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XML serializer.
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.serializers import base
from django.db import models
from django.utils.xmlutils import SimplerXMLGenerator
from xml.dom import pulldom
class Serializer(base.Serializer):
Serializes a QuerySet to XML.
def start_serialization(self):
Start serialization -- open the XML document and the root element.
self.xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(, self.options.get("encoding", settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET))
self.xml.startElement("django-objects", {"version" : "1.0"})
def end_serialization(self):
End serialization -- end the document.
def start_object(self, obj):
Called as each object is handled.
if not hasattr(obj, "_meta"):
raise base.SerializationError("Non-model object (%s) encountered during serialization" % type(obj))
self.xml.startElement("object", {
"pk" : str(obj._get_pk_val()),
"model" : str(obj._meta),
def end_object(self, obj):
Called after handling all fields for an object.
def handle_field(self, obj, field):
Called to handle each field on an object (except for ForeignKeys and
self.xml.startElement("field", {
"name" :,
"type" : field.get_internal_type()
# Get a "string version" of the object's data (this is handled by the
# serializer base class). None is handled specially.
value = self.get_string_value(obj, field)
if value is not None:
def handle_fk_field(self, obj, field):
Called to handle a ForeignKey (we need to treat them slightly
differently from regular fields).
related = getattr(obj,
if related is not None:
def handle_m2m_field(self, obj, field):
Called to handle a ManyToManyField. Related objects are only
serialized as references to the object's PK (i.e. the related *data*
is not dumped, just the relation).
for relobj in getattr(obj,
self.xml.addQuickElement("object", attrs={"pk" : str(relobj._get_pk_val())})
def _start_relational_field(self, field):
Helper to output the <field> element for relational fields
self.xml.startElement("field", {
"name" :,
"rel" : field.rel.__class__.__name__,
"to" : str(,
class Deserializer(base.Deserializer):
Deserialize XML.
def __init__(self, stream_or_string, **options):
super(Deserializer, self).__init__(stream_or_string, **options)
self.encoding = self.options.get("encoding", settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
self.event_stream = pulldom.parse(
def next(self):
for event, node in self.event_stream:
if event == "START_ELEMENT" and node.nodeName == "object":
return self._handle_object(node)
raise StopIteration
def _handle_object(self, node):
Convert an <object> node to a DeserializedObject.
# Look up the model using the model loading mechanism. If this fails, bail.
Model = self._get_model_from_node(node, "model")
# Start building a data dictionary from the object. If the node is
# missing the pk attribute, bail.
pk = node.getAttribute("pk")
if not pk:
raise base.DeserializationError("<object> node is missing the 'pk' attribute")
data = { : pk}
# Also start building a dict of m2m data (this is saved as
# {m2m_accessor_attribute : [list_of_related_objects]})
m2m_data = {}
# Deseralize each field.
for field_node in node.getElementsByTagName("field"):
# If the field is missing the name attribute, bail (are you
# sensing a pattern here?)
field_name = field_node.getAttribute("name")
if not field_name:
raise base.DeserializationError("<field> node is missing the 'name' attribute")
# Get the field from the Model. This will raise a
# FieldDoesNotExist if, well, the field doesn't exist, which will
# be propagated correctly.
field = Model._meta.get_field(field_name)
# As is usually the case, relation fields get the special treatment.
if field.rel and isinstance(field.rel, models.ManyToManyRel):
m2m_data[] = self._handle_m2m_field_node(field_node)
elif field.rel and isinstance(field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
data[] = self._handle_fk_field_node(field_node)
value = field.to_python(getInnerText(field_node).strip().encode(self.encoding))
data[] = value
# Return a DeserializedObject so that the m2m data has a place to live.
return base.DeserializedObject(Model(**data), m2m_data)
def _handle_fk_field_node(self, node):
Handle a <field> node for a ForeignKey
# Try to set the foreign key by looking up the foreign related object.
# If it doesn't exist, set the field to None (which might trigger
# validation error, but that's expected).
RelatedModel = self._get_model_from_node(node, "to")
return RelatedModel.objects.get(pk=getInnerText(node).strip().encode(self.encoding))
def _handle_m2m_field_node(self, node):
Handle a <field> node for a ManyToManyField
# Load the related model
RelatedModel = self._get_model_from_node(node, "to")
# Look up all the related objects. Using the in_bulk() lookup ensures
# that missing related objects don't cause an exception
related_ids = [c.getAttribute("pk").encode(self.encoding) for c in node.getElementsByTagName("object")]
return RelatedModel._default_manager.in_bulk(related_ids).values()
def _get_model_from_node(self, node, attr):
Helper to look up a model from a <object model=...> or a <field
rel=... to=...> node.
model_identifier = node.getAttribute(attr)
if not model_identifier:
raise base.DeserializationError(
"<%s> node is missing the required '%s' attribute" \
% (node.nodeName, attr))
Model = models.get_model(*model_identifier.split("."))
except TypeError:
Model = None
if Model is None:
raise base.DeserializationError(
"<%s> node has invalid model identifier: '%s'" % \
(node.nodeName, model_identifier))
return Model
def getInnerText(node):
Get all the inner text of a DOM node (recursively).
# inspired by
inner_text = []
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE or child.nodeType == child.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
elif child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
return "".join(inner_text)