import decimal from threading import local from django.conf import settings from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from django.db.backends import util from django.utils import datetime_safe from django.utils.importlib import import_module class BaseDatabaseWrapper(local): """ Represents a database connection. """ ops = None vendor = 'unknown' def __init__(self, settings_dict, alias=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS): # `settings_dict` should be a dictionary containing keys such as # NAME, USER, etc. It's called `settings_dict` instead of `settings` # to disambiguate it from Django settings modules. self.connection = None self.queries = [] self.settings_dict = settings_dict self.alias = alias self.use_debug_cursor = None def __eq__(self, other): return self.alias == other.alias def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def _commit(self): if self.connection is not None: return self.connection.commit() def _rollback(self): if self.connection is not None: return self.connection.rollback() def _enter_transaction_management(self, managed): """ A hook for backend-specific changes required when entering manual transaction handling. """ pass def _leave_transaction_management(self, managed): """ A hook for backend-specific changes required when leaving manual transaction handling. Will usually be implemented only when _enter_transaction_management() is also required. """ pass def _savepoint(self, sid): if not self.features.uses_savepoints: return self.cursor().execute(self.ops.savepoint_create_sql(sid)) def _savepoint_rollback(self, sid): if not self.features.uses_savepoints: return self.cursor().execute(self.ops.savepoint_rollback_sql(sid)) def _savepoint_commit(self, sid): if not self.features.uses_savepoints: return self.cursor().execute(self.ops.savepoint_commit_sql(sid)) def close(self): if self.connection is not None: self.connection.close() self.connection = None def cursor(self): cursor = self._cursor() if (self.use_debug_cursor or (self.use_debug_cursor is None and settings.DEBUG)): return self.make_debug_cursor(cursor) return cursor def make_debug_cursor(self, cursor): return util.CursorDebugWrapper(cursor, self) class BaseDatabaseFeatures(object): allows_group_by_pk = False # True if django.db.backend.utils.typecast_timestamp is used on values # returned from dates() calls. needs_datetime_string_cast = True empty_fetchmany_value = [] update_can_self_select = True # Does the backend distinguish between '' and None? interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls = False can_use_chunked_reads = True can_return_id_from_insert = False uses_autocommit = False uses_savepoints = False # If True, don't use integer foreign keys referring to, e.g., positive # integer primary keys. related_fields_match_type = False allow_sliced_subqueries = True # Does the default test database allow multiple connections? # Usually an indication that the test database is in-memory test_db_allows_multiple_connections = True # Can an object be saved without an explicit primary key? supports_unspecified_pk = False # Can a fixture contain forward references? i.e., are # FK constraints checked at the end of transaction, or # at the end of each save operation? supports_forward_references = True # Does a dirty transaction need to be rolled back # before the cursor can be used again? requires_rollback_on_dirty_transaction = False # Does the backend allow very long model names without error? supports_long_model_names = True # Is there a REAL datatype in addition to floats/doubles? has_real_datatype = False supports_subqueries_in_group_by = True supports_bitwise_or = True # Do time/datetime fields have microsecond precision? supports_microsecond_precision = True # Does the __regex lookup support backreferencing and grouping? supports_regex_backreferencing = True # Can date/datetime lookups be performed using a string? supports_date_lookup_using_string = True # Can datetimes with timezones be used? supports_timezones = True # When performing a GROUP BY, is an ORDER BY NULL required # to remove any ordering? requires_explicit_null_ordering_when_grouping = False # Is there a 1000 item limit on query parameters? supports_1000_query_parameters = True # Can an object have a primary key of 0? MySQL says No. allows_primary_key_0 = True # Do we need to NULL a ForeignKey out, or can the constraint check be # deferred can_defer_constraint_checks = False # date_interval_sql can properly handle mixed Date/DateTime fields and timedeltas supports_mixed_date_datetime_comparisons = True # Features that need to be confirmed at runtime # Cache whether the confirmation has been performed. _confirmed = False supports_transactions = None supports_stddev = None def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def confirm(self): "Perform manual checks of any database features that might vary between installs" self._confirmed = True self.supports_transactions = self._supports_transactions() self.supports_stddev = self._supports_stddev() def _supports_transactions(self): "Confirm support for transactions" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE ROLLBACK_TEST (X