
1274 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import functools
import re
import sys
import types
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.template import Context, Engine, TemplateDoesNotExist
from django.template.defaultfilters import force_escape, pprint
from django.urls import Resolver404, resolve
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
# Minimal Django templates engine to render the error templates
# regardless of the project's TEMPLATES setting.
DEBUG_ENGINE = Engine(debug=True)
CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE = '********************'
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
class CallableSettingWrapper:
""" Object to wrap callable appearing in settings
* Not to call in the debug page (#21345).
* Not to break the debug page if the callable forbidding to set attributes (#23070).
def __init__(self, callable_setting):
self._wrapped = callable_setting
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._wrapped)
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
"""Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.
If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
that dictionary.
if isinstance(value, dict):
cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
cleansed = value
except TypeError:
# If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
cleansed = value
if callable(cleansed):
# For fixing #21345 and #23070
cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)
return cleansed
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
def get_safe_settings():
"Returns a dictionary of the settings module, with sensitive settings blurred out."
settings_dict = {}
for k in dir(settings):
if k.isupper():
settings_dict[k] = cleanse_setting(k, getattr(settings, k))
return settings_dict
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
def technical_500_response(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb, status_code=500):
Create a technical server error response. The last three arguments are
the values returned from sys.exc_info() and friends.
reporter = ExceptionReporter(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb)
if request.is_ajax():
text = reporter.get_traceback_text()
return HttpResponse(text, status=status_code, content_type='text/plain')
html = reporter.get_traceback_html()
return HttpResponse(html, status=status_code, content_type='text/html')
def get_default_exception_reporter_filter():
# Instantiate the default filter for the first time and cache it.
return import_string(settings.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER)()
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
def get_exception_reporter_filter(request):
default_filter = get_default_exception_reporter_filter()
return getattr(request, 'exception_reporter_filter', default_filter)
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
class ExceptionReporterFilter:
Base for all exception reporter filter classes. All overridable hooks
contain lenient default behaviors.
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
if request is None:
return {}
return request.POST
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
return list(tb_frame.f_locals.items())
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
class SafeExceptionReporterFilter(ExceptionReporterFilter):
Use annotations made by the sensitive_post_parameters and
sensitive_variables decorators to filter out sensitive information.
def is_active(self, request):
This filter is to add safety in production environments (i.e. DEBUG
is False). If DEBUG is True then your site is not safe anyway.
This hook is provided as a convenience to easily activate or
deactivate the filter on a per request basis.
return settings.DEBUG is False
def get_cleansed_multivaluedict(self, request, multivaluedict):
Replaces the keys in a MultiValueDict marked as sensitive with stars.
This mitigates leaking sensitive POST parameters if something like
request.POST['nonexistent_key'] throws an exception (#21098).
sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
multivaluedict = multivaluedict.copy()
for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
if param in multivaluedict:
multivaluedict[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
return multivaluedict
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
stars (*********).
if request is None:
return {}
sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
cleansed = request.POST.copy()
if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
# Cleanse all parameters.
for k, v in cleansed.items():
return cleansed
# Cleanse only the specified parameters.
for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
if param in cleansed:
cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
return cleansed
return request.POST
def cleanse_special_types(self, request, value):
# If value is lazy or a complex object of another kind, this check
# might raise an exception. isinstance checks that lazy
# MultiValueDicts will have a return value.
is_multivalue_dict = isinstance(value, MultiValueDict)
except Exception as e:
return '{!r} while evaluating {!r}'.format(e, value)
if is_multivalue_dict:
# Cleanse MultiValueDicts (request.POST is the one we usually care about)
value = self.get_cleansed_multivaluedict(request, value)
return value
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
stars (*********).
# Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
# decorator was used.
current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
sensitive_variables = None
while current_frame is not None:
2016-04-04 08:37:32 +08:00
if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' and
'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
# The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
# of the sensitive variables' names.
wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
current_frame = current_frame.f_back
cleansed = {}
if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
# Cleanse all variables
for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
# Cleanse specified variables
for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
if name in sensitive_variables:
value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
cleansed[name] = value
# Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
# are one of the frame variables.
for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
2016-04-04 08:37:32 +08:00
if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' and
'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
# For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
# the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
# associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
# the decorated function's frame.
cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
return cleansed.items()
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
class ExceptionReporter:
A class to organize and coordinate reporting on exceptions.
def __init__(self, request, exc_type, exc_value, tb, is_email=False):
self.request = request
self.filter = get_exception_reporter_filter(self.request)
self.exc_type = exc_type
self.exc_value = exc_value
self.tb = tb
self.is_email = is_email
self.template_info = getattr(self.exc_value, 'template_debug', None)
self.template_does_not_exist = False
self.postmortem = None
# Handle deprecated string exceptions
if isinstance(self.exc_type, str):
self.exc_value = Exception('Deprecated String Exception: %r' % self.exc_type)
self.exc_type = type(self.exc_value)
def get_traceback_data(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing traceback information."""
if self.exc_type and issubclass(self.exc_type, TemplateDoesNotExist):
self.template_does_not_exist = True
self.postmortem = self.exc_value.chain or [self.exc_value]
frames = self.get_traceback_frames()
for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
if 'vars' in frame:
frame_vars = []
for k, v in frame['vars']:
v = pprint(v)
# The force_escape filter assume unicode, make sure that works
if isinstance(v, bytes):
v = v.decode('utf-8', 'replace') # don't choke on non-utf-8 input
# Trim large blobs of data
if len(v) > 4096:
v = '%s... <trimmed %d bytes string>' % (v[0:4096], len(v))
frame_vars.append((k, force_escape(v)))
frame['vars'] = frame_vars
frames[i] = frame
unicode_hint = ''
if self.exc_type and issubclass(self.exc_type, UnicodeError):
start = getattr(self.exc_value, 'start', None)
end = getattr(self.exc_value, 'end', None)
if start is not None and end is not None:
unicode_str = self.exc_value.args[1]
unicode_hint = force_text(
unicode_str[max(start - 5, 0):min(end + 5, len(unicode_str))],
'ascii', errors='replace'
from django import get_version
if self.request is None:
user_str = None
user_str = force_text(self.request.user)
except Exception:
# request.user may raise OperationalError if the database is
# unavailable, for example.
user_str = '[unable to retrieve the current user]'
c = {
'is_email': self.is_email,
'unicode_hint': unicode_hint,
'frames': frames,
'request': self.request,
'user_str': user_str,
'filtered_POST_items': self.filter.get_post_parameters(self.request).items(),
'settings': get_safe_settings(),
'sys_executable': sys.executable,
'sys_version_info': '%d.%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:3],
'django_version_info': get_version(),
2013-10-27 09:27:42 +08:00
'sys_path': sys.path,
'template_info': self.template_info,
'template_does_not_exist': self.template_does_not_exist,
'postmortem': self.postmortem,
if self.request is not None:
c['request_GET_items'] = self.request.GET.items()
c['request_FILES_items'] = self.request.FILES.items()
c['request_COOKIES_items'] = self.request.COOKIES.items()
# Check whether exception info is available
if self.exc_type:
c['exception_type'] = self.exc_type.__name__
if self.exc_value:
c['exception_value'] = force_text(self.exc_value, errors='replace')
if frames:
c['lastframe'] = frames[-1]
return c
def get_traceback_html(self):
"Return HTML version of debug 500 HTTP error page."
c = Context(self.get_traceback_data(), use_l10n=False)
return t.render(c)
def get_traceback_text(self):
"Return plain text version of debug 500 HTTP error page."
c = Context(self.get_traceback_data(), autoescape=False, use_l10n=False)
return t.render(c)
def _get_lines_from_file(self, filename, lineno, context_lines, loader=None, module_name=None):
Returns context_lines before and after lineno from file.
