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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import datetime
import decimal
import unittest
from django.template.defaultfilters import (
add, addslashes, capfirst, center, cut, date, default, default_if_none,
dictsort, dictsortreversed, divisibleby, escape, escapejs_filter,
filesizeformat, first, floatformat, force_escape,
get_digit, iriencode, join, length, length_is, linebreaksbr,
linebreaks_filter, linenumbers, ljust, lower, make_list,
phone2numeric_filter, pluralize, removetags, rjust, slice_filter, slugify,
stringformat, striptags, time, timesince_filter, timeuntil_filter, title,
truncatechars_html, truncatewords, truncatewords_html, unordered_list,
upper, urlencode, urlize, urlizetrunc, wordcount, wordwrap, yesno,
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import six
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData
class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
def test_floatformat(self):
self.assertEqual(floatformat(7.7), '7.7')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(7.0), '7')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.7), '0.7')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.07), '0.1')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.007), '0.0')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.0), '0')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(7.7, 3), '7.700')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(6.000000, 3), '6.000')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(6.200000, 3), '6.200')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(6.200000, -3), '6.200')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(13.1031, -3), '13.103')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(11.1197, -2), '11.12')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(11.0000, -2), '11')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(11.000001, -2), '11.00')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(8.2798, 3), '8.280')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(5555.555, 2), '5555.56')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(001.3000, 2), '1.30')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.12345, 2), '0.12')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(decimal.Decimal('555.555'), 2), '555.56')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(decimal.Decimal('09.000')), '9')
self.assertEqual(floatformat('foo'), '')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(13.1031, 'bar'), '13.1031')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(18.125, 2), '18.13')
self.assertEqual(floatformat('foo', 'bar'), '')
self.assertEqual(floatformat('¿Cómo esta usted?'), '')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(None), '')
# Check that we're not converting to scientific notation.
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0, 6), '0.000000')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0, 7), '0.0000000')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0, 10), '0.0000000000')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(0.000000000000000000015, 20),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
pos_inf = float(1e30000)
self.assertEqual(floatformat(pos_inf), six.text_type(pos_inf))
neg_inf = float(-1e30000)
self.assertEqual(floatformat(neg_inf), six.text_type(neg_inf))
nan = pos_inf / pos_inf
self.assertEqual(floatformat(nan), six.text_type(nan))
class FloatWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __float__(self):
return self.value
self.assertEqual(floatformat(FloatWrapper(11.000001), -2), '11.00')
# Regression for #15789
decimal_ctx = decimal.getcontext()
old_prec, decimal_ctx.prec = decimal_ctx.prec, 2
self.assertEqual(floatformat(1.2345, 2), '1.23')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(15.2042, -3), '15.204')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(1.2345, '2'), '1.23')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(15.2042, '-3'), '15.204')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(decimal.Decimal('1.2345'), 2), '1.23')
self.assertEqual(floatformat(decimal.Decimal('15.2042'), -3), '15.204')
decimal_ctx.prec = old_prec
def test_floatformat_py2_fail(self):
self.assertEqual(floatformat(1.00000000000000015, 16), '1.0000000000000002')