INT)') self.connection._commit() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ROLLBACK_TEST (X) VALUES (8)') self.connection._rollback() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(X) FROM ROLLBACK_TEST') count, = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute('DROP TABLE ROLLBACK_TEST') self.connection._commit() return count == 0 def _supports_stddev(self): "Confirm support for STDDEV and related stats functions" class StdDevPop(object): sql_function = 'STDDEV_POP' try: self.connection.ops.check_aggregate_support(StdDevPop()) except NotImplementedError: self.supports_stddev = False class BaseDatabaseOperations(object): """ This class encapsulates all backend-specific differences, such as the way a backend performs ordering or calculates the ID of a recently-inserted row. """ compiler_module = "django.db.models.sql.compiler" def __init__(self): self._cache = None def autoinc_sql(self, table, column): """ Returns any SQL needed to support auto-incrementing primary keys, or None if no SQL is necessary. This SQL is executed when a table is created. """ return None def date_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name): """ Given a lookup_type of 'year', 'month' or 'day', returns the SQL that extracts a value from the given date field field_name. """ raise NotImplementedError() def date_interval_sql(self, sql, connector, timedelta): """ Implements the date interval functionality for expressions """ raise NotImplementedError() def date_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name): """ Given a lookup_type of 'year', 'month' or 'day', returns the SQL that truncates the given date field field_name to a DATE object with only the given specificity. """ raise NotImplementedError() def datetime_cast_sql(self): """ Returns the SQL necessary to cast a datetime value so that it will be retrieved as a Python datetime object instead of a string. This SQL should include a '%s' in place of the field's name. """ return "%s" def deferrable_sql(self): """ Returns the SQL necessary to make a constraint "initially deferred" during a CREATE TABLE statement. """ return '' def drop_foreignkey_sql(self): """ Returns the SQL command that drops a foreign key. """ return "DROP CONSTRAINT" def drop_sequence_sql(self, table): """ Returns any SQL necessary to drop the sequence for the given table. Returns None if no SQL is necessary. """ return None def fetch_returned_insert_id(self, cursor): """ Given a cursor object that has just performed an INSERT...RETURNING statement into a table that has an auto-incrementing ID, returns the newly created ID. """ return cursor.fetchone()[0] def field_cast_sql(self, db_type): """ Given a column type (e.g. 'BLOB', 'VARCHAR'), returns the SQL necessary to cast it before using it in a WHERE statement. Note that the resulting string should contain a '%s' placeholder for the column being searched against. """ return '%s' def force_no_ordering(self): """ Returns a list used in the "ORDER BY" clause to force no ordering at all. Returning an empty list means that nothing will be included in the ordering. """ return [] def fulltext_search_sql(self, field_name): """ Returns the SQL WHERE clause to use in order to perform a full-text search of the given field_name. Note that the resulting string should contain a '%s' placeholder for the value being searched against. """ raise NotImplementedError('Full-text search is not implemented for this database backend') def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params): """ Returns a string of the query last executed by the given cursor, with placeholders replaced with actual values. `sql` is the raw query containing placeholders, and `params` is the sequence of parameters. These are used by default, but this method exists for database backends to provide a better implementation according to their own quoting schemes. """ from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode # Convert params to contain Unicode values. to_unicode = lambda s: force_unicode(s, strings_only=True, errors='replace') if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): u_params = tuple([to_unicode(val) for val in params]) else: u_params = dict([(to_unicode(k), to_unicode(v)) for k, v in params.items()]) return smart_unicode(sql) % u_params def last_insert_id(self, cursor, table_name, pk_name): """ Given a cursor object that has just performed an INSERT statement into a table that has an auto-incrementing ID, returns the newly created ID. This method also receives the table name and the name of the primary-key column. """ return cursor.lastrowid def lookup_cast(self, lookup_type): """ Returns the string to use in a query when performing lookups ("contains", "like", etc). The resulting string should contain a '%s' placeholder for the column being searched against. """ return "%s" def max_in_list_size(self): """ Returns the maximum number of items that can be passed in a single 'IN' list condition, or None if the backend does not impose a limit. """ return None def max_name_length(self): """ Returns the maximum length of table and column names, or None if there is no limit. """ return None def no_limit_value(self): """ Returns the value