HttpResponse("You prefer to read Austrian German.")
return HttpResponse("You prefer to read another language.")
Note that, with static (middleware-less) translation, the language is in
``settings.LANGUAGE_CODE``, while with dynamic (middleware) translation, it's
in ``request.LANGUAGE_CODE``.
.. _settings file: ../settings/
.. _middleware documentation: ../middleware/
.. _session: ../sessions/
.. _request object: ../request_response/#httprequest-objects
.. _translations-in-your-own-projects:
Using translations in your own projects
Django looks for translations by following this algorithm:
* First, it looks for a ``locale`` directory in the application directory
of the view that's being called. If it finds a translation for the
selected language, the translation will be installed.
* Next, it looks for a ``locale`` directory in the project directory. If it
finds a translation, the translation will be installed.
* Finally, it checks the Django-provided base translation in
This way, you can write applications that include their own translations, and
you can override base translations in your project path. Or, you can just build
a big project out of several apps and put all translations into one big project
message file. The choice is yours.
.. note::
If you're using manually configured settings, as described
:ref:`settings-without-django-settings-module`, the ``locale`` directory in
the project directory will not be examined, since Django loses the ability
to work out the location of the project directory. (Django normally uses
the location of the settings file to determine this, and a settings file
doesn't exist if you're manually configuring your settings.)
All message file repositories are structured the same way. They are:
* ``$APPPATH/locale/<language>/LC_MESSAGES/django.(po|mo)``
* ``$PROJECTPATH/locale/<language>/LC_MESSAGES/django.(po|mo)``
* All paths listed in ``LOCALE_PATHS`` in your settings file are
searched in that order for ``<language>/LC_MESSAGES/django.(po|mo)``
* ``$PYTHONPATH/django/conf/locale/<language>/LC_MESSAGES/django.(po|mo)``
To create message files, you use the same `` makemessages``
tool as with the Django message files. You only need to be in the right place
-- in the directory where either the ``conf/locale`` (in case of the source
tree) or the ``locale/`` (in case of app messages or project messages)
directory are located. And you use the same ``
compilemessages`` to produce the binary ```` files that are used by
You can also run `` compilemessages`` to make the compiler process all the directories
in your ``LOCALE_PATHS`` setting.
Application message files are a bit complicated to discover -- they need the
``LocaleMiddleware``. If you don't use the middleware, only the Django message
files and project message files will be processed.
Finally, you should give some thought to the structure of your translation
files. If your applications need to be delivered to other users and will
be used in other projects, you might want to use app-specific translations.
But using app-specific translations and project translations could produce
weird problems with ``makemessages``: ``makemessages`` will traverse all
directories below the current path and so might put message IDs into the
project message file that are already in application message files.
The easiest way out is to store applications that are not part of the project
(and so carry their own translations) outside the project tree. That way,
`` makemessages`` on the project level will only translate
strings that are connected to your explicit project and not strings that are
distributed independently.
The ``set_language`` redirect view
As a convenience, Django comes with a view, ``django.views.i18n.set_language``,
that sets a user's language preference and redirects back to the previous page.
Activate this view by adding the following line to your URLconf::
(r'^i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),
(Note that this example makes the view available at ``/i18n/setlang/``.)
The view expects to be called via the ``POST`` method, with a ``language``
parameter set in request. If session support is enabled, the view
saves the language choice in the user's session. Otherwise, it saves the
language choice in a cookie that is by default named ``django_language``.
(The name can be changed through the ``LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME`` setting.)
After setting the language choice, Django redirects the user, following this
* Django looks for a ``next`` parameter in the ``POST`` data.
* If that doesn't exist, or is empty, Django tries the URL in the
``Referrer`` header.
* If that's empty -- say, if a user's browser suppresses that header --
then the user will be redirected to ``/`` (the site root) as a fallback.
Here's example HTML template code:
.. code-block:: html+django
<form action="/i18n/setlang/" method="post">
<input name="next" type="hidden" value="/next/page/" />
<select name="language">
{% for lang in LANGUAGES %}
<option value="{{ lang.0 }}">{{ lang.1 }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
Translations and JavaScript
Adding translations to JavaScript poses some problems:
* JavaScript code doesn't have access to a ``gettext`` implementation.
* JavaScript code doesn't have access to .po or .mo files; they need to be
delivered by the server.
* The translation catalogs for JavaScript should be kept as small as
Django provides an integrated solution for these problems: It passes the
translations into JavaScript, so you can call ``gettext``, etc., from within
The ``javascript_catalog`` view
The main solution to these problems is the ``javascript_catalog`` view, which
sends out a JavaScript code library with functions that mimic the ``gettext``
interface, plus an array of translation strings. Those translation strings are
taken from the application, project or Django core, according to what you
specify in either the info_dict or the URL.
You hook it up like this::
js_info_dict = {
'packages': ('',),
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),
Each string in ``packages`` should be in Python dotted-package syntax (the
same format as the strings in ``INSTALLED_APPS``) and should refer to a package
that contains a ``locale`` directory. If you specify multiple packages, all
those catalogs are merged into one catalog. This is useful if you have
JavaScript that uses strings from different applications.