Returns (pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context).
source = None
if loader is not None and hasattr(loader, "get_source"):
source = loader.get_source(module_name)
except ImportError:
if source is not None:
source = source.splitlines()
if source is None:
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
source =
except (OSError, IOError):
if source is None:
return None, [], None, []
# If we just read the source from a file, or if the loader did not
# apply tokenize.detect_encoding to decode the source into a Unicode
# string, then we should do that ourselves.
if isinstance(source[0], bytes):
encoding = 'ascii'
for line in source[:2]:
# File coding may be specified. Match pattern from PEP-263
# (
match ='coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)', line)
if match:
encoding ='ascii')
source = [str(sline, encoding, 'replace') for sline in source]
lower_bound = max(0, lineno - context_lines)
upper_bound = lineno + context_lines
pre_context = source[lower_bound:lineno]
context_line = source[lineno]
2013-11-04 02:08:55 +08:00
post_context = source[lineno + 1:upper_bound]
return lower_bound, pre_context, context_line, post_context
def get_traceback_frames(self):
def explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value):
explicit = getattr(exc_value, '__cause__', None)
implicit = getattr(exc_value, '__context__', None)
return explicit or implicit
# Get the exception and all its causes
exceptions = []
exc_value = self.exc_value
while exc_value:
exc_value = explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value)
frames = []
# No exceptions were supplied to ExceptionReporter
if not exceptions:
return frames
# In case there's just one exception, take the traceback from self.tb
exc_value = exceptions.pop()
tb = self.tb if not exceptions else exc_value.__traceback__
while tb is not None:
# Support for __traceback_hide__ which is used by a few libraries
# to hide internal frames.
if tb.tb_frame.f_locals.get('__traceback_hide__'):
tb = tb.tb_next
filename = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
function = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
lineno = tb.tb_lineno - 1
loader = tb.tb_frame.f_globals.get('__loader__')
module_name = tb.tb_frame.f_globals.get('__name__') or ''
pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context = self._get_lines_from_file(
filename, lineno, 7, loader, module_name,
if pre_context_lineno is not None:
'exc_cause': explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value),
'exc_cause_explicit': getattr(exc_value, '__cause__', True),
'tb': tb,
'type': 'django' if module_name.startswith('django.') else 'user',
'filename': filename,
'function': function,
'lineno': lineno + 1,
'vars': self.filter.get_traceback_frame_variables(self.request, tb.tb_frame),
'id': id(tb),
'pre_context': pre_context,
'context_line': context_line,
'post_context': post_context,
'pre_context_lineno': pre_context_lineno + 1,
# If the traceback for current exception is consumed, try the
# other exception.
if not tb.tb_next and exceptions:
exc_value = exceptions.pop()
tb = exc_value.__traceback__
tb = tb.tb_next
return frames
def format_exception(self):
Return the same data as from traceback.format_exception.
import traceback
frames = self.get_traceback_frames()
tb = [(f['filename'], f['lineno'], f['function'], f['context_line']) for f in frames]
list = ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n']
list += traceback.format_list(tb)
list += traceback.format_exception_only(self.exc_type, self.exc_value)
return list
def technical_404_response(request, exception):
"Create a technical 404 error response. The exception should be the Http404."
error_url = exception.args[0]['path']
except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError):
2014-02-16 02:42:12 +08:00
error_url = request.path_info[1:] # Trim leading slash
tried = exception.args[0]['tried']
except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError):
tried = []
2016-04-04 08:37:32 +08:00
if (not tried or ( # empty URLconf
request.path == '/' and
len(tried) == 1 and # default URLconf
len(tried[0]) == 1 and
getattr(tried[0][0], 'app_name', '') == getattr(tried[0][0], 'namespace', '') == 'admin'
Simplified default project template. Squashed commit of: commit 508ec9144b35c50794708225b496bde1eb5e60aa Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 22:50:55 2013 +0100 Tweaked default settings file. * Explained why BASE_DIR exists. * Added a link to the database configuration options, and put it in its own section. * Moved sensitive settings that must be changed for production at the top. commit 6515fd2f1aa73a86dc8dbd2ccf512ddb6b140d57 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 14:35:21 2013 +0100 Documented the simplified app & project templates in the changelog. commit 2c5b576c2ea91d84273a019b3d0b3b8b4da72f23 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:59:27 2013 +0100 Minor fixes in tutorials 5 and 6. commit 55a51531be8104f21b3cca3f6bf70b0a7139a041 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:51:11 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 2 for the new project template. commit 29ddae87bdaecff12dd31b16b000c01efbde9e20 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:58:54 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 1 for the new project template. commit 0ecb9f6e2514cfd26a678a280d471433375101a3 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:29:13 2013 +0100 Adjusted the default URLconf detection to account for the admin. It's now enabled by default. commit 5fb4da0d3d09dac28dd94e3fde92b9d4335c0565 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 10:36:55 2013 +0100 Added security warnings for the most sensitive settings. commit 718d84bd8ac4a42fb4b28ec93965de32680f091e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:24:06 2013 +0100 Used an absolute path for the SQLite database. This ensures the settings file works regardless of which directory / is invoked from. BASE_DIR got a +1 from a BDFL and another core dev. It doesn't involve the concept of a "Django project"; it's just a convenient way to express relative paths within the source code repository for non-Python files. Thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the suggestion. commit 1b559b4bcda622e10909b68fe5cab90db6727dd9 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:22:40 2013 +0100 Removed STATIC_ROOT from the default settings template. It isn't necessary in development, and it confuses beginners to no end. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit a55f141a500bb7c9a1bc259bbe1954c13b199671 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:21:43 2013 +0100 Removed MEDIA_ROOT/URL from default settings template. Many sites will never deal with user-uploaded files, and MEDIA_ROOT is complicated to explain. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit 44bf2f2441420fd9429ee9fe1f7207f92dd87e70 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:22:09 2013 +0100 Removed logging config. This configuration is applied regardless of the value of LOGGING; duplicating it in LOGGING is confusing. commit eac747e848eaed65fd5f6f254f0a7559d856f88f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:05:31 2013 +0100 Enabled the locale middleware by default. USE_I18N is True by default, and doesn't work well without LocaleMiddleware. commit d806c62b2d00826dc2688c84b092627b8d571cab Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:03:16 2013 +0100 Enabled clickjacking protection by default. commit 99152c30e6a15003f0b6737dc78e87adf462aacb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:01:48 2013 +0100 Reorganized settings in logical sections, and trimmed comments. commit d37ffdfcb24b7e0ec7cc113d07190f65fb12fb8a Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:54:11 2013 +0100 Avoided misleading TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG. According to the docs TEMPLATE_DEBUG works only when DEBUG = True. commit 15d9478d3a9850e85841e7cf09cf83050371c6bf Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:46:25 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES_FINDERS/TEMPLATE_LOADERS from default settings file. Only developers with special needs ever need to change these settings. commit 574da0eb5bfb4570883756914b4dbd7e20e1f61e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:45:01 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES/TEMPLATES_DIRS from default settings file. The current best practice is to put static files and templates in applications, for easier testing and deployment. commit 8cb18dbe56629aa1be74718a07e7cc66b4f9c9f0 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:24:16 2013 +0100 Removed settings related to email reporting from default settings file. While handy for small scale projects, it isn't exactly a best practice. commit 8ecbfcb3638058f0c49922540f874a7d802d864f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 18:54:43 2013 +0100 Documented how to enable the sites framework. commit 23fc91a6fa67d91ddd9d71b1c3e0dc26bdad9841 