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from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.template import Context, loader
from django.models.core import sites
from django.utils import feedgenerator
from django.conf.settings import LANGUAGE_CODE, SETTINGS_MODULE
class FeedConfiguration:
def __init__(self, slug, title_cb, link_cb, description_cb, get_list_func_cb, get_list_kwargs,
param_func=None, param_kwargs_cb=None, get_list_kwargs_cb=None, get_pubdate_cb=None,
enc_url=None, enc_length=None, enc_mime_type=None):
slug -- Normal Python string. Used to register the feed.
title_cb, link_cb, description_cb -- Functions that take the param
(if applicable) and return a normal Python string.
get_list_func_cb -- Function that takes the param and returns a
function to use in retrieving items.
get_list_kwargs -- Dictionary of kwargs to pass to the function
returned by get_list_func_cb.
param_func -- Function to use in retrieving the param (if applicable).
param_kwargs_cb -- Function that takes the slug and returns a
dictionary of kwargs to use in param_func.
get_list_kwargs_cb -- Function that takes the param and returns a
dictionary to use in addition to get_list_kwargs (if applicable).
get_pubdate_cb -- Function that takes the object and returns a datetime
to use as the publication date in the feed.
The three enc_* parameters are strings representing methods or
attributes to call on a particular item to get its enclosure
information. Each of those methods/attributes should return a normal
Python string.
self.slug = slug
self.title_cb, self.link_cb = title_cb, link_cb
self.description_cb = description_cb
self.get_list_func_cb = get_list_func_cb
self.get_list_kwargs = get_list_kwargs
self.param_func, self.param_kwargs_cb = param_func, param_kwargs_cb
self.get_list_kwargs_cb = get_list_kwargs_cb
self.get_pubdate_cb = get_pubdate_cb
assert (None == enc_url == enc_length == enc_mime_type) or (enc_url is not None and enc_length is not None and enc_mime_type is not None)
self.enc_url = enc_url
self.enc_length = enc_length
self.enc_mime_type = enc_mime_type
def get_feed(self, param_slug=None):
Returns a utils.feedgenerator.DefaultRssFeed object, fully populated,
representing this FeedConfiguration.
if param_slug:
param = self.param_func(**self.param_kwargs_cb(param_slug))
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise FeedIsNotRegistered
param = None
current_site = sites.get_current()
f = self._get_feed_generator_object(param)
title_template = loader.get_template('rss/%s_title' % self.slug)
description_template = loader.get_template('rss/%s_description' % self.slug)
kwargs = self.get_list_kwargs.copy()
if param and self.get_list_kwargs_cb:
get_list_func = self.get_list_func_cb(param)
for obj in get_list_func(**kwargs):
link = obj.get_absolute_url()
if not link.startswith('http://'):
link = u'http://%s%s' % (current_site.domain, link)
enc = None
if self.enc_url:
enc_url = getattr(obj, self.enc_url)
enc_length = getattr(obj, self.enc_length)
enc_mime_type = getattr(obj, self.enc_mime_type)
enc_url = enc_url()
except TypeError:
enc_length = enc_length()
except TypeError:
enc_mime_type = enc_mime_type()
except TypeError:
enc = feedgenerator.Enclosure(enc_url.decode('utf-8'),
(enc_length and str(enc_length).decode('utf-8') or ''), enc_mime_type.decode('utf-8'))
title = title_template.render(Context({'obj': obj, 'site': current_site})).decode('utf-8'),
link = link,
description = description_template.render(Context({'obj': obj, 'site': current_site})).decode('utf-8'),
pubdate = self.get_pubdate_cb and self.get_pubdate_cb(obj) or None,
return f
def _get_feed_generator_object(self, param):
current_site = sites.get_current()
link = self.link_cb(param).decode()
if not link.startswith('http://'):
link = u'http://%s%s' % (current_site.domain, link)
return feedgenerator.DefaultRssFeed(
title = self.title_cb(param).decode(),
link = link,
description = self.description_cb(param).decode(),
language = LANGUAGE_CODE.decode(),
# global dict used by register_feed and get_registered_feed
_registered_feeds = {}
class FeedIsNotRegistered(Exception):
class FeedRequiresParam(Exception):
def register_feed(feed):
_registered_feeds[feed.slug] = feed
def get_registered_feed(slug):
# try to load a RSS settings module so that feeds can be registered
__import__(SETTINGS_MODULE + '_rss', '', '', [''])
except (KeyError, ImportError, ValueError):
return _registered_feeds[slug]
except KeyError:
raise FeedIsNotRegistered