from django.template.base import ( Lexer, NodeList, Parser, TemplateSyntaxError, VariableNode, tag_re, ) from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.formats import localize from django.utils.html import conditional_escape from django.utils.safestring import EscapeData, SafeData from django.utils.timezone import template_localtime class DebugLexer(Lexer): def tokenize(self): "Return a list of tokens from a given template_string" result, upto = [], 0 for match in tag_re.finditer(self.template_string): start, end = match.span() if start > upto: result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[upto:start], (upto, start), False)) upto = start result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[start:end], (start, end), True)) upto = end last_bit = self.template_string[upto:] if last_bit: result.append(self.create_token(last_bit, (upto, upto + len(last_bit)), False)) return result def create_token(self, token_string, source, in_tag): token = super(DebugLexer, self).create_token(token_string, in_tag) token.source = self.origin, source return token class DebugParser(Parser): def __init__(self, lexer): super(DebugParser, self).__init__(lexer) self.command_stack = [] def enter_command(self, command, token): self.command_stack.append((command, token.source)) def exit_command(self): self.command_stack.pop() def error(self, token, msg): return self.source_error(token.source, msg) def source_error(self, source, msg): e = TemplateSyntaxError(msg) e.django_template_source = source return e def create_nodelist(self): return DebugNodeList() def create_variable_node(self, contents): return DebugVariableNode(contents) def extend_nodelist(self, nodelist, node, token): node.source = token.source super(DebugParser, self).extend_nodelist(nodelist, node, token) def unclosed_block_tag(self, parse_until): command, source = self.command_stack.pop() msg = "Unclosed tag '%s'. Looking for one of: %s " % (command, ', '.join(parse_until)) raise self.source_error(source, msg) def compile_filter_error(self, token, e): if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = token.source def compile_function_error(self, token, e): if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = token.source class DebugNodeList(NodeList): def render_node(self, node, context): try: return node.render(context) except Exception as e: if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = node.source raise class DebugVariableNode(VariableNode): def render(self, context): try: output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context) output = template_localtime(output, use_tz=context.use_tz) output = localize(output, use_l10n=context.use_l10n) output = force_text(output) except UnicodeDecodeError: return '' except Exception as e: if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = self.source raise if (context.autoescape and not isinstance(output, SafeData)) or isinstance(output, EscapeData): return conditional_escape(output) else: return output