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from django.conf import settings
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos, grouping=0, thousand_sep=''):
Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
using formats definied as arguments:
* decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
* decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
* grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator
* thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
# sign
if float(number) < 0:
sign = '-'
sign = ''
# decimal part
str_number = unicode(number)
if str_number[0] == '-':
str_number = str_number[1:]
if '.' in str_number:
int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
if decimal_pos:
dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
if decimal_pos:
dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
if dec_part: dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
# grouping
if settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR and grouping:
int_part_gd = ''
for cnt, digit in enumerate(int_part[::-1]):
if cnt and not cnt % grouping:
int_part_gd += thousand_sep
int_part_gd += digit
int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
return sign + int_part + dec_part