diff --git a/docs/internals/_images/djangotickets.png b/docs/internals/_images/djangotickets.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a2a41852..0000000000
Binary files a/docs/internals/_images/djangotickets.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.graffle b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.graffle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd1e89cc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.graffle
@@ -0,0 +1,2652 @@
+ ActiveLayerIndex
+ 0
+ ApplicationVersion
+ com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro
+ AutoAdjust
+ BackgroundGraphic
+ Bounds
+ {{0, 0}, {1118.5799560546875, 782.8900146484375}}
+ Class
+ SolidGraphic
+ ID
+ 2
+ Style
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ BaseZoom
+ 0
+ CanvasOrigin
+ {0, 0}
+ ColumnAlign
+ 1
+ ColumnSpacing
+ 36
+ CreationDate
+ 2012-12-22 15:48:38 +0000
+ Creator
+ Aymeric Augustin
+ DisplayScale
+ 1.000 cm = 1.000 cm
+ GraphDocumentVersion
+ 8
+ GraphicsList
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 104
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+ OrthogonalBarPoint
+ {0, 0}
+ OrthogonalBarPosition
+ -1
+ Points
+ {98.499995506345428, 441}
+ {45, 441}
+ {36, 576}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ LineType
+ 2
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 103
+ Bounds
+ {{99, 432}, {18, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ ID
+ 103
+ Shape
+ Circle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Bounds
+ {{27, 576}, {342, 36}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ HFlip
+ ID
+ 102
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Text
+ Pad
+ 4
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 The ticket has a patch which applies cleanly and includes all needed tests and docs. A core developer can commit it as is.}
+ VFlip
+ Bounds
+ {{27, 543.5}, {342, 12}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FitText
+ Vertical
+ Flow
+ Resize
+ ID
+ 100
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Pad
+ 0
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs20 \cf0 For clarity, only the most common transitions are shown.}
+ VerticalPad
+ 0
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 98
+ OrthogonalBarAutomatic
+ OrthogonalBarPoint
+ {0, 0}
+ OrthogonalBarPosition
+ -1
+ Points
+ {98.499995506345428, 333}
+ {45, 333}
+ {36, 189}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ LineType
+ 2
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 97
+ Bounds
+ {{99, 324}, {18, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ ID
+ 97
+ Shape
+ Circle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Bounds
+ {{27, 135}, {108, 54}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ HFlip
+ ID
+ 96
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Text
+ Pad
+ 4
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 The ticket is a bug and obviously should be fixed.}
+ VFlip
+ Bounds
+ {{189, 306}, {18, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ ID
+ 94
+ Shape
+ Circle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 93
+ Points
+ {204.18279336665475, 307.78674107223611}
+ {252, 252}
+ {252, 189}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 94
+ Bounds
+ {{162, 135}, {180, 54}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ HFlip
+ ID
+ 95
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Text
+ Pad
+ 4
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 The ticket requires a discussion by the community and a design decision by a core developer.}
+ VFlip
+ Bounds
+ {{387, 279}, {18, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ ID
+ 91
+ Shape
+ Circle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 90
+ Points
+ {396, 278.49999548261451}
+ {396, 189}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ LineType
+ 1
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 91
+ Bounds
+ {{369, 135}, {198, 54}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ HFlip
+ ID
+ 89
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.6
+ g
+ 0.6
+ r
+ 0.6
+ Pattern
+ 1
+ Text
+ Pad
+ 4
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 The ticket was already reported, isn't a bug, doesn't provide enough information, or can't be reproduced.}
+ VFlip
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 132
+ Info
+ 4
+ ID
+ 134
+ Points
+ {342, 342}
+ {393, 395}
+ {450, 450}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 16
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 132
+ ID
+ 133
+ Points
+ {342, 450}
+ {450, 450}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 17
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 10
+ ID
+ 60
+ Points
+ {108, 423}
+ {108, 477}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 11
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 82
+ Points
+ {162, 288}
+ {396, 288}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 12
+ Info
+ 3
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 11
+ ID
+ 54
+ Points
+ {108, 315}
+ {108, 369}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 12
+ Info
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 130
+ ID
+ 131
+ Points
+ {162, 504}
+ {450, 504}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 10
+ Info
+ 3
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 11
+ ID
+ 58
+ Points
+ {234.0000000000002, 342}
+ {162, 396}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 16
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 11
+ ID
+ 57
+ Points
+ {234.0000000000002, 450}
+ {162, 396}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 17
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 17
+ ID
+ 56
+ Points
+ {288, 369}
+ {288, 423}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 16
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 16
+ ID
+ 55
+ Points
+ {162, 288}
+ {234.0000000000002, 342}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 12
