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# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Aryeh Leib Taurog, all rights reserved.
# Modified from original contribution by Aryeh Leib Taurog, which was
# released under the New BSD license.
import unittest
from unittest import skipUnless
from .. import HAS_GEOS
from .. import *
from ..error import GEOSIndexError
def getItem(o,i): return o[i]
def delItem(o,i): del o[i]
def setItem(o,i,v): o[i] = v
def api_get_distance(x): return x.distance(Point(-200,-200))
def api_get_buffer(x): return x.buffer(10)
def api_get_geom_typeid(x): return x.geom_typeid
def api_get_num_coords(x): return x.num_coords
def api_get_centroid(x): return x.centroid
def api_get_empty(x): return x.empty
def api_get_valid(x): return x.valid
def api_get_simple(x): return x.simple
def api_get_ring(x): return x.ring
def api_get_boundary(x): return x.boundary
def api_get_convex_hull(x): return x.convex_hull
def api_get_extent(x): return x.extent
def api_get_area(x): return x.area
def api_get_length(x): return x.length
geos_function_tests = [ val for name, val in vars().items()
if hasattr(val, '__call__')
and name.startswith('api_get_') ]
@skipUnless(HAS_GEOS, "Geos is required.")
class GEOSMutationTest(unittest.TestCase):
Tests Pythonic Mutability of Python GEOS geometry wrappers
get/set/delitem on a slice, normal list methods
def test00_GEOSIndexException(self):
'Testing Geometry GEOSIndexError'
p = Point(1,2)
for i in range(-2,2): p._checkindex(i)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, p._checkindex, 2)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, p._checkindex, -3)
def test01_PointMutations(self):
'Testing Point mutations'
for p in (Point(1,2,3), fromstr('POINT (1 2 3)')):
self.assertEqual(p._get_single_external(1), 2.0, 'Point _get_single_external')
# _set_single
self.assertEqual(p.coords, (100.0,2.0,3.0), 'Point _set_single')
# _set_list
self.assertEqual(p.coords, (50.0,3141.0), 'Point _set_list')
def test02_PointExceptions(self):
'Testing Point exceptions'
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Point, range(1))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Point, range(4))
def test03_PointApi(self):
'Testing Point API'
q = Point(4,5,3)
for p in (Point(1,2,3), fromstr('POINT (1 2 3)')):
p[0:2] = [4,5]
for f in geos_function_tests:
self.assertEqual(f(q), f(p), 'Point ' + f.__name__)
def test04_LineStringMutations(self):
'Testing LineString mutations'
for ls in (LineString((1,0),(4,1),(6,-1)),
fromstr('LINESTRING (1 0,4 1,6 -1)')):
self.assertEqual(ls._get_single_external(1), (4.0,1.0), 'LineString _get_single_external')
# _set_single
self.assertEqual(ls.coords, ((-50.0,25.0),(4.0,1.0),(6.0,-1.0)), 'LineString _set_single')
# _set_list
ls._set_list(2, ((-50.0,25.0),(6.0,-1.0)))
self.assertEqual(ls.coords, ((-50.0,25.0),(6.0,-1.0)), 'LineString _set_list')
lsa = LineString(ls.coords)
for f in geos_function_tests:
self.assertEqual(f(lsa), f(ls), 'LineString ' + f.__name__)
def test05_Polygon(self):
'Testing Polygon mutations'
for pg in (Polygon(((1,0),(4,1),(6,-1),(8,10),(1,0)),
fromstr('POLYGON ((1 0,4 1,6 -1,8 10,1 0),(5 4,6 4,6 3,5 4))')):
'Polygon _get_single_external(0)')
'Polygon _get_single_external(1)')
# _set_list
pg._set_list(2, (((1,2),(10,0),(12,9),(-1,15),(1,2)),
'Polygon _set_list')
lsa = Polygon(*pg.coords)
for f in geos_function_tests:
self.assertEqual(f(lsa), f(pg), 'Polygon ' + f.__name__)
def test06_Collection(self):
'Testing Collection mutations'
for mp in (MultiPoint(*map(Point,((3,4),(-1,2),(5,-4),(2,8)))),
fromstr('MULTIPOINT (3 4,-1 2,5 -4,2 8)')):
self.assertEqual(mp._get_single_external(2), Point(5,-4), 'Collection _get_single_external')
mp._set_list(3, map(Point,((5,5),(3,-2),(8,1))))
self.assertEqual(mp.coords, ((5.0,5.0),(3.0,-2.0),(8.0,1.0)), 'Collection _set_list')
lsa = MultiPoint(*map(Point,((5,5),(3,-2),(8,1))))
for f in geos_function_tests:
self.assertEqual(f(lsa), f(mp), 'MultiPoint ' + f.__name__)