This patch does three major things:
* Merges the django.template.debug implementation into django.template.base.
* Simplifies the debug implementation.
The old implementation copied debug information to every token and node.
The django_template_source attribute was set in multiple places, some
quite hacky, like django.template.defaulttags.ForNode.
Debug information is now annotated in two high-level places:
* Template.compile_nodelist for errors during parsing
* Node.render_annotated for errors during rendering
These were chosen because they have access to the template and context
as well as to all exceptions that happen during either the parse or
render phase.
* Moves the contextual line traceback information creation from
django.views.debug into django.template.base.Template. The debug views now
only deal with the presentation of the debug information.
This avoids leaving projects silently vulnerable when this option is set
to a string instead of a one-item tuple containing that string, a very
common misconfiguration.
Since RequestContext doesn't know its Engine until it's passed to
Template.render() -- and cannot without breaking a widely used public
API -- an elaborate hack is required to apply context processors.
Passed the engine instance to loaders. This is a prerequisite for
looking up configuration on the engine instance instead of global
This is backwards incompatible for custom template loaders that override
__init__. However the documentation doesn't talk about __init__ and the
way to pass arguments to custom template loaders isn't specified. I'm
considering it a private API.