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import re
from django.utils.six.moves import input
from django.db.migrations import operations
from django.db.migrations.migration import Migration
from django.db.models.loading import cache
2013-06-07 22:49:48 +08:00
class MigrationAutodetector(object):
Takes a pair of ProjectStates, and compares them to see what the
first would need doing to make it match the second (the second
usually being the project's current state).
Note that this naturally operates on entire projects at a time,
as it's likely that changes interact (for example, you can't
add a ForeignKey without having a migration to add the table it
depends on first). A user interface may offer single-app usage
if it wishes, with the caveat that it may not always be possible.
def __init__(self, from_state, to_state, questioner=None):
self.from_state = from_state
self.to_state = to_state
self.questioner = questioner or MigrationQuestioner()
def changes(self):
Returns a dict of migration plans which will achieve the
change from from_state to to_state. The dict has app labels
as kays and a list of migrations as values.
The resulting migrations aren't specially named, but the names
do matter for dependencies inside the set.
# We'll store migrations as lists by app names for now
self.migrations = {}
# Stage one: Adding models.
2013-06-07 22:49:48 +08:00
added_models = set(self.to_state.models.keys()) - set(self.from_state.models.keys())
for app_label, model_name in added_models:
2013-06-07 22:49:48 +08:00
model_state = self.to_state.models[app_label, model_name]
# Removing models
2013-06-07 22:49:48 +08:00
removed_models = set(self.from_state.models.keys()) - set(self.to_state.models.keys())
for app_label, model_name in removed_models:
2013-06-07 22:49:48 +08:00
model_state = self.from_state.models[app_label, model_name]
# Alright, now add internal dependencies
for app_label, migrations in self.migrations.items():
for m1, m2 in zip(migrations, migrations[1:]):
return self.migrations
def add_to_migration(self, app_label, operation):
migrations = self.migrations.setdefault(app_label, [])
if not migrations:
subclass = type("Migration", (Migration,), {"operations": [], "dependencies": []})
instance = subclass("auto_%i" % (len(migrations) + 1), app_label)
def arrange_for_graph(self, changes, graph):
Takes in a result from changes() and a MigrationGraph,
and fixes the names and dependencies of the changes so they
extend the graph from the leaf nodes for each app.
leaves = graph.leaf_nodes()
name_map = {}
for app_label, migrations in list(changes.items()):
if not migrations:
# Find the app label's current leaf node
app_leaf = None
for leaf in leaves:
if leaf[0] == app_label:
app_leaf = leaf
# Do they want an initial migration for this app?
if app_leaf is None and not self.questioner.ask_initial(app_label):
# They don't.
for migration in migrations:
name_map[(app_label,] = (app_label, "__first__")
del changes[app_label]
# Work out the next number in the sequence
if app_leaf is None:
next_number = 1
next_number = (self.parse_number(app_leaf[1]) or 0) + 1
# Name each migration
for i, migration in enumerate(migrations):
if i == 0 and app_leaf:
if i == 0 and not app_leaf:
new_name = "0001_initial"
new_name = "%04i_%s" % (next_number, self.suggest_name(migration.operations))
name_map[(app_label,] = (app_label, new_name) = new_name
# Now fix dependencies
for app_label, migrations in changes.items():
for migration in migrations:
migration.dependencies = [name_map.get(d, d) for d in migration.dependencies]
return changes
def trim_to_apps(self, changes, app_labels):
Takes changes from arrange_for_graph and set of app labels and
returns a modified set of changes which trims out as many migrations
that are not in app_labels as possible.
Note that some other migrations may still be present, as they may be
required dependencies.
# Gather other app dependencies in a first pass
app_dependencies = {}
for app_label, migrations in changes.items():
for migration in migrations:
for dep_app_label, name in migration.dependencies:
app_dependencies.setdefault(app_label, set()).add(dep_app_label)
required_apps = set(app_labels)
# Keep resolving till there's no change
old_required_apps = None
while old_required_apps != required_apps:
old_required_apps = set(required_apps)
for app_label in list(required_apps):
required_apps.update(app_dependencies.get(app_label, set()))
# Remove all migrations that aren't needed
for app_label in list(changes.keys()):
if app_label not in required_apps:
del changes[app_label]
return changes
def suggest_name(cls, ops):
Given a set of operations, suggests a name for the migration
they might represent. Names not guaranteed to be unique; they
must be prefixed by a number or date.
if len(ops) == 1:
if isinstance(ops[0], operations.CreateModel):
return ops[0].name.lower()
elif isinstance(ops[0], operations.DeleteModel):
return "delete_%s" % ops[0].name.lower()
elif all(isinstance(o, operations.CreateModel) for o in ops):
return "_".join(sorted( for o in ops))
return "auto"
def parse_number(cls, name):
Given a migration name, tries to extract a number from the
beginning of it. If no number found, returns None.
if re.match(r"^\d+_", name):
return int(name.split("_")[0])
return None
class MigrationQuestioner(object):
Gives the autodetector responses to questions it might have.
This base class has a built-in noninteractive mode, but the
interactive subclass is what the command-line arguments will use.
def __init__(self, defaults=None):
self.defaults = defaults or {}
def ask_initial(self, app_label):
"Should we create an initial migration for the app?"
return self.defaults.get("ask_initial", False)
class InteractiveMigrationQuestioner(MigrationQuestioner):
def __init__(self, specified_apps=set()):
self.specified_apps = specified_apps
def _boolean_input(self, question):
result = input("%s " % question)
while len(result) < 1 or result[0].lower() not in "yn":
result = input("Please answer yes or no: ")
return result[0].lower() == "y"
def ask_initial(self, app_label):
# Don't ask for django.contrib apps
app = cache.get_app(app_label)
if app.__name__.startswith("django.contrib"):
return False
# If it was specified on the command line, definitely true
if app_label in self.specified_apps:
return True
# Now ask
return self._boolean_input("Do you want to enable migrations for app '%s'?" % app_label)