# The test above fails because of Python 2's float handling. Floats with
# many zeroes after the decimal point should be passed in as another type
# such as unicode or Decimal.
if six.PY2:
test_floatformat_py2_fail = unittest.expectedFailure(test_floatformat_py2_fail)
def test_addslashes(self):
self.assertEqual(addslashes('"double quotes" and \'single quotes\''),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'\\"double quotes\\" and \\\'single quotes\\\'')
self.assertEqual(addslashes(r'\ : backslashes, too'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'\\\\ : backslashes, too')
def test_capfirst(self):
self.assertEqual(capfirst('hello world'), 'Hello world')
def test_escapejs(self):
self.assertEqual(escapejs_filter('"double quotes" and \'single quotes\''),
'\\u0022double quotes\\u0022 and \\u0027single quotes\\u0027')
self.assertEqual(escapejs_filter(r'\ : backslashes, too'),
'\\u005C : backslashes, too')
self.assertEqual(escapejs_filter('and lots of whitespace: \r\n\t\v\f\b'),
'and lots of whitespace: \\u000D\\u000A\\u0009\\u000B\\u000C\\u0008')
self.assertEqual(escapejs_filter(r'<script>and this</script>'),
'\\u003Cscript\\u003Eand this\\u003C/script\\u003E')
escapejs_filter('paragraph separator:\u2029and line separator:\u2028'),
'paragraph separator:\\u2029and line separator:\\u2028')
def test_linenumbers(self):
self.assertEqual(linenumbers('line 1\nline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'1. line 1\n2. line 2')
self.assertEqual(linenumbers('\n'.join(['x'] * 10)),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'01. x\n02. x\n03. x\n04. x\n05. x\n06. x\n07. '
'x\n08. x\n09. x\n10. x')
def test_lower(self):
self.assertEqual(lower('TEST'), 'test')
# uppercase E umlaut
self.assertEqual(lower('\xcb'), '\xeb')
def test_make_list(self):
self.assertEqual(make_list('abc'), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(make_list(1234), ['1', '2', '3', '4'])
def test_slugify(self):
self.assertEqual(slugify(' Jack & Jill like numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and'
' silly characters ?%.$!/'),
self.assertEqual(slugify("Un \xe9l\xe9phant \xe0 l'or\xe9e du bois"),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
def test_stringformat(self):
self.assertEqual(stringformat(1, '03d'), '001')
self.assertEqual(stringformat(1, 'z'), '')
def test_title(self):
self.assertEqual(title('a nice title, isn\'t it?'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
"A Nice Title, Isn't It?")
self.assertEqual(title('discoth\xe8que'), 'Discoth\xe8que')
def test_truncatewords(self):
truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 1), 'A ...')
truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 5),
'A sentence with a few ...')
truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 100),
'A sentence with a few words in it')
truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it',
'not a number'), 'A sentence with a few words in it')
def test_truncatewords_html(self):
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 0), '')
self.assertEqual(truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - '
'three <br>four</a> five</p>', 2),
'<p>one <a href="#">two ...</a></p>')
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 4),
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four ...</a></p>')
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 5),
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>')
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 100),
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>')
'\xc5ngstr\xf6m was here', 1), '\xc5ngstr\xf6m ...')
self.assertEqual(truncatewords_html('<i>Buenos d&iacute;as! '
'&#x00bf;C&oacute;mo est&aacute;?</i>', 3),
'<i>Buenos d&iacute;as! &#x00bf;C&oacute;mo ...</i>')
def test_truncatechars_html(self):
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 0), '...')
self.assertEqual(truncatechars_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - '
'three <br>four</a> five</p>', 6),
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 11),
'<p>one <a href="#">two ...</a></p>')
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 100),
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>')
'<b>\xc5ngstr\xf6m</b> was here', 5), '<b>\xc5n...</b>')
'a<b>b</b>c', 3), 'a<b>b</b>c')
def test_upper(self):
self.assertEqual(upper('Mixed case input'), 'MIXED CASE INPUT')
# lowercase e umlaut
self.assertEqual(upper('\xeb'), '\xcb')
def test_urlencode(self):
self.assertEqual(urlencode('fran\xe7ois & jill'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(urlencode(1), '1')
def test_iriencode(self):
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(iriencode(urlencode('fran\xe7ois & jill')),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
def test_urlizetrunc(self):
self.assertEqual(urlizetrunc('', 20), '<a href='
'"" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'&q=some+long+url&btnG=Search&meta=', 20), '<a href="http://'
'meta=" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'&q=some+long+url&btnG=Search&meta=', 20), '<a href="http://'
'&meta=" rel="nofollow"></a>')
# Check truncating of URIs which are the exact length
uri = ''
self.assertEqual(len(uri), 31)
self.assertEqual(urlizetrunc(uri, 31),
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
self.assertEqual(urlizetrunc(uri, 30),
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
self.assertEqual(urlizetrunc(uri, 2),
'<a href=""'
' rel="nofollow">...</a>')
def test_urlize(self):
# Check normal urlize
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'<a href=""></a>')
# Check urlize with https addresses
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
# Check urlize doesn't overquote already quoted urls - see #9655
# The teststring is the urlquoted version of '重新开始'
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
'<a href="!" rel="nofollow">'
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
# Check urlize keeps balanced parentheses - see #11911
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">'
'(see <a href="" rel="nofollow">'
# Check urlize adds nofollow properly - see #12183
self.assertEqual(urlize(' or'),
'<a href=""></a> or '
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
# Check urlize handles IDN correctly - see #13704
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">http://c✶.ws</a>')
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">www.c✶.ws</a>')
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">c✶.org</a>')
'<a href="">info@c✶.org</a>')
# Check urlize doesn't highlight malformed URIs - see #16395
# Check urlize accepts more TLDs - see #16656
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
# Check urlize don't crash on invalid email with dot-starting domain - see #17592
# Check urlize accepts uppercased URL schemes - see #18071
'<a href="" rel="nofollow">HTTPS://</a>')
# Check urlize trims trailing period when followed by parenthesis - see #18644
self.assertEqual(urlize('(Go to'),
'(Go to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.)')
