
324 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
# Translators:
# Jannis Leidel <>, 2011
# Szilveszter Farkas <>, 2011
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: django\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-20 12:20+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-21 09:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian ("
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Personal info"
msgstr "Személyes információ"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Jogosultságok"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Important dates"
msgstr "Fontos dátumok"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password changed successfully."
msgstr "Sikeres jelszóváltoztatás."
#: contrib/auth/
#, python-format
msgid "Change password: %s"
msgstr "Jelszó megváltoztatása: %s"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Authentication and Authorization"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/tests/
#: contrib/auth/tests/ contrib/auth/tests/
msgid "No password set."
msgstr "Nincs jelszó beállítva."
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/tests/
#: contrib/auth/tests/
msgid "Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm."
msgstr "Érvénytelen jelszóformátum vagy ismeretlen hash-algoritmus."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "A user with that username already exists."
msgstr "Létezik már egy felhasználó ezzel a névvel."
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "The two password fields didn't match."
msgstr "A két jelszó mező tartalma nem egyezik meg."
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Felhasználó"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."
msgstr ""
"Kötelező. Legfeljebb 30 karakter. Betűk, számok és @/./+/-/_ karakterek."
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters."
msgstr ""
"Ez az érték csak betűket, számokat és @/./+/-/_ karaktereket tartalmazhat."
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Jelszó"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Jelszó megerősítése"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Enter the same password as above, for verification."
msgstr "Írja be a fenti jelszót ellenőrzés céljából."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid ""
"Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user's "
"password, but you can change the password using <a href=\"password/\">this "
msgstr ""
"A kódolatlan jelszavakat nem tároljuk, így a felhasználó jelszavát nem lehet "
"megtekinteni, azonban <a href=\"password/\">ezzel az űrlappal</a> a jelszó "
#: contrib/auth/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please enter a correct %(username)s and password. Note that both fields may "
"be case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Írjon be egy helyes %(username)s és jelszót. Mindkét mező kisbetű-nagybetű "
"érzékeny lehet."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "This account is inactive."
msgstr "Ez a fiók inaktív."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Új jelszó"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "New password confirmation"
msgstr "Új jelszó megerősítése"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again."
msgstr "A régi jelszó hibásan lett megadva. Írja be újra."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Régi jelszó"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Jelszó újra"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "algorithm"
msgstr "algoritmus"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "iterations"
msgstr "iterációk"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "salt"
msgstr "salt"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "hash"
msgstr "hash"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "work factor"
msgstr "erősség"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "checksum"
msgstr "ellenőrző összeg"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "name"
msgstr "név"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "codename"
msgstr "kódnév"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "permission"
msgstr "jogosultság"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "permissions"
msgstr "jogosultságok"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "group"
msgstr "csoport"
#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/
msgid "groups"
msgstr "csoportok"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "password"
msgstr "jelszó"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "last login"
msgstr "utolsó bejelentkezés"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "superuser status"
msgstr "rendszergazda státusz"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid ""
"Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning "
msgstr ""
"Megadja, hogy ez a felhasználó rendelkezik-e minden jogosultsággal anélkül, "
"hogy azt külön meg kellene adni."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid ""
"The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to "
"each of his/her group."
msgstr ""
"A csoportok, amelyekhez a felhasználó tartozik. A felhasználó minden egyes "
"csoportja jogosultságaival rendelkezni fog."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "user permissions"
msgstr "felhasználói jogosultságok"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Specific permissions for this user."
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "username"
msgstr "felhasználónév"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Enter a valid username."
msgstr "Adjon meg egy érvényes felhasnzálónevet."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "first name"
msgstr "keresztnév"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "last name"
msgstr "vezetéknév"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "email address"
msgstr "e-mail cím"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "staff status"
msgstr "személyzet státusz"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Designates whether the user can log into this admin site."
msgstr ""
"Megadja, hogy a felhasználó bejelentkezhet-e erre az adminisztrációs oldalra."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktív"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid ""
"Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this "
"instead of deleting accounts."
msgstr ""
"Megadja, hogy a felhasználó aktív-e. Állítsa át ezt az értéket a fiók "
"törlése helyett."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "date joined"
msgstr "csatlakozás dátuma"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "user"
msgstr "felhasználó"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "users"
msgstr "felhasználók"
#: contrib/auth/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:2
#, python-format
msgid "Password reset on %(site_name)s"
msgstr "Jelszó újragenerálása ezen az oldalon: %(site_name)s"
#: contrib/auth/tests/
msgid "Enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Adjon meg egy érvényes felhasználónevet."
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Logged out"
msgstr "Kijelentkezve"
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password reset successful"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Enter new password"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password reset unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password reset complete"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password change"
msgstr ""
#: contrib/auth/
msgid "Password change successful"
msgstr ""