to use for the LIMIT when we are wanting "LIMIT infinity". Returns None if the limit clause can be omitted in this case. """ raise NotImplementedError def pk_default_value(self): """ Returns the value to use during an INSERT statement to specify that the field should use its default value. """ return 'DEFAULT' def process_clob(self, value): """ Returns the value of a CLOB column, for backends that return a locator object that requires additional processing. """ return value def return_insert_id(self): """ For backends that support returning the last insert ID as part of an insert query, this method returns the SQL and params to append to the INSERT query. The returned fragment should contain a format string to hold the appropriate column. """ pass def compiler(self, compiler_name): """ Returns the SQLCompiler class corresponding to the given name, in the namespace corresponding to the `compiler_module` attribute on this backend. """ if self._cache is None: self._cache = import_module(self.compiler_module) return getattr(self._cache, compiler_name) def quote_name(self, name): """ Returns a quoted version of the given table, index or column name. Does not quote the given name if it's already been quoted. """ raise NotImplementedError() def random_function_sql(self): """ Returns a SQL expression that returns a random value. """ return 'RANDOM()' def regex_lookup(self, lookup_type): """ Returns the string to use in a query when performing regular expression lookups (using "regex" or "iregex"). The resulting string should contain a '%s' placeholder for the column being searched against. If the feature is not supported (or part of it is not supported), a NotImplementedError exception can be raised. """ raise NotImplementedError def savepoint_create_sql(self, sid): """ Returns the SQL for starting a new savepoint. Only required if the "uses_savepoints" feature is True. The "sid" parameter is a string for the savepoint id. """ raise NotImplementedError def savepoint_commit_sql(self, sid): """ Returns the SQL for committing the given savepoint. """ raise NotImplementedError def savepoint_rollback_sql(self, sid): """ Returns the SQL for rolling back the given savepoint. """ raise NotImplementedError def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences): """ Returns a list of SQL statements required to remove all data from the given database tables (without actually removing the tables themselves). The `style` argument is a Style object as returned by either color_style() or no_style() in """ raise NotImplementedError() def sequence_reset_sql(self, style, model_list): """ Returns a list of the SQL statements required to reset sequences for the given models. The `style` argument is a Style object as returned by either color_style() or no_style() in """ return [] # No sequence reset required by default. def start_transaction_sql(self): """ Returns the SQL statement required to start a transaction. """ return "BEGIN;" def end_transaction_sql(self, success=True): if not success: return "ROLLBACK;" return "COMMIT;" def tablespace_sql(self, tablespace, inline=False): """ Returns the SQL that will be appended to tables or rows to define a tablespace. Returns '' if the backend doesn't use tablespaces. """ return '' def prep_for_like_query(self, x): """Prepares a value for use in a LIKE query.""" from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode return smart_unicode(x).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("%", "\%").replace("_", "\_") # Same as prep_for_like_query(), but called for "iexact" matches, which # need not necessarily be implemented using "LIKE" in the backend. prep_for_iexact_query = prep_for_like_query def value_to_db_date(self, value): """ Transform a date value to an object compatible with what is expected by the backend driver for date columns. """ if value is None: return None return datetime_safe.new_date(value).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') def value_to_db_datetime(self, value): """ Transform a datetime value to an object compatible with what is expected by the backend driver for datetime columns. """ if value is None: return None return unicode(value) def value_to_db_time(self, value): """ Transform a datetime value to an object compatible with what is expected by the backend driver for time columns. """ if value is None: return None return unicode(value) def value_to_db_decimal(self, value, max_digits, decimal_places): """ Transform a decimal.Decimal value to an object compatible with what is expected by the backend driver for decimal (numeric) columns. """ if value is None: return None return util.format_number(value, max_digits, decimal_places) def year_lookup_bounds(self, value): """ Returns a two-elements list with the lower and upper bound to be used with a BETWEEN operator to query a field value using a year lookup `value` is an int, containing the looked-up year. """ first = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' second = '%s-12-31 23:59:59.999999' return [first % value, second % value] def year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field(self, value): """ Returns a two-elements list with the lower and upper