# Check urlize handles brackets properly (#19070)
'[see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>]')
self.assertEqual(urlize('see test[at['),
'see <a href="http://test[at[" rel="nofollow">test[at[</a>')
'[<a href="](" rel="nofollow">](</a>')
# Check urlize works with IPv4/IPv6 addresses
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>')
'<a href="http://[2001:db8:cafe::2]/api/9" rel="nofollow">http://[2001:db8:cafe::2]/api/9</a>')
# Check urlize correctly include quotation marks in links - #20364
self.assertEqual(urlize('before "" afterwards'),
'before "<a href=""></a>" afterwards')
self.assertEqual(urlize('before" afterwards'),
'before <a href=""></a>" afterwards')
self.assertEqual(urlize('before " afterwards'),
'before "<a href=""></a> afterwards')
self.assertEqual(urlize('before \'\' afterwards'),
'before \'<a href=""></a>\' afterwards')
self.assertEqual(urlize('before\' afterwards'),
'before <a href=""></a>\' afterwards')
self.assertEqual(urlize('before \' afterwards'),
'before \'<a href=""></a> afterwards')
# Check urlize copes with commas following URLs in quotes - see #20364
self.assertEqual(urlize('Email us at "", or phone us at +xx.yy'),
'Email us at "<a href=""></a>", or phone us at +xx.yy')
def test_wordcount(self):
self.assertEqual(wordcount(''), 0)
self.assertEqual(wordcount('oneword'), 1)
self.assertEqual(wordcount('lots of words'), 3)
def test_wordwrap(self):
self.assertEqual(wordwrap('this is a long paragraph of text that '
"really needs to be wrapped I'm afraid", 14),
'this is a long\nparagraph of\ntext that\nreally needs\nto be '
"wrapped\nI'm afraid")
self.assertEqual(wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n '
'But this line should be indented', 14),
'this is a\nshort\nparagraph of\ntext.\n But this\nline '
'should be\nindented')
self.assertEqual(wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n '
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
'But this line should be indented', 15), 'this is a short\n'
'paragraph of\ntext.\n But this line\nshould be\nindented')
def test_rjust(self):
self.assertEqual(ljust('test', 10), 'test ')
self.assertEqual(ljust('test', 3), 'test')
self.assertEqual(rjust('test', 10), ' test')
self.assertEqual(rjust('test', 3), 'test')
def test_center(self):
self.assertEqual(center('test', 6), ' test ')
def test_cut(self):
self.assertEqual(cut('a string to be mangled', 'a'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
' string to be mngled')
self.assertEqual(cut('a string to be mangled', 'ng'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'a stri to be maled')
self.assertEqual(cut('a string to be mangled', 'strings'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'a string to be mangled')
def test_force_escape(self):
escaped = force_escape('<some html & special characters > here')
escaped, '&lt;some html &amp; special characters &gt; here')
self.assertIsInstance(escaped, SafeData)
force_escape('<some html & special characters > here ĐÅ€£'),
'&lt;some html &amp; special characters &gt; here'
' \u0110\xc5\u20ac\xa3')
def test_linebreaks(self):
self.assertEqual(linebreaks_filter('line 1'), '<p>line 1</p>')
self.assertEqual(linebreaks_filter('line 1\nline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'<p>line 1<br />line 2</p>')
self.assertEqual(linebreaks_filter('line 1\rline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'<p>line 1<br />line 2</p>')
self.assertEqual(linebreaks_filter('line 1\r\nline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'<p>line 1<br />line 2</p>')
def test_linebreaksbr(self):
self.assertEqual(linebreaksbr('line 1\nline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'line 1<br />line 2')
self.assertEqual(linebreaksbr('line 1\rline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'line 1<br />line 2')
self.assertEqual(linebreaksbr('line 1\r\nline 2'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'line 1<br />line 2')
def test_removetags(self):
self.assertEqual(removetags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert'
'("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags', 'script img'),
'some <b>html</b> with alert("You smell") disallowed tags')
self.assertEqual(striptags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert'
'("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags'),
'some html with alert("You smell") disallowed tags')
def test_dictsort(self):
sorted_dicts = dictsort([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},
{'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},
{'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}], 'age')
self.assertEqual([sorted(dict.items()) for dict in sorted_dicts],
[[('age', 18), ('name', 'Jonny B Goode')],
[('age', 23), ('name', 'Barbara-Ann')],
[('age', 63), ('name', 'Ra Ra Rasputin')]])
# If it gets passed a list of something else different from
# dictionaries it should fail silently
self.assertEqual(dictsort([1, 2, 3], 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsort('Hello!', 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsort({'a': 1}, 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsort(1, 'age'), '')
def test_dictsort_complex_sorting_key(self):
Since dictsort uses template.Variable under the hood, it can sort
on keys like ''.
