""" Code to manage the creation and SQL rendering of 'where' constraints. """ import collections import datetime import warnings from itertools import repeat from django.conf import settings from django.db.models.fields import DateTimeField, Field from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Empty, EmptyResultSet from django.utils import timezone, tree from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango19Warning from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.six.moves import range # Connection types AND = 'AND' OR = 'OR' class EmptyShortCircuit(Exception): """ Internal exception used to indicate that a "matches nothing" node should be added to the where-clause. """ pass class WhereNode(tree.Node): """ Used to represent the SQL where-clause. The class is tied to the Query class that created it (in order to create the correct SQL). A child is usually a tuple of: (Constraint(alias, targetcol, field), lookup_type, value) where value can be either raw Python value, or Query, ExpressionNode or something else knowing how to turn itself into SQL. However, a child could also be any class with as_sql() and either relabeled_clone() method or relabel_aliases() and clone() methods. The second alternative should be used if the alias is not the only mutable variable. """ default = AND def _prepare_data(self, data): """ Prepare data for addition to the tree. If the data is a list or tuple, it is expected to be of the form (obj, lookup_type, value), where obj is a Constraint object, and is then slightly munged before being stored (to avoid storing any reference to field objects). Otherwise, the 'data' is stored unchanged and can be any class with an 'as_sql()' method. """ if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return data obj, lookup_type, value = data if isinstance(value, collections.Iterator): # Consume any generators immediately, so that we can determine # emptiness and transform any non-empty values correctly. value = list(value) # The "value_annotation" parameter is used to pass auxiliary information # about the value(s) to the query construction. Specifically, datetime # and empty values need special handling. Other types could be used # here in the future (using Python types is suggested for consistency). if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) or (isinstance(obj.field, DateTimeField) and lookup_type != 'isnull')): value_annotation = datetime.datetime elif hasattr(value, 'value_annotation'): value_annotation = value.value_annotation else: value_annotation = bool(value) if hasattr(obj, 'prepare'): value = obj.prepare(lookup_type, value) return (obj, lookup_type, value_annotation, value) def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): """ Returns the SQL version of the where clause and the value to be substituted in. Returns '', [] if this node matches everything, None, [] if this node is empty, and raises EmptyResultSet if this node can't match anything. """ # Note that the logic here is made slightly more complex than # necessary because there are two kind of empty nodes: Nodes # containing 0 children, and nodes that are known to match everything. # A match-everything node is different than empty node (which also # technically matches everything) for backwards compatibility reasons. # Refs #5261. result = [] result_params = [] everything_childs, nothing_childs = 0, 0 non_empty_childs = len(self.children) for child in self.children: try: if hasattr(child, 'as_sql'): sql, params = compiler.compile(child) else: # A leaf node in the tree. sql, params = self.make_atom(child, compiler, connection) except EmptyResultSet: nothing_childs += 1 else: if sql: result.append(sql) result_params.extend(params) else: if sql is None: # Skip empty childs totally. non_empty_childs -= 1 continue everything_childs += 1 # Check if this node matches nothing or everything. # First check the amount of full nodes and empty nodes # to make this node empty/full. if self.connector == AND: full_needed, empty_needed = non_empty_childs, 1 else: full_needed, empty_needed = 1, non_empty_childs # Now, check if this node is full/empty using the # counts. if empty_needed - nothing_childs <= 0: if self.negated: return '', [] else: raise EmptyResultSet if full_needed - everything_childs <= 0: if self.negated: raise EmptyResultSet else: return '', [] if non_empty_childs == 0: # All the child nodes were empty, so this one is empty, too. return None, [] conn = ' %s ' % self.connector sql_string = conn.join(result) if sql_string: if self.negated: # Some backends (Oracle at least) need parentheses # around the inner SQL in the negated case, even if the # inner SQL contains just a single expression. sql_string = 