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:28:59 2013 +0100 Disabled the sites framework by default. RequestSite does the job for single-domain websites. commit c4d82eb8afc0eb8568bf9c4d12644272415e3960 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 00:08:33 2013 +0100 Added a default to the application template. Thanks Ryan D Hiebert for the suggestion. commit 4071dc771e5c44b1c5ebb9beecefb164ae465e22 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:59:49 2013 +0100 Enabled the admin by default. Everyone uses the admin. commit c807a31f8d89e7e7fd97380e3023f7983a8b6fcb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:57:05 2013 +0100 Removed admindocs from default project template. commit 09e4ce0e652a97da1a9e285046a91c8ad7a9189c Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:32:52 2013 +0100 Added links to the settings documentation. commit 5b8f5eaef364eb790fcde6f9e86f7d266074cca8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 11:06:54 2013 +0100 Used a significant example for URLconf includes. commit 908e91d6fcee2a3cb51ca26ecdf12a6a24e69ef8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:22:31 2013 +0100 Moved code comments about WSGI to docs, and rewrote said docs. commit 50417e51996146f891d08ca8b74dcc736a581932 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 15:51:50 2013 +0100 Normalized the default application template. Removed the default test that 1 + 1 = 2, because it's been committed way too many times, in too many projects. Added an import of `render` for views, because the first view will often be: def home(request): return render(request, "mysite/home.html")
2013-01-28 22:51:50 +08:00
return default_urlconf(request)
urlconf = getattr(request, 'urlconf', settings.ROOT_URLCONF)
if isinstance(urlconf, types.ModuleType):
urlconf = urlconf.__name__
caller = ''
resolver_match = resolve(request.path)
except Resolver404:
obj = resolver_match.func
if hasattr(obj, '__name__'):
caller = obj.__name__
elif hasattr(obj, '__class__') and hasattr(obj.__class__, '__name__'):
caller = obj.__class__.__name__
if hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
module = obj.__module__
caller = '%s.%s' % (module, caller)
c = Context({
'urlconf': urlconf,
'root_urlconf': settings.ROOT_URLCONF,
'request_path': error_url,
'urlpatterns': tried,
'reason': str(exception),
'request': request,
'settings': get_safe_settings(),
'raising_view_name': caller,
return HttpResponseNotFound(t.render(c), content_type='text/html')
2013-11-03 07:53:29 +08:00
Simplified default project template. Squashed commit of: commit 508ec9144b35c50794708225b496bde1eb5e60aa Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 22:50:55 2013 +0100 Tweaked default settings file. * Explained why BASE_DIR exists. * Added a link to the database configuration options, and put it in its own section. * Moved sensitive settings that must be changed for production at the top. commit 6515fd2f1aa73a86dc8dbd2ccf512ddb6b140d57 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 14:35:21 2013 +0100 Documented the simplified app & project templates in the changelog. commit 2c5b576c2ea91d84273a019b3d0b3b8b4da72f23 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:59:27 2013 +0100 Minor fixes in tutorials 5 and 6. commit 55a51531be8104f21b3cca3f6bf70b0a7139a041 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:51:11 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 2 for the new project template. commit 29ddae87bdaecff12dd31b16b000c01efbde9e20 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:58:54 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 1 for the new project template. commit 0ecb9f6e2514cfd26a678a280d471433375101a3 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:29:13 2013 +0100 Adjusted the default URLconf detection to account for the admin. It's now enabled by default. commit 5fb4da0d3d09dac28dd94e3fde92b9d4335c0565 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 10:36:55 2013 +0100 Added security warnings for the most sensitive settings. commit 718d84bd8ac4a42fb4b28ec93965de32680f091e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:24:06 2013 +0100 Used an absolute path for the SQLite database. This ensures the settings file works regardless of which directory / is invoked from. BASE_DIR got a +1 from a BDFL and another core dev. It doesn't involve the concept of a "Django project"; it's just a convenient way to express relative paths within the source code repository for non-Python files. Thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the suggestion. commit 1b559b4bcda622e10909b68fe5cab90db6727dd9 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:22:40 2013 +0100 Removed STATIC_ROOT from the default settings template. It isn't necessary in development, and it confuses beginners to no end. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit a55f141a500bb7c9a1bc259bbe1954c13b199671 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:21:43 2013 +0100 Removed MEDIA_ROOT/URL from default settings template. Many sites will never deal with user-uploaded files, and MEDIA_ROOT is complicated to explain. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit 44bf2f2441420fd9429ee9fe1f7207f92dd87e70 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:22:09 2013 +0100 Removed logging config. This configuration is applied regardless of the value of LOGGING; duplicating it in LOGGING is confusing. commit eac747e848eaed65fd5f6f254f0a7559d856f88f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:05:31 2013 +0100 Enabled the locale middleware by default. USE_I18N is True by default, and doesn't work well without LocaleMiddleware. commit d806c62b2d00826dc2688c84b092627b8d571cab Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:03:16 2013 +0100 Enabled clickjacking protection by default. commit 99152c30e6a15003f0b6737dc78e87adf462aacb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:01:48 2013 +0100 Reorganized settings in logical sections, and trimmed comments. commit d37ffdfcb24b7e0ec7cc113d07190f65fb12fb8a Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:54:11 2013 +0100 Avoided misleading TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG. According to the docs TEMPLATE_DEBUG works only when DEBUG = True. commit 15d9478d3a9850e85841e7cf09cf83050371c6bf Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:46:25 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES_FINDERS/TEMPLATE_LOADERS from default settings file. Only developers with special needs ever need to change these settings. commit 574da0eb5bfb4570883756914b4dbd7e20e1f61e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:45:01 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES/TEMPLATES_DIRS from default settings file. The current best practice is to put static files and templates in applications, for easier testing and deployment. commit 8cb18dbe56629aa1be74718a07e7cc66b4f9c9f0 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:24:16 2013 +0100 Removed settings related to email reporting from default settings file. While handy for small scale projects, it isn't exactly a best practice. commit 8ecbfcb3638058f0c49922540f874a7d802d864f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 18:54:43 2013 +0100 Documented how to enable the sites framework. commit 23fc91a6fa67d91ddd9d71b1c3e0dc26bdad9841 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:28:59 2013 +0100 Disabled the sites framework by default. RequestSite does the job for single-domain websites. commit c4d82eb8afc0eb8568bf9c4d12644272415e3960 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 00:08:33 2013 +0100 Added a default to the application template. Thanks Ryan D Hiebert for the suggestion. commit 4071dc771e5c44b1c5ebb9beecefb164ae465e22 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:59:49 2013 +0100 Enabled the admin by default. Everyone uses the admin. commit c807a31f8d89e7e7fd97380e3023f7983a8b6fcb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:57:05 2013 +0100 Removed admindocs from default project template. commit 09e4ce0e652a97da1a9e285046a91c8ad7a9189c Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:32:52 2013 +0100 Added links to the settings documentation. commit 5b8f5eaef364eb790fcde6f9e86f7d266074cca8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 11:06:54 2013 +0100 Used a significant example for URLconf includes. commit 908e91d6fcee2a3cb51ca26ecdf12a6a24e69ef8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:22:31 2013 +0100 Moved code comments about WSGI to docs, and rewrote said docs. commit 50417e51996146f891d08ca8b74dcc736a581932 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 15:51:50 2013 +0100 Normalized the default application template. Removed the default test that 1 + 1 = 2, because it's been committed way too many times, in too many projects. Added an import of `render` for views, because the first view will often be: def home(request): return render(request, "mysite/home.html")
2013-01-28 22:51:50 +08:00
def default_urlconf(request):
"Create an empty URLconf 404 error response."
