import os import sys from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from setuptools import setup CURRENT_PYTHON = sys.version_info[:2] REQUIRED_PYTHON = (3, 8) # This check and everything above must remain compatible with Python 2.7. if CURRENT_PYTHON < REQUIRED_PYTHON: sys.stderr.write(""" ========================== Unsupported Python version ========================== This version of Django requires Python {}.{}, but you're trying to install it on Python {}.{}. This may be because you are using a version of pip that doesn't understand the python_requires classifier. Make sure you have pip >= 9.0 and setuptools >= 24.2, then try again: $ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools $ python -m pip install django This will install the latest version of Django which works on your version of Python. If you can't upgrade your pip (or Python), request an older version of Django: $ python -m pip install "django<2" """.format(*(REQUIRED_PYTHON + CURRENT_PYTHON))) sys.exit(1) # Warn if we are installing over top of an existing installation. This can # cause issues where files that were deleted from a more recent Django are # still present in site-packages. See #18115. overlay_warning = False if "install" in sys.argv: lib_paths = [get_python_lib()] if lib_paths[0].startswith("/usr/lib/"): # We have to try also with an explicit prefix of /usr/local in order to # catch Debian's custom user site-packages directory. lib_paths.append(get_python_lib(prefix="/usr/local")) for lib_path in lib_paths: existing_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(lib_path, "django")) if os.path.exists(existing_path): # We note the need for the warning here, but present it after the # command is run, so it's more likely to be seen. overlay_warning = True break setup() if overlay_warning: sys.stderr.write(""" ======== WARNING! ======== You have just installed Django over top of an existing installation, without removing it first. Because of this, your install may now include extraneous files from a previous version that have since been removed from Django. This is known to cause a variety of problems. You should manually remove the %(existing_path)s directory and re-install Django. """ % {"existing_path": existing_path})