data = [
{'foo': {'bar': 1, 'baz': 'c'}},
{'foo': {'bar': 2, 'baz': 'b'}},
{'foo': {'bar': 3, 'baz': 'a'}},
sorted_data = dictsort(data, 'foo.baz')
self.assertEqual([d['foo']['bar'] for d in sorted_data], [3, 2, 1])
def test_dictsortreversed(self):
sorted_dicts = dictsortreversed([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},
{'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},
{'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}],
self.assertEqual([sorted(dict.items()) for dict in sorted_dicts],
[[('age', 63), ('name', 'Ra Ra Rasputin')],
[('age', 23), ('name', 'Barbara-Ann')],
[('age', 18), ('name', 'Jonny B Goode')]])
# If it gets passed a list of something else different from
# dictionaries it should fail silently
self.assertEqual(dictsortreversed([1, 2, 3], 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsortreversed('Hello!', 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsortreversed({'a': 1}, 'age'), '')
self.assertEqual(dictsortreversed(1, 'age'), '')
def test_first(self):
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(first([0, 1, 2]), 0)
self.assertEqual(first(''), '')
self.assertEqual(first('test'), 't')
def test_join(self):
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(join([0, 1, 2], 'glue'), '0glue1glue2')
def test_length(self):
self.assertEqual(length('1234'), 4)
self.assertEqual(length(mark_safe('1234')), 4)
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(length([1, 2, 3, 4]), 4)
self.assertEqual(length_is([], 0), True)
self.assertEqual(length_is([], 1), False)
self.assertEqual(length_is('a', 1), True)
self.assertEqual(length_is('a', 10), False)
def test_slice(self):
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '0'), '')
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '1'), 'a')
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '-1'), 'abcdef')
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '1:2'), 'b')
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '1:3'), 'bc')
self.assertEqual(slice_filter('abcdefg', '0::2'), 'aceg')
def test_unordered_list(self):
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['item 1', 'item 2']),
'\t<li>item 1</li>\n\t<li>item 2</li>')
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['item 1', ['item 1.1']]),
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>')
unordered_list(['item 1', ['item 1.1', 'item1.2'], 'item 2']),
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1</li>\n\t\t<li>item1.2'
'</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>item 2</li>')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
unordered_list(['item 1', ['item 1.1', ['item 1.1.1', ['item']]]]),
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>'
'item 1.1.1\n\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t<li>item</li>\n\t\t\t'
['States', ['Kansas', ['Lawrence', 'Topeka'], 'Illinois']]),
class ULItem(object):
def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title
def __str__(self):
return 'ulitem-%s' % str(self.title)
a = ULItem('a')
b = ULItem('b')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(unordered_list([a, b]), '\t<li>ulitem-a</li>\n\t<li>ulitem-b</li>')
# Old format for unordered lists should still work
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['item 1', []]), '\t<li>item 1</li>')
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []]]]),
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>')
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []],
['item 1.2', []]]]), '\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1'
'</li>\n\t\t<li>item 1.2</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>')
self.assertEqual(unordered_list(['States', [['Kansas', [['Lawrence',
[]], ['Topeka', []]]], ['Illinois', []]]]), '\t<li>States\n\t'
def test_add(self):
self.assertEqual(add('1', '2'), 3)
def test_get_digit(self):
self.assertEqual(get_digit(123, 1), 3)
self.assertEqual(get_digit(123, 2), 2)
self.assertEqual(get_digit(123, 3), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_digit(123, 4), 0)
self.assertEqual(get_digit(123, 0), 123)
self.assertEqual(get_digit('xyz', 0), 'xyz')
def test_date(self):
# real testing of date() is in
self.assertEqual(date(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29), "d F Y"),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'29 December 2005')
self.assertEqual(date(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29), r'jS \o\f F'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'29th of December')
def test_time(self):
# real testing of time() is done in
self.assertEqual(time(datetime.time(13), "h"), '01')
self.assertEqual(time(datetime.time(0), "h"), '12')
def test_timesince(self):
# real testing is done in, where we can provide our own 'now'
# NOTE: \xa0 avoids wrapping between value and unit
timesince_filter( - datetime.timedelta(1)),
timesince_filter(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29),
datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 30)),
def test_timeuntil(self):
# NOTE: \xa0 avoids wrapping between value and unit
timeuntil_filter( + datetime.timedelta(1, 1)),
timeuntil_filter(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 30),
datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29)),