bound to be used with a BETWEEN operator to query a DateField value using a year lookup `value` is an int, containing the looked-up year. By default, it just calls `self.year_lookup_bounds`. Some backends need this hook because on their DB date fields can't be compared to values which include a time part. """ return self.year_lookup_bounds(value) def convert_values(self, value, field): """Coerce the value returned by the database backend into a consistent type that is compatible with the field type. """ internal_type = field.get_internal_type() if internal_type == 'DecimalField': return value elif internal_type and internal_type.endswith('IntegerField') or internal_type == 'AutoField': return int(value) elif internal_type in ('DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'TimeField'): return value # No field, or the field isn't known to be a decimal or integer # Default to a float return float(value) def check_aggregate_support(self, aggregate_func): """Check that the backend supports the provided aggregate This is used on specific backends to rule out known aggregates that are known to have faulty implementations. If the named aggregate function has a known problem, the backend should raise NotImplemented. """ pass def combine_expression(self, connector, sub_expressions): """Combine a list of subexpressions into a single expression, using the provided connecting operator. This is required because operators can vary between backends (e.g., Oracle with %% and &) and between subexpression types (e.g., date expressions) """ conn = ' %s ' % connector return conn.join(sub_expressions) class BaseDatabaseIntrospection(object): """ This class encapsulates all backend-specific introspection utilities """ data_types_reverse = {} def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def get_field_type(self, data_type, description): """Hook for a database backend to use the cursor description to match a Django field type to a database column. For Oracle, the column data_type on its own is insufficient to distinguish between a FloatField and IntegerField, for example.""" return self.data_types_reverse[data_type] def table_name_converter(self, name): """Apply a conversion to the name for the purposes of comparison. The default table name converter is for case sensitive comparison. """ return name def table_names(self): "Returns a list of names of all tables that exist in the database." cursor = self.connection.cursor() return self.get_table_list(cursor) def django_table_names(self, only_existing=False): """ Returns a list of all table names that have associated Django models and are in INSTALLED_APPS. If only_existing is True, the resulting list will only include the tables that actually exist in the database. """ from django.db import models, router tables = set() for app in models.get_apps(): for model in models.get_models(app): if not model._meta.managed: continue if not router.allow_syncdb(self.connection.alias, model): continue tables.add(model._meta.db_table) tables.update([f.m2m_db_table() for f in model._meta.local_many_to_many]) if only_existing: existing_tables = self.table_names() tables = [ t for t in tables if self.table_name_converter(t) in existing_tables ] return tables def installed_models(self, tables): "Returns a set of all models represented by the provided list of table names." from django.db import models, router all_models = [] for app in models.get_apps(): for model in models.get_models(app): if router.allow_syncdb(self.connection.alias, model): all_models.append(model) tables = map(self.table_name_converter, tables) return set([ m for m in all_models if self.table_name_converter(m._meta.db_table) in tables ]) def sequence_list(self): "Returns a list of information about all DB sequences for all models in all apps." from django.db import models, router apps = models.get_apps() sequence_list = [] for app in apps: for model in models.get_models(app): if not model._meta.managed: continue if not router.allow_syncdb(self.connection.alias, model): continue for f in model._meta.local_fields: if isinstance(f, models.AutoField): sequence_list.append({'table': model._meta.db_table, 'column': f.column}) break # Only one AutoField is allowed per model, so don't bother continuing. for f in model._meta.local_many_to_many: # If this is an m2m using an intermediate table, # we don't need to reset the sequence. if f.rel.through is None: sequence_list.append({'table': f.m2m_db_table(), 'column': None}) return sequence_list class BaseDatabaseClient(object): """ This class encapsulates all backend-specific methods for opening a client shell. """ # This should be a string representing the name of the executable # (e.g., "psql"). Subclasses must override this. executable_name = None def __init__(self, connection): # connection is an instance of BaseDatabaseWrapper. self.connection = connection def runshell(self): raise NotImplementedError() class BaseDatabaseValidation(object): """ This class encapsualtes all backend-specific model validation. """ def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def validate_field(self, errors, opts, f): "By default, there is no backend-specific validation" pass