c = Context({
"title": _("Welcome to Django"),
"heading": _("It worked!"),
"subheading": _("Congratulations on your first Django-powered page."),
2016-03-29 06:33:29 +08:00
"instructions": _(
"Next, start your first app by running <code>python startapp [app_label]</code>."
"explanation": _(
"You're seeing this message because you have <code>DEBUG = True</code> in your "
"Django settings file and you haven't configured any URLs. Get to work!"
return HttpResponse(t.render(c), content_type='text/html')
2016-11-13 01:11:23 +08:00
# Templates are embedded in the file so that we know the error handler will
# always work even if the template loader is broken.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE">
<title>{% if exception_type %}{{ exception_type }}{% else %}Report{% endif %}"""
r"""{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info|escape }}{% endif %}</title>
<style type="text/css">
html * { padding:0; margin:0; }
body * { padding:10px 20px; }
body * * { padding:0; }
body { font:small sans-serif; }
body>div { border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; }
h1 { font-weight:normal; }
h2 { margin-bottom:.8em; }
h2 span { font-size:80%; color:#666; font-weight:normal; }
h3 { margin:1em 0 .5em 0; }
h4 { margin:0 0 .5em 0; font-weight: normal; }
code, pre { font-size: 100%; white-space: pre-wrap; }
table { border:1px solid #ccc; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; background:white; }
tbody td, tbody th { vertical-align:top; padding:2px 3px; }
thead th {
padding:1px 6px 1px 3px; background:#fefefe; text-align:left;
font-weight:normal; font-size:11px; border:1px solid #ddd;
tbody th { width:12em; text-align:right; color:#666; padding-right:.5em; }
table.vars { margin:5px 0 2px 40px; }
table.vars td, table.req td { font-family:monospace; }
table td.code { width:100%; }
table td.code pre { overflow:hidden; }
table.source th { color:#666; }
table.source td { font-family:monospace; white-space:pre; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; }
ul.traceback { list-style-type:none; color: #222; }
ul.traceback li.frame { padding-bottom:1em; color:#666; }
ul.traceback li.user { background-color:#e0e0e0; color:#000 }
div.context { padding:10px 0; overflow:hidden; }
div.context ol { padding-left:30px; margin:0 10px; list-style-position: inside; }
div.context ol li { font-family:monospace; white-space:pre; color:#777; cursor:pointer; padding-left: 2px; }
div.context ol li pre { display:inline; }
div.context ol.context-line li { color:#505050; background-color:#dfdfdf; padding: 3px 2px; }
div.context ol.context-line li span { position:absolute; right:32px; }
.user div.context ol.context-line li { background-color:#bbb; color:#000; }
.user div.context ol li { color:#666; }
div.commands { margin-left: 40px; }
div.commands a { color:#555; text-decoration:none; }
.user div.commands a { color: black; }
#summary { background: #ffc; }
#summary h2 { font-weight: normal; color: #666; }
#explanation { background:#eee; }
#template, #template-not-exist { background:#f6f6f6; }
#template-not-exist ul { margin: 0 0 10px 20px; }
#template-not-exist .postmortem-section { margin-bottom: 3px; }
#unicode-hint { background:#eee; }
#traceback { background:#eee; }
#requestinfo { background:#f6f6f6; padding-left:120px; }
#summary table { border:none; background:transparent; }
#requestinfo h2, #requestinfo h3 { position:relative; margin-left:-100px; }
#requestinfo h3 { margin-bottom:-1em; }
.error { background: #ffc; }
.specific { color:#cc3300; font-weight:bold; }
h2 span.commands { font-size:.7em;}
span.commands a:link {color:#5E5694;}
pre.exception_value { font-family: sans-serif; color: #666; font-size: 1.5em; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; }
.append-bottom { margin-bottom: 10px; }
{% if not is_email %}
<script type="text/javascript">
function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, strClassName){
// Written by Jonathan Snook,; Add-ons by Robert Nyman,
var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && document.all)? document.all :
var arrReturnElements = new Array();
strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-");
var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)");
var oElement;
for(var i=0; i<arrElements.length; i++){
oElement = arrElements[i];
return (arrReturnElements)
function hideAll(elems) {
for (var e = 0; e < elems.length; e++) {
elems[e].style.display = 'none';
window.onload = function() {
hideAll(getElementsByClassName(document, 'table', 'vars'));
hideAll(getElementsByClassName(document, 'ol', 'pre-context'));
hideAll(getElementsByClassName(document, 'ol', 'post-context'));
hideAll(getElementsByClassName(document, 'div', 'pastebin'));
function toggle() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var e = document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
if (e) {
2013-10-27 09:27:42 +08:00 = == 'none' ? 'block': 'none';
return false;
function varToggle(link, id) {
toggle('v' + id);
var s = link.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
var uarr = String.fromCharCode(0x25b6);
var darr = String.fromCharCode(0x25bc);
s.textContent = s.textContent == uarr ? darr : uarr;
return false;
function switchPastebinFriendly(link) {
s1 = "Switch to copy-and-paste view";
s2 = "Switch back to interactive view";
link.textContent = link.textContent.trim() == s1 ? s2: s1;
toggle('browserTraceback', 'pastebinTraceback');
return false;
{% endif %}
<div id="summary">
<h1>{% if exception_type %}{{ exception_type }}{% else %}Report{% endif %}"""
"""{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info|escape }}{% endif %}</h1>
<pre class="exception_value">"""
"""{% if exception_value %}{{ exception_value|force_escape }}{% else %}No exception message supplied{% endif %}"""
<table class="meta">
{% if request %}
<th>Request Method:</th>
<td>{{ request.META.REQUEST_METHOD }}</td>
<th>Request URL:</th>
<td>{{ request.get_raw_uri|escape }}</td>
{% endif %}
<th>Django Version:</th>
<td>{{ django_version_info }}</td>
{% if exception_type %}
<th>Exception Type:</th>
<td>{{ exception_type }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if exception_type and exception_value %}
<th>Exception Value:</th>
<td><pre>{{ exception_value|force_escape }}</pre></td>
{% endif %}
{% if lastframe %}
<th>Exception Location:</th>
<td>{{ lastframe.filename|escape }} in {{ lastframe.function|escape }}, line {{ lastframe.lineno }}</td>
{% endif %}
<th>Python Executable:</th>
<td>{{ sys_executable|escape }}</td>
<th>Python Version:</th>
<td>{{ sys_version_info }}</td>
<th>Python Path:</th>
<td><pre>{{ sys_path|pprint }}</pre></td>
<th>Server time:</th>
{% if unicode_hint %}
<div id="unicode-hint">
<h2>Unicode error hint</h2>
<p>The string that could not be encoded/decoded was: <strong>{{ unicode_hint|force_escape }}</strong></p>
{% endif %}
{% if template_does_not_exist %}
<div id="template-not-exist">
<h2>Template-loader postmortem</h2>
{% if postmortem %}
<p class="append-bottom">Django tried loading these templates, in this order:</p>
{% for entry in postmortem %}
<p class="postmortem-section">Using engine <code>{{ }}</code>:</p>
{% if entry.tried %}
{% for attempt in entry.tried %}
<li><code>{{ attempt.0.loader_name }}</code>: {{ }} ({{ attempt.1 }})</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<li>This engine did not provide a list of tried templates.</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No templates were found because your 'TEMPLATES' setting is not configured.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if template_info %}