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 135
+ Info
+ 4
+ ID
+ 136
+ Points
+ {396, 288}
+ {450, 405}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 82
+ Info
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 137
+ ID
+ 138
+ Points
+ {396, 288}
+ {450, 360}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 82
+ Info
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 139
+ ID
+ 140
+ Points
+ {396, 288}
+ {450, 315}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 82
+ Info
+ 1
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ Head
+ ID
+ 123
+ Info
+ 4
+ ID
+ 124
+ Points
+ {396, 288}
+ {450, 270}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Tail
+ ID
+ 82
+ Info
+ 1
+ Bounds
+ {{315, 630}, {125.99999999999999, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 128
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 development status}
+ Bounds
+ {{26.999999999999993, 650}, {108.00000000000001, 14}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FitText
+ Vertical
+ Flow
+ Resize
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 45
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Align
+ 2
+ Pad
+ 0
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\b\fs24 \cf2 Committers}
+ VerticalPad
+ 0
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 44
+ Points
+ {144, 657}
+ {180, 657}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0.501961
+ g
+ 0.25098
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ LineType
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Bounds
+ {{26.999999999999993, 632}, {108.00000000000001, 14}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FitText
+ Vertical
+ Flow
+ Resize
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 43
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Draws
+ NO
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Align
+ 2
+ Pad
+ 0
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\b\fs24 \cf2 Ticket triagers }
+ VerticalPad
+ 0
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 42
+ Points
+ {144, 639}
+ {180, 639}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ Color
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ HeadArrow
+ FilledArrow
+ Legacy
+ LineType
+ 1
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Width
+ 2
+ Bounds
+ {{315, 648}, {125.99999999999999, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 129
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 1
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 in progress}
+ Bounds
+ {{441, 630}, {125.99999999999999, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 125
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0
+ r
+ 1
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 stopped}
+ Bounds
+ {{441, 648}, {125.99999999999999, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 127
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ shadow
+ Draws
+ NO
+ stroke
+ Draws
+ NO
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 completed}
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 36
+ Points
+ {423, 234}
+ {567, 234}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Class
+ LineGraphic
+ ID
+ 33
+ Points
+ {27, 234}
+ {369, 234}
+ Style
+ stroke
+ HeadArrow
+ 0
+ Legacy
+ TailArrow
+ 0
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 441}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 132
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0
+ r
+ 1
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 wontfix}
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 396}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 135
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0
+ r
+ 1
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 worksforme}
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 351}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 137
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0
+ r
+ 1
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 needsinfo}
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 306}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 139
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0
+ r
+ 1
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 invalid}
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 495}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
+ ShapedGraphic
+ FontInfo
+ Font
+ Helvetica-Bold
+ Size
+ 12
+ ID
+ 130
+ Magnets
+ {0, 1}
+ {0, -1}
+ {1, 0}
+ {-1, 0}
+ Shape
+ Rectangle
+ Style
+ fill
+ Color
+ a
+ 0.3
+ b
+ 0
+ g
+ 0.501961
+ r
+ 0
+ GradientCenter
+ {0, 0.15238095234285712}
+ Text
+ Text
+ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 fixed}
+ Bounds
+ {{450, 261}, {90.000000000000014, 18}}
+ Class
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diff --git a/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.pdf b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a157fa8960
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.pdf differ
diff --git a/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.svg b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..363ba41aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/internals/_images/triage_process.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/docs/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.txt b/docs/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.txt
index 84f70fd731..19298c55fb 100644
--- a/docs/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.txt
+++ b/docs/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.txt
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ attribute easily tells us what and who each ticket is waiting on.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, let's start there:
-.. image:: /internals/_images/djangotickets.png
- :height: 451
- :width: 590
+.. image:: /internals/_images/triage_process.*
+ :height: 564
+ :width: 580
:alt: Django's ticket triage workflow
We've got two roles in this diagram: