94 lines
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94 lines
3.2 KiB
Misc. utility functions/classes for documentation generator
import re
from email.Parser import HeaderParser
from email.Errors import HeaderParseError
import docutils.core
import docutils.nodes
import docutils.parsers.rst.roles
# reST roles
# role name, base role url (in the admin)
'model' : '/doc/models/%s/',
'view' : '/doc/views/%s/',
'template' : '/doc/templates/%s/',
'filter' : '/doc/filters/#%s',
'tag' : '/doc/tags/#%s',
def trim_docstring(docstring):
Uniformly trims leading/trailing whitespace from docstrings.
Based on http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0257.html#handling-docstring-indentation
if not docstring or not docstring.strip():
return ''
# Convert tabs to spaces and split into lines
lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
indent = min([len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) for line in lines if line.lstrip()])
trimmed = [lines[0].lstrip()] + [line[indent:].rstrip() for line in lines[1:]]
return "\n".join(trimmed).strip()
def parse_docstring(docstring):
Parse out the parts of a docstring. Returns (title, body, metadata).
docstring = trim_docstring(docstring)
parts = re.split(r'\n{2,}', docstring)
title = parts[0]
if len(parts) == 1:
body = ''
metadata = {}
parser = HeaderParser()
metadata = parser.parsestr(parts[-1])
except HeaderParseError:
metadata = {}
body = "\n\n".join(parts[1:])
metadata = dict(metadata.items())
if metadata:
body = "\n\n".join(parts[1:-1])
body = "\n\n".join(parts[1:])
return title, body, metadata
def parse_rst(text, default_reference_context, thing_being_parsed=None):
Convert the string from reST to an XHTML fragment.
overrides = {
'input_encoding' : 'unicode',
'doctitle_xform' : True,
'inital_header_level' : 3,
if thing_being_parsed:
thing_being_parsed = "<%s>" % thing_being_parsed
parts = docutils.core.publish_parts(text, source_path=thing_being_parsed,
destination_path=None, writer_name='html',
settings_overrides={'default_reference_context' : default_reference_context})
return parts['fragment']
def create_reference_role(rolename, urlbase):
def _role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
node = docutils.nodes.reference(rawtext, text, refuri=(urlbase % text), **options)
return [node], []
docutils.parsers.rst.roles.register_canonical_role(rolename, _role)
def default_reference_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
context = inliner.document.settings.default_reference_context
node = docutils.nodes.reference(rawtext, text, refuri=(ROLES[context] % text), **options)
return [node], []
docutils.parsers.rst.roles.register_canonical_role('cmsreference', default_reference_role)
docutils.parsers.rst.roles.DEFAULT_INTERPRETED_ROLE = 'cmsreference'
for (name, urlbase) in ROLES.items():
create_reference_role(name, urlbase)