<div id="template">
<h2>Error during template rendering</h2>
<p>In template <code>{{ }}</code>, error at line <strong>{{ template_info.line }}</strong></p>
<h3>{{ template_info.message }}</h3>
<table class="source{% if %} cut-top{% endif %}
{% if template_info.bottom != %} cut-bottom{% endif %}">
{% for source_line in template_info.source_lines %}
{% if source_line.0 == template_info.line %}
<tr class="error"><th>{{ source_line.0 }}</th>
<td>{{ template_info.before }}"""
"""<span class="specific">{{ template_info.during }}</span>"""
"""{{ template_info.after }}</td>
{% else %}
<tr><th>{{ source_line.0 }}</th>
<td>{{ source_line.1 }}</td></tr>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if frames %}
<div id="traceback">
<h2>Traceback <span class="commands">{% if not is_email %}<a href="#" onclick="return switchPastebinFriendly(this);">
Switch to copy-and-paste view</a></span>{% endif %}
{% autoescape off %}
<div id="browserTraceback">
<ul class="traceback">
{% for frame in frames %}
{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}{% if frame.exc_cause %}
{% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}
The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:
{% else %}
During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% endifchanged %}
<li class="frame {{ frame.type }}">
<code>{{ frame.filename|escape }}</code> in <code>{{ frame.function|escape }}</code>
{% if frame.context_line %}
<div class="context" id="c{{ }}">
{% if frame.pre_context and not is_email %}
<ol start="{{ frame.pre_context_lineno }}" class="pre-context" id="pre{{ }}">
{% for line in frame.pre_context %}
<li onclick="toggle('pre{{ }}', 'post{{ }}')"><pre>{{ line|escape }}</pre></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<ol start="{{ frame.lineno }}" class="context-line">
<li onclick="toggle('pre{{ }}', 'post{{ }}')"><pre>
""" """{{ frame.context_line|escape }}</pre>{% if not is_email %} <span>...</span>{% endif %}</li></ol>
{% if frame.post_context and not is_email %}
<ol start='{{ frame.lineno|add:"1" }}' class="post-context" id="post{{ }}">
{% for line in frame.post_context %}
<li onclick="toggle('pre{{ }}', 'post{{ }}')"><pre>{{ line|escape }}</pre></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if frame.vars %}
<div class="commands">
{% if is_email %}
<h2>Local Vars</h2>
{% else %}
<a href="#" onclick="return varToggle(this, '{{ }}')"><span>&#x25b6;</span> Local vars</a>
{% endif %}
<table class="vars" id="v{{ }}">
{% for var in frame.vars|dictsort:0 %}
<td>{{ var.0|force_escape }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ var.1 }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endautoescape %}
<form action="" name="pasteform" id="pasteform" method="post">
{% if not is_email %}
<div id="pastebinTraceback" class="pastebin">
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="PythonConsole">
<input type="hidden" name="title"
value="{{ exception_type|escape }}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info|escape }}{% endif %}">
<input type="hidden" name="source" value="Django Dpaste Agent">
<input type="hidden" name="poster" value="Django">
<textarea name="content" id="traceback_area" cols="140" rows="25">
{% if request %}
Request Method: {{ request.META.REQUEST_METHOD }}
Request URL: {{ request.get_raw_uri|escape }}
{% endif %}
Django Version: {{ django_version_info }}
Python Version: {{ sys_version_info }}
Installed Applications:
{{ settings.INSTALLED_APPS|pprint }}
Installed Middleware:
{{ settings.MIDDLEWARE|pprint }}"""
{% if template_does_not_exist %}Template loader postmortem
{% if postmortem %}Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
{% for entry in postmortem %}
Using engine {{ }}:
{% if entry.tried %}{% for attempt in entry.tried %}"""
""" * {{ attempt.0.loader_name }}: {{ }} ({{ attempt.1 }})
{% endfor %}{% else %} This engine did not provide a list of tried templates.
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% else %}No templates were found because your 'TEMPLATES' setting is not configured.
{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if template_info %}
Template error:
In template {{ }}, error at line {{ template_info.line }}
{{ template_info.message }}"""
"{% for source_line in template_info.source_lines %}"
"{% if source_line.0 == template_info.line %}"
" {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ template_info.before }} {{ template_info.during }} {{ template_info.after }}"
"{% else %}"
" {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ source_line.1 }}"
"""{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Traceback:{% for frame in frames %}
{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}{% if frame.exc_cause %}{% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}
The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:
{% else %}
During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:
{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endifchanged %}
File "{{ frame.filename|escape }}" in {{ frame.function|escape }}
{% if frame.context_line %} {{ frame.lineno }}. {{ frame.context_line|escape }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
Exception Type: {{ exception_type|escape }}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info|escape }}{% endif %}
Exception Value: {{ exception_value|force_escape }}
<input type="submit" value="Share this traceback on a public website">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div id="requestinfo">
<h2>Request information</h2>
{% if request %}
{% if user_str %}
<h3 id="user-info">USER</h3>
<p>{{ user_str }}</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="get-info">GET</h3>
{% if request.GET %}
<table class="req">
{% for k, v in request_GET_items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ v|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No GET data</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="post-info">POST</h3>
{% if filtered_POST_items %}
<table class="req">
{% for k, v in filtered_POST_items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ v|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No POST data</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="files-info">FILES</h3>
{% if request.FILES %}
<table class="req">
{% for k, v in request_FILES_items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ v|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No FILES data</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="cookie-info">COOKIES</h3>
{% if request.COOKIES %}
<table class="req">
{% for k, v in request_COOKIES_items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ v|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No cookie data</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="meta-info">META</h3>
<table class="req">
{% for var in request.META.items|dictsort:0 %}
<td>{{ var.0 }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ var.1|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>Request data not supplied</p>
{% endif %}
<h3 id="settings-info">Settings</h3>
<h4>Using settings module <code>{{ settings.SETTINGS_MODULE }}</code></h4>
<table class="req">
{% for var in settings.items|dictsort:0 %}
<td>{{ var.0 }}</td>
<td class="code"><pre>{{ var.1|pprint }}</pre></td>
{% endfor %}
{% if not is_email %}
<div id="explanation">
You're seeing this error because you have <code>DEBUG = True</code> in your
Django settings file. Change that to <code>False</code>, and Django will
display a standard page generated by the handler for this status code.