'NOT (%s)' % sql_string elif len(result) > 1: sql_string = '(%s)' % sql_string return sql_string, result_params def get_group_by_cols(self): cols = [] for child in self.children: if hasattr(child, 'get_group_by_cols'): cols.extend(child.get_group_by_cols()) else: if isinstance(child[0], Constraint): cols.append((child[0].alias, child[0].col)) if hasattr(child[3], 'get_group_by_cols'): cols.extend(child[3].get_group_by_cols()) return cols def make_atom(self, child, compiler, connection): """ Turn a tuple (Constraint(table_alias, column_name, db_type), lookup_type, value_annotation, params) into valid SQL. The first item of the tuple may also be an Aggregate. Returns the string for the SQL fragment and the parameters to use for it. """ warnings.warn( "The make_atom() method will be removed in Django 1.9. Use Lookup class instead.", RemovedInDjango19Warning) lvalue, lookup_type, value_annotation, params_or_value = child field_internal_type = lvalue.field.get_internal_type() if lvalue.field else None if isinstance(lvalue, Constraint): try: lvalue, params = lvalue.process(lookup_type, params_or_value, connection) except EmptyShortCircuit: raise EmptyResultSet else: raise TypeError("'make_atom' expects a Constraint as the first " "item of its 'child' argument.") if isinstance(lvalue, tuple): # A direct database column lookup. field_sql, field_params = self.sql_for_columns(lvalue, compiler, connection, field_internal_type), [] else: # A smart object with an as_sql() method. field_sql, field_params = compiler.compile(lvalue) is_datetime_field = value_annotation is datetime.datetime cast_sql = connection.ops.datetime_cast_sql() if is_datetime_field else '%s' if hasattr(params, 'as_sql'): extra, params = compiler.compile(params) cast_sql = '' else: extra = '' params = field_params + params if (len(params) == 1 and params[0] == '' and lookup_type == 'exact' and connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls): lookup_type = 'isnull' value_annotation = True if lookup_type in connection.operators: format = "%s %%s %%s" % (connection.ops.lookup_cast(lookup_type),) return (format % (field_sql, connection.operators[lookup_type] % cast_sql, extra), params) if lookup_type == 'in': if not value_annotation: raise EmptyResultSet if extra: return ('%s IN %s' % (field_sql, extra), params) max_in_list_size = connection.ops.max_in_list_size() if max_in_list_size and len(params) > max_in_list_size: # Break up the params list into an OR of manageable chunks. in_clause_elements = ['('] for offset in range(0, len(params), max_in_list_size): if offset > 0: in_clause_elements.append(' OR ') in_clause_elements.append('%s IN (' % field_sql) group_size = min(len(params) - offset, max_in_list_size) param_group = ', '.join(repeat('%s', group_size)) in_clause_elements.append(param_group) in_clause_elements.append(')') in_clause_elements.append(')') return ''.join(in_clause_elements), params else: return ('%s IN (%s)' % (field_sql, ', '.join(repeat('%s', len(params)))), params) elif lookup_type in ('range', 'year'): return ('%s BETWEEN %%s and %%s' % field_sql, params) elif is_datetime_field and lookup_type in ('month', 'day', 'week_day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'): tzname = timezone.get_current_timezone_name() if settings.USE_TZ else None sql, tz_params = connection.ops.datetime_extract_sql(lookup_type, field_sql, tzname) return ('%s = %%s' % sql, tz_params + params) elif lookup_type in ('month', 'day', 'week_day'): return ('%s = %%s' % connection.ops.date_extract_sql(lookup_type, field_sql), params) elif lookup_type == 'isnull': assert value_annotation in (True, False), "Invalid value_annotation for isnull" return ('%s IS %sNULL' % (field_sql, ('' if value_annotation else 'NOT ')), ()) elif lookup_type == 'search': return (connection.ops.fulltext_search_sql(field_sql), params) elif lookup_type in ('regex', 'iregex'): return connection.ops.regex_lookup(lookup_type) % (field_sql, cast_sql), params raise TypeError('Invalid lookup_type: %r' % lookup_type) def sql_for_columns(self, data, qn, connection, internal_type=None): """ Returns the SQL fragment used for the left-hand side of a column constraint (for example, the "T1.foo" portion in the clause "WHERE ... T1.foo = 6") and a list of parameters. """ table_alias, name, db_type = data if table_alias: lhs = '%s.%s' % (qn(table_alias), qn(name)) else: lhs = qn(name) return connection.ops.field_cast_sql(db_type, internal_type) % lhs def relabel_aliases(self, change_map): """ Relabels the alias values of any children. 