You can make the view dynamic by putting the packages into the URL pattern::
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^jsi18n/(?P<packages>\S+?)/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),
With this, you specify the packages as a list of package names delimited by '+'
signs in the URL. This is especially useful if your pages use code from
different apps and this changes often and you don't want to pull in one big
catalog file. As a security measure, these values can only be either
``django.conf`` or any package from the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting.
Using the JavaScript translation catalog
To use the catalog, just pull in the dynamically generated script like this::
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% url django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog %}"></script>
This uses reverse URL lookup to find the URL of the JavaScript catalog view.
When the catalog is loaded, your JavaScript code can use the standard
``gettext`` interface to access it::
document.write(gettext('this is to be translated'));
There is also an ``ngettext`` interface::
var object_cnt = 1 // or 0, or 2, or 3, ...
s = ngettext('literal for the singular case',
'literal for the plural case', object_cnt);
and even a string interpolation function::
function interpolate(fmt, obj, named);
The interpolation syntax is borrowed from Python, so the ``interpolate``
function supports both positional and named interpolation:
* Positional interpolation: ``obj`` contains a JavaScript Array object
whose elements values are then sequentially interpolated in their
corresponding ``fmt`` placeholders in the same order they appear.
For example::
fmts = ngettext('There is %s object. Remaining: %s',
'There are %s objects. Remaining: %s', 11);
s = interpolate(fmts, [11, 20]);
// s is 'There are 11 objects. Remaining: 20'
* Named interpolation: This mode is selected by passing the optional
boolean ``named`` parameter as true. ``obj`` contains a JavaScript
object or associative array. For example::
d = {
count: 10
total: 50
fmts = ngettext('Total: %(total)s, there is %(count)s object',
'there are %(count)s of a total of %(total)s objects', d.count);
s = interpolate(fmts, d, true);
You shouldn't go over the top with string interpolation, though: this is still
JavaScript, so the code has to make repeated regular-expression substitutions.
This isn't as fast as string interpolation in Python, so keep it to those
cases where you really need it (for example, in conjunction with ``ngettext``
to produce proper pluralizations).
Creating JavaScript translation catalogs
You create and update the translation catalogs the same way as the other
Django translation catalogs -- with the `` makemessages`` tool.
The only difference is you need to provide a ``-d djangojs`` parameter, like
this:: makemessages -d djangojs -l de
This would create or update the translation catalog for JavaScript for German.
After updating translation catalogs, just run ``
compilemessages`` the same way as you do with normal Django translation
Specialties of Django translation
If you know ``gettext``, you might note these specialties in the way Django
does translation:
* The string domain is ``django`` or ``djangojs``. This string domain is
used to differentiate between different programs that store their data
in a common message-file library (usually ``/usr/share/locale/``). The
``django`` domain is used for python and template translation strings
and is loaded into the global translation catalogs. The ``djangojs``
domain is only used for JavaScript translation catalogs to make sure
that those are as small as possible.
* Django doesn't use ``xgettext`` alone. It uses Python wrappers around
``xgettext`` and ``msgfmt``. This is mostly for convenience.
``gettext`` on Windows
This is only needed for people who either want to extract message IDs or
compile message files (``.po``). Translation work itself just involves editing
existing files of this type, but if you want to create your own message files,
or want to test or compile a changed message file, you will need the
``gettext`` utilities:
* Download the following zip files from the GNOME servers or from one
of its mirrors_
* ````
* ````
``X`` is the version number, we recomend using ``0.15`` or higher.
* Extract the contents of the ``bin\`` directories in both files to the
same folder on your system (i.e. ``C:\Program Files\gettext-utils``)
* Update the system PATH:
* ``Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables``
* In the ``System variables`` list, click ``Path``, click ``Edit``
* Add ``;C:\Program Files\gettext-utils\bin`` at the end of the
``Variable value`` field
.. _mirrors:
You may also use ``gettext`` binaries you have obtained elsewhere, so long as
the ``xgettext --version`` command works properly. Some version 0.14.4 binaries
have been found to not support this command. Do not attempt to use Django
translation utilities with a ``gettext`` package if the command ``xgettext
--version`` entered at a Windows command prompt causes a popup window saying
"xgettext.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows".
.. _format-localization:
Format localization
Django's formatting system is disabled by default. To enable it, it's necessay
to set :setting:`USE_L10N = True <USE_L10N>` in your settings file.
When using Django's formatting system, dates and numbers on templates will be
displayed using the format specified for the current locale. Two users
accessing the same content, but in different language, will see date and
number fields formatted in different ways, depending on the format for their
current locale.
Django will also use localized formats when parsing data in forms. That means
Django uses different formats for different locales when guessing the format
used by the user when inputting data on forms. Note that Django uses different
formats for displaying data, and for parsing it.
Creating custom format files
Django provides format definitions for many locales, but sometimes you might
want to create your own, because a format files doesn't exist for your locale,
or because you want to overwrite some of the values.
To use custom formats, first thing to do, is to specify the path where you'll
place format files. To do that, just set your :setting:`FORMAT_MODULE_PATH`
setting to the the path (in the format ``'``) where format files
will exists.
Files are not placed directly in this directory, but in a directory named as
the locale, and must be named ````.
To customize the English formats, a structure like this would be needed::
where :file:`` contains custom format definitions. For example::
to use a space as a thousand separator, instead of the default for English,
a comma.