{% endif %}
2016-03-29 06:33:29 +08:00
""") # NOQA
"""{% firstof exception_type 'Report' %}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info }}{% endif %}
{% firstof exception_value 'No exception message supplied' %}
{% if request %}
Request Method: {{ request.META.REQUEST_METHOD }}
Request URL: {{ request.get_raw_uri }}{% endif %}
Django Version: {{ django_version_info }}
Python Executable: {{ sys_executable }}
Python Version: {{ sys_version_info }}
Python Path: {{ sys_path }}
Server time: {{server_time|date:"r"}}
Installed Applications:
{{ settings.INSTALLED_APPS|pprint }}
Installed Middleware:
{{ settings.MIDDLEWARE|pprint }}"""
{% if template_does_not_exist %}Template loader postmortem
{% if postmortem %}Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
{% for entry in postmortem %}
Using engine {{ }}:
{% if entry.tried %}{% for attempt in entry.tried %}"""
""" * {{ attempt.0.loader_name }}: {{ }} ({{ attempt.1 }})
{% endfor %}{% else %} This engine did not provide a list of tried templates.
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% else %}No templates were found because your 'TEMPLATES' setting is not configured.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% if template_info %}
Template error:
In template {{ }}, error at line {{ template_info.line }}
{{ template_info.message }}
{% for source_line in template_info.source_lines %}"""
"{% if source_line.0 == template_info.line %}"
" {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ template_info.before }} {{ template_info.during }} {{ template_info.after }}"
"{% else %}"
" {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ source_line.1 }}"
"""{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if frames %}
"{% for frame in frames %}"
"{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}"
" {% if frame.exc_cause %}" """
{% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}
The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:
{% else %}
During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endifchanged %}
File "{{ frame.filename }}" in {{ frame.function }}
{% if frame.context_line %} {{ frame.lineno }}. {{ frame.context_line }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if exception_type %}Exception Type: {{ exception_type }}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info }}{% endif %}
{% if exception_value %}Exception Value: {{ exception_value }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if request %}Request information:
{% if user_str %}USER: {{ user_str }}{% endif %}
GET:{% for k, v in request_GET_items %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No GET data{% endfor %}
POST:{% for k, v in filtered_POST_items %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No POST data{% endfor %}
FILES:{% for k, v in request_FILES_items %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No FILES data{% endfor %}
COOKIES:{% for k, v in request_COOKIES_items %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No cookie data{% endfor %}
META:{% for k, v in request.META.items|dictsort:0 %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% endfor %}
{% else %}Request data not supplied
{% endif %}
Using settings module {{ settings.SETTINGS_MODULE }}{% for k, v in settings.items|dictsort:0 %}
{{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% endfor %}
{% if not is_email %}
You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your
Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will
display a standard page generated by the handler for this status code.
{% endif %}
2016-03-29 06:33:29 +08:00
""") # NOQA
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Page not found at {{ request.path_info|escape }}</title>
<meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE">
<style type="text/css">
html * { padding:0; margin:0; }
body * { padding:10px 20px; }
body * * { padding:0; }
body { font:small sans-serif; background:#eee; }
body>div { border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; }
h1 { font-weight:normal; margin-bottom:.4em; }
h1 span { font-size:60%; color:#666; font-weight:normal; }
table { border:none; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; }
td, th { vertical-align:top; padding:2px 3px; }
th { width:12em; text-align:right; color:#666; padding-right:.5em; }
#info { background:#f6f6f6; }
#info ol { margin: 0.5em 4em; }
#info ol li { font-family: monospace; }
#summary { background: #ffc; }
#explanation { background:#eee; border-bottom: 0px none; }
<div id="summary">
<h1>Page not found <span>(404)</span></h1>
<table class="meta">
<th>Request Method:</th>
<td>{{ request.META.REQUEST_METHOD }}</td>
<th>Request URL:</th>
<td>{{ request.build_absolute_uri|escape }}</td>
{% if raising_view_name %}
<th>Raised by:</th>
<td>{{ raising_view_name }}</td>
{% endif %}
<div id="info">
{% if urlpatterns %}
Using the URLconf defined in <code>{{ urlconf }}</code>,
Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
{% for pattern in urlpatterns %}
{% for pat in pattern %}
{{ pat.regex.pattern }}
{% if forloop.last and %}[name='{{ }}']{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if request_path %}
The current path, <code>{{ request_path|escape }}</code>,{% else %}
The empty path{% endif %} didn't match any of these.
{% else %}
<p>{{ reason }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div id="explanation">
You're seeing this error because you have <code>DEBUG = True</code> in
your Django settings file. Change that to <code>False</code>, and Django
will display a standard 404 page.
Simplified default project template. Squashed commit of: commit 508ec9144b35c50794708225b496bde1eb5e60aa Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 22:50:55 2013 +0100 Tweaked default settings file. * Explained why BASE_DIR exists. * Added a link to the database configuration options, and put it in its own section. * Moved sensitive settings that must be changed for production at the top. commit 6515fd2f1aa73a86dc8dbd2ccf512ddb6b140d57 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 14:35:21 2013 +0100 Documented the simplified app & project templates in the changelog. commit 2c5b576c2ea91d84273a019b3d0b3b8b4da72f23 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:59:27 2013 +0100 Minor fixes in tutorials 5 and 6. commit 55a51531be8104f21b3cca3f6bf70b0a7139a041 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:51:11 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 2 for the new project template. commit 29ddae87bdaecff12dd31b16b000c01efbde9e20 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:58:54 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 1 for the new project template. commit 0ecb9f6e2514cfd26a678a280d471433375101a3 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:29:13 2013 +0100 Adjusted the default URLconf detection to account for the admin. It's now enabled by default. commit 5fb4da0d3d09dac28dd94e3fde92b9d4335c0565 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 10:36:55 2013 +0100 Added security warnings for the most sensitive settings. commit 718d84bd8ac4a42fb4b28ec93965de32680f091e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:24:06 2013 +0100 Used an absolute path for the SQLite database. This ensures the settings file works regardless of which directory / is invoked from. BASE_DIR got a +1 from a BDFL and another core dev. It doesn't involve the concept of a "Django project"; it's just a convenient way to express relative paths within the source code repository for non-Python files. Thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the suggestion. commit 1b559b4bcda622e10909b68fe5cab90db6727dd9 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:22:40 2013 +0100 Removed STATIC_ROOT from the default settings template. It isn't necessary in development, and it confuses beginners to no end. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit a55f141a500bb7c9a1bc259bbe1954c13b199671 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:21:43 2013 +0100 Removed MEDIA_ROOT/URL from default settings template. Many sites will never deal with user-uploaded files, and MEDIA_ROOT is complicated to explain. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit 44bf2f2441420fd9429ee9fe1f7207f92dd87e70 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:22:09 2013 +0100 Removed logging config. This configuration is applied regardless of the value of LOGGING; duplicating it in LOGGING is confusing. commit eac747e848eaed65fd5f6f254f0a7559d856f88f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:05:31 2013 +0100 Enabled the locale middleware by default. USE_I18N is True by default, and doesn't work well without LocaleMiddleware. commit d806c62b2d00826dc2688c84b092627b8d571cab Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:03:16 2013 +0100 Enabled clickjacking protection by default. commit 99152c30e6a15003f0b6737dc78e87adf462aacb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:01:48 2013 +0100 Reorganized settings in logical sections, and trimmed comments. commit d37ffdfcb24b7e0ec7cc113d07190f65fb12fb8a Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:54:11 2013 +0100 Avoided misleading TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG. According to the docs TEMPLATE_DEBUG works only when DEBUG = True. commit 15d9478d3a9850e85841e7cf09cf83050371c6bf Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:46:25 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES_FINDERS/TEMPLATE_LOADERS from default settings file. Only developers with special needs ever need to change these settings. commit 574da0eb5bfb4570883756914b4dbd7e20e1f61e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:45:01 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES/TEMPLATES_DIRS from default settings file. The current best practice is to put static files and templates in applications, for easier testing and deployment. commit 8cb18dbe56629aa1be74718a07e7cc66b4f9c9f0 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:24:16 2013 +0100 Removed settings related to email reporting from default settings file. While handy for small scale projects, it isn't exactly a best practice. commit 8ecbfcb3638058f0c49922540f874a7d802d864f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 18:54:43 2013 +0100 Documented how to enable the sites framework. commit 23fc91a6fa67d91ddd9d71b1c3e0dc26bdad9841 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:28:59 2013 +0100 Disabled the sites framework by default. RequestSite does the job for single-domain websites. commit c4d82eb8afc0eb8568bf9c4d12644272415e3960 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 00:08:33 2013 +0100 Added a default to the application template. Thanks Ryan D Hiebert for the suggestion. commit 4071dc771e5c44b1c5ebb9beecefb164ae465e22 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:59:49 2013 +0100 Enabled the admin by default. Everyone uses the admin. commit c807a31f8d89e7e7fd97380e3023f7983a8b6fcb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:57:05 2013 +0100 Removed admindocs from default project template. commit 09e4ce0e652a97da1a9e285046a91c8ad7a9189c Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:32:52 2013 +0100 Added links to the settings documentation. commit 5b8f5eaef364eb790fcde6f9e86f7d266074cca8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 11:06:54 2013 +0100 Used a significant example for URLconf includes. commit 908e91d6fcee2a3cb51ca26ecdf12a6a24e69ef8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:22:31 2013 +0100 Moved code comments about WSGI to docs, and rewrote said docs. commit 50417e51996146f891d08ca8b74dcc736a581932 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 15:51:50 2013 +0100 Normalized the default application template. Removed the default test that 1 + 1 = 2, because it's been committed way too many times, in too many projects. Added an import of `render` for views, because the first view will often be: def home(request): return render(request, "mysite/home.html")
2013-01-28 22:51:50 +08:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE"><title>{{ title }}</title>
<style type="text/css">
html * { padding:0; margin:0; }
body * { padding:10px 20px; }
body * * { padding:0; }
body { font:small sans-serif; }
body>div { border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; }
h1 { font-weight:normal; }
h2 { margin-bottom:.8em; }
h2 span { font-size:80%; color:#666; font-weight:normal; }
h3 { margin:1em 0 .5em 0; }
h4 { margin:0 0 .5em 0; font-weight: normal; }
table { border:1px solid #ccc; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; background:white; }
tbody td, tbody th { vertical-align:top; padding:2px 3px; }
thead th {
padding:1px 6px 1px 3px; background:#fefefe; text-align:left;
font-weight:normal; font-size:11px; border:1px solid #ddd;
tbody th { width:12em; text-align:right; color:#666; padding-right:.5em; }
#summary { background: #e0ebff; }
#summary h2 { font-weight: normal; color: #666; }
#explanation { background:#eee; }
#instructions { background:#f6f6f6; }
#summary table { border:none; background:transparent; }
<div id="summary">
<h1>{{ heading }}</h1>
<h2>{{ subheading }}</h2>
<div id="instructions">
Simplified default project template. Squashed commit of: commit 508ec9144b35c50794708225b496bde1eb5e60aa Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 22:50:55 2013 +0100 Tweaked default settings file. * Explained why BASE_DIR exists. * Added a link to the database configuration options, and put it in its own section. * Moved sensitive settings that must be changed for production at the top. commit 6515fd2f1aa73a86dc8dbd2ccf512ddb6b140d57 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 14:35:21 2013 +0100 Documented the simplified app & project templates in the changelog. commit 2c5b576c2ea91d84273a019b3d0b3b8b4da72f23 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:59:27 2013 +0100 Minor fixes in tutorials 5 and 6. commit 55a51531be8104f21b3cca3f6bf70b0a7139a041 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:51:11 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 2 for the new project template. commit 29ddae87bdaecff12dd31b16b000c01efbde9e20 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:58:54 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 1 for the new project template. commit 0ecb9f6e2514cfd26a678a280d471433375101a3 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:29:13 2013 +0100 Adjusted the default URLconf detection to account for the admin. It's now enabled by default. commit 5fb4da0d3d09dac28dd94e3fde92b9d4335c0565 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 10:36:55 2013 +0100 Added security warnings for the most sensitive settings. commit 718d84bd8ac4a42fb4b28ec93965de32680f091e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:24:06 2013 +0100 Used an absolute path for the SQLite database. This ensures the settings file works regardless of which directory / is invoked from. BASE_DIR got a +1 from a BDFL and another core dev. It doesn't involve the concept of a "Django project"; it's just a convenient way to express relative paths within the source code repository for non-Python files. Thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the suggestion. commit 1b559b4bcda622e10909b68fe5cab90db6727dd9 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:22:40 2013 +0100 Removed STATIC_ROOT from the default settings template. It isn't necessary in development, and it confuses beginners to no end. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit a55f141a500bb7c9a1bc259bbe1954c13b199671 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:21:43 2013 +0100 Removed MEDIA_ROOT/URL from default settings template. Many sites will never deal with user-uploaded files, and MEDIA_ROOT is complicated to explain. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit 44bf2f2441420fd9429ee9fe1f7207f92dd87e70 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:22:09 2013 +0100 Removed logging config. This configuration is applied regardless of the value of LOGGING; duplicating it in LOGGING is confusing. commit eac747e848eaed65fd5f6f254f0a7559d856f88f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:05:31 2013 +0100 Enabled the locale middleware by default. USE_I18N is True by default, and doesn't work well without LocaleMiddleware. commit d806c62b2d00826dc2688c84b092627b8d571cab Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:03:16 2013 +0100 Enabled clickjacking protection by default. commit 99152c30e6a15003f0b6737dc78e87adf462aacb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:01:48 2013 +0100 Reorganized settings in logical sections, and trimmed comments. commit d37ffdfcb24b7e0ec7cc113d07190f65fb12fb8a Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:54:11 2013 +0100 Avoided misleading TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG. According to the docs TEMPLATE_DEBUG works only when DEBUG = True. commit 15d9478d3a9850e85841e7cf09cf83050371c6bf Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:46:25 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES_FINDERS/TEMPLATE_LOADERS from default settings file. Only developers with special needs ever need to change these settings. commit 574da0eb5bfb4570883756914b4dbd7e20e1f61e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:45:01 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES/TEMPLATES_DIRS from default settings file. The current best practice is to put