'change_map' is a dictionary mapping old (current) alias values to the new values. """ for pos, child in enumerate(self.children): if hasattr(child, 'relabel_aliases'): # For example another WhereNode child.relabel_aliases(change_map) elif hasattr(child, 'relabeled_clone'): self.children[pos] = child.relabeled_clone(change_map) elif isinstance(child, (list, tuple)): # tuple starting with Constraint child = (child[0].relabeled_clone(change_map),) + child[1:] if hasattr(child[3], 'relabeled_clone'): child = (child[0], child[1], child[2]) + ( child[3].relabeled_clone(change_map),) self.children[pos] = child def clone(self): """ Creates a clone of the tree. Must only be called on root nodes (nodes with empty subtree_parents). Childs must be either (Contraint, lookup, value) tuples, or objects supporting .clone(). """ clone = self.__class__._new_instance( children=[], connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated) for child in self.children: if hasattr(child, 'clone'): clone.children.append(child.clone()) else: clone.children.append(child) return clone def relabeled_clone(self, change_map): clone = self.clone() clone.relabel_aliases(change_map) return clone @classmethod def _contains_aggregate(cls, obj): if not isinstance(obj, tree.Node): return getattr(obj.lhs, 'contains_aggregate', False) or getattr(obj.rhs, 'contains_aggregate', False) return any(cls._contains_aggregate(c) for c in obj.children) @cached_property def contains_aggregate(self): return self._contains_aggregate(self) class EmptyWhere(WhereNode): def add(self, data, connector): return def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None): raise EmptyResultSet class EverythingNode(object): """ A node that matches everything. """ def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None): return '', [] class NothingNode(object): """ A node that matches nothing. """ def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None): raise EmptyResultSet class ExtraWhere(object): def __init__(self, sqls, params): self.sqls = sqls self.params = params def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None): sqls = ["(%s)" % sql for sql in self.sqls] return " AND ".join(sqls), list(self.params or ()) class Constraint(object): """ An object that can be passed to WhereNode.add() and knows how to pre-process itself prior to including in the WhereNode. """ def __init__(self, alias, col, field): warnings.warn( "The Constraint class will be removed in Django 1.9. Use Lookup class instead.", RemovedInDjango19Warning) self.alias, self.col, self.field = alias, col, field def prepare(self, lookup_type, value): if self.field and not hasattr(value, 'as_sql'): return self.field.get_prep_lookup(lookup_type, value) return value def process(self, lookup_type, value, connection): """ Returns a tuple of data suitable for inclusion in a WhereNode instance. """ # Because of circular imports, we need to import this here. from django.db.models.base import ObjectDoesNotExist try: if self.field: params = self.field.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, value, connection=connection, prepared=True) db_type = self.field.db_type(connection=connection) else: # This branch is used at times when we add a comparison to NULL # (we don't really want to waste time looking up the associated # field object at the calling location). params = Field().get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, value, connection=connection, prepared=True) db_type = None except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise EmptyShortCircuit return (self.alias, self.col, db_type), params def relabeled_clone(self, change_map): if self.alias not in change_map: return self else: new = Empty() new.__class__ = self.__class__ new.alias, new.col, new.field = change_map[self.alias], self.col, self.field return new class SubqueryConstraint(object): def __init__(self, alias, columns, targets, query_object): self.alias = alias self.columns = columns self.targets = targets self.query_object = query_object def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): query = self.query_object # QuerySet was sent if hasattr(query, 'values'): if query._db and connection.alias != query._db: raise ValueError("Can't do subqueries with queries on different DBs.") # Do not override already existing values. if not hasattr(query, 'field_names'): query = query.values(*self.targets) else: query = query._clone() query = query.query if query.can_filter(): # If there is no slicing in use, then we can safely drop all ordering query.clear_ordering(True) query_compiler = query.get_compiler(connection=connection) return query_compiler.as_subquery_condition(self.alias, self.columns, compiler) def relabel_aliases(self, change_map): self.alias = change_map.get(self.alias, self.alias) def clone(self): return self.__class__( self.alias, self.columns, self.targets, self.query_object)