def test_default(self):
self.assertEqual(default("val", "default"), 'val')
self.assertEqual(default(None, "default"), 'default')
self.assertEqual(default('', "default"), 'default')
def test_if_none(self):
self.assertEqual(default_if_none("val", "default"), 'val')
self.assertEqual(default_if_none(None, "default"), 'default')
self.assertEqual(default_if_none('', "default"), '')
def test_divisibleby(self):
self.assertEqual(divisibleby(4, 2), True)
self.assertEqual(divisibleby(4, 3), False)
def test_yesno(self):
self.assertEqual(yesno(True), 'yes')
self.assertEqual(yesno(False), 'no')
self.assertEqual(yesno(None), 'maybe')
self.assertEqual(yesno(True, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(yesno(False, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'get out of town')
self.assertEqual(yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town'),
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
'get out of town')
def test_filesizeformat(self):
# NOTE: \xa0 avoids wrapping between value and unit
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1023), '1023\xa0bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024), '1.0\xa0KB')
2013-11-04 02:08:55 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(10 * 1024), '10.0\xa0KB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 - 1), '1024.0\xa0KB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024), '1.0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 50), '50.0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 - 1), '1024.0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1.0\xa0GB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1.0\xa0TB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1.0\xa0PB')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2000), '2000.0\xa0PB')
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1, -1)), '0\xa0bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(""), '0\xa0bytes')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat("\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}"), '0\xa0bytes')
def test_pluralize(self):
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([1]), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([]), 's')
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(pluralize([1, 2, 3]), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1, 'es'), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2, 'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1, 'y,ies'), 'y')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2, 'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'y,ies,error'), '')
def test_phone2numeric(self):
self.assertEqual(phone2numeric_filter('0800 flowers'), '0800 3569377')
def test_non_string_input(self):
# Filters shouldn't break if passed non-strings
self.assertEqual(addslashes(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(linenumbers(123), '1. 123')
self.assertEqual(lower(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(make_list(123), ['1', '2', '3'])
self.assertEqual(slugify(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(title(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(truncatewords(123, 2), '123')
self.assertEqual(upper(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(urlencode(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(urlize(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(urlizetrunc(123, 1), '123')
self.assertEqual(wordcount(123), 1)
self.assertEqual(wordwrap(123, 2), '123')
self.assertEqual(ljust('123', 4), '123 ')
self.assertEqual(rjust('123', 4), ' 123')
self.assertEqual(center('123', 5), ' 123 ')
self.assertEqual(center('123', 6), ' 123 ')
self.assertEqual(cut(123, '2'), '13')
self.assertEqual(escape(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(linebreaks_filter(123), '<p>123</p>')
self.assertEqual(linebreaksbr(123), '123')
self.assertEqual(removetags(123, 'a'), '123')
self.assertEqual(striptags(123), '123')
class DefaultFiltersI18NTests(TestCase):
def test_localized_filesizeformat(self):
# NOTE: \xa0 avoids wrapping between value and unit
with self.settings(USE_L10N=True), translation.override('de'):
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1023), '1023\xa0Bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024), '1,0\xa0KB')
2013-11-04 02:08:55 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(10 * 1024), '10,0\xa0KB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 - 1), '1024,0\xa0KB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024), '1,0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 50), '50,0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 - 1), '1024,0\xa0MB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1,0\xa0GB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1,0\xa0TB')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), '1,0\xa0PB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2000), '2000,0\xa0PB')
2013-10-27 03:15:03 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1, -1)), '0\xa0Bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(""), '0\xa0Bytes')
2013-12-13 04:23:24 +08:00
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat("\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}"), '0\xa0Bytes')