static files and templates in applications, for easier testing and deployment. commit 8cb18dbe56629aa1be74718a07e7cc66b4f9c9f0 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:24:16 2013 +0100 Removed settings related to email reporting from default settings file. While handy for small scale projects, it isn't exactly a best practice. commit 8ecbfcb3638058f0c49922540f874a7d802d864f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 18:54:43 2013 +0100 Documented how to enable the sites framework. commit 23fc91a6fa67d91ddd9d71b1c3e0dc26bdad9841 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:28:59 2013 +0100 Disabled the sites framework by default. RequestSite does the job for single-domain websites. commit c4d82eb8afc0eb8568bf9c4d12644272415e3960 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 00:08:33 2013 +0100 Added a default to the application template. Thanks Ryan D Hiebert for the suggestion. commit 4071dc771e5c44b1c5ebb9beecefb164ae465e22 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:59:49 2013 +0100 Enabled the admin by default. Everyone uses the admin. commit c807a31f8d89e7e7fd97380e3023f7983a8b6fcb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:57:05 2013 +0100 Removed admindocs from default project template. commit 09e4ce0e652a97da1a9e285046a91c8ad7a9189c Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:32:52 2013 +0100 Added links to the settings documentation. commit 5b8f5eaef364eb790fcde6f9e86f7d266074cca8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 11:06:54 2013 +0100 Used a significant example for URLconf includes. commit 908e91d6fcee2a3cb51ca26ecdf12a6a24e69ef8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:22:31 2013 +0100 Moved code comments about WSGI to docs, and rewrote said docs. commit 50417e51996146f891d08ca8b74dcc736a581932 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 15:51:50 2013 +0100 Normalized the default application template. Removed the default test that 1 + 1 = 2, because it's been committed way too many times, in too many projects. Added an import of `render` for views, because the first view will often be: def home(request): return render(request, "mysite/home.html")
2013-01-28 22:51:50 +08:00
{{ instructions|safe }}
Simplified default project template. Squashed commit of: commit 508ec9144b35c50794708225b496bde1eb5e60aa Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 22:50:55 2013 +0100 Tweaked default settings file. * Explained why BASE_DIR exists. * Added a link to the database configuration options, and put it in its own section. * Moved sensitive settings that must be changed for production at the top. commit 6515fd2f1aa73a86dc8dbd2ccf512ddb6b140d57 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 14:35:21 2013 +0100 Documented the simplified app & project templates in the changelog. commit 2c5b576c2ea91d84273a019b3d0b3b8b4da72f23 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:59:27 2013 +0100 Minor fixes in tutorials 5 and 6. commit 55a51531be8104f21b3cca3f6bf70b0a7139a041 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 13:51:11 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 2 for the new project template. commit 29ddae87bdaecff12dd31b16b000c01efbde9e20 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:58:54 2013 +0100 Updated tutorial 1 for the new project template. commit 0ecb9f6e2514cfd26a678a280d471433375101a3 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 11:29:13 2013 +0100 Adjusted the default URLconf detection to account for the admin. It's now enabled by default. commit 5fb4da0d3d09dac28dd94e3fde92b9d4335c0565 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 10:36:55 2013 +0100 Added security warnings for the most sensitive settings. commit 718d84bd8ac4a42fb4b28ec93965de32680f091e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:24:06 2013 +0100 Used an absolute path for the SQLite database. This ensures the settings file works regardless of which directory / is invoked from. BASE_DIR got a +1 from a BDFL and another core dev. It doesn't involve the concept of a "Django project"; it's just a convenient way to express relative paths within the source code repository for non-Python files. Thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the suggestion. commit 1b559b4bcda622e10909b68fe5cab90db6727dd9 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:22:40 2013 +0100 Removed STATIC_ROOT from the default settings template. It isn't necessary in development, and it confuses beginners to no end. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit a55f141a500bb7c9a1bc259bbe1954c13b199671 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 23:21:43 2013 +0100 Removed MEDIA_ROOT/URL from default settings template. Many sites will never deal with user-uploaded files, and MEDIA_ROOT is complicated to explain. Thanks Carl Meyer for the suggestion. commit 44bf2f2441420fd9429ee9fe1f7207f92dd87e70 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:22:09 2013 +0100 Removed logging config. This configuration is applied regardless of the value of LOGGING; duplicating it in LOGGING is confusing. commit eac747e848eaed65fd5f6f254f0a7559d856f88f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:05:31 2013 +0100 Enabled the locale middleware by default. USE_I18N is True by default, and doesn't work well without LocaleMiddleware. commit d806c62b2d00826dc2688c84b092627b8d571cab Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:03:16 2013 +0100 Enabled clickjacking protection by default. commit 99152c30e6a15003f0b6737dc78e87adf462aacb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 22:01:48 2013 +0100 Reorganized settings in logical sections, and trimmed comments. commit d37ffdfcb24b7e0ec7cc113d07190f65fb12fb8a Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:54:11 2013 +0100 Avoided misleading TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG. According to the docs TEMPLATE_DEBUG works only when DEBUG = True. commit 15d9478d3a9850e85841e7cf09cf83050371c6bf Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:46:25 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES_FINDERS/TEMPLATE_LOADERS from default settings file. Only developers with special needs ever need to change these settings. commit 574da0eb5bfb4570883756914b4dbd7e20e1f61e Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:45:01 2013 +0100 Removed STATICFILES/TEMPLATES_DIRS from default settings file. The current best practice is to put static files and templates in applications, for easier testing and deployment. commit 8cb18dbe56629aa1be74718a07e7cc66b4f9c9f0 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:24:16 2013 +0100 Removed settings related to email reporting from default settings file. While handy for small scale projects, it isn't exactly a best practice. commit 8ecbfcb3638058f0c49922540f874a7d802d864f Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 18:54:43 2013 +0100 Documented how to enable the sites framework. commit 23fc91a6fa67d91ddd9d71b1c3e0dc26bdad9841 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:28:59 2013 +0100 Disabled the sites framework by default. RequestSite does the job for single-domain websites. commit c4d82eb8afc0eb8568bf9c4d12644272415e3960 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Tue Jan 29 00:08:33 2013 +0100 Added a default to the application template. Thanks Ryan D Hiebert for the suggestion. commit 4071dc771e5c44b1c5ebb9beecefb164ae465e22 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:59:49 2013 +0100 Enabled the admin by default. Everyone uses the admin. commit c807a31f8d89e7e7fd97380e3023f7983a8b6fcb Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 10:57:05 2013 +0100 Removed admindocs from default project template. commit 09e4ce0e652a97da1a9e285046a91c8ad7a9189c Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:32:52 2013 +0100 Added links to the settings documentation. commit 5b8f5eaef364eb790fcde6f9e86f7d266074cca8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 11:06:54 2013 +0100 Used a significant example for URLconf includes. commit 908e91d6fcee2a3cb51ca26ecdf12a6a24e69ef8 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 16:22:31 2013 +0100 Moved code comments about WSGI to docs, and rewrote said docs. commit 50417e51996146f891d08ca8b74dcc736a581932 Author: Aymeric Augustin <> Date: Mon Jan 28 15:51:50 2013 +0100 Normalized the default application template. Removed the default test that 1 + 1 = 2, because it's been committed way too many times, in too many projects. Added an import of `render` for views, because the first view will often be: def home(request): return render(request, "mysite/home.html")
2013-01-28 22:51:50 +08:00
<div id="explanation">
{{ explanation|safe }}