""" Caching framework. This module defines set of cache backends that all conform to a simple API. In a nutshell, a cache is a set of values -- which can be any object that may be pickled -- identified by string keys. For the complete API, see the abstract Cache object, below. Client code should not access a cache backend directly; instead it should use the get_cache() function. This function will look at settings.CACHE_BACKEND and use that to create and load a cache object. The CACHE_BACKEND setting is a quasi-URI; examples are: memcached:// A memcached backend; the server is running on localhost port 11211. db://tablename/ A database backend in a table named "tablename". This table should be created with "django-admin createcachetable". file:///var/tmp/django_cache/ A file-based cache stored in the directory /var/tmp/django_cache/. simple:/// A simple single-process memory cache; you probably don't want to use this except for testing. Note that this cache backend is NOT threadsafe! locmem:/// A more sophisticaed local memory cache; this is multi-process- and thread-safe. All caches may take arguments; these are given in query-string style. Valid arguments are: timeout Default timeout, in seconds, to use for the cache. Defaults to 5 minutes (300 seconds). max_entries For the simple, file, and database backends, the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache before it is cleaned. Defaults to 300. cull_percentage The percentage of entries that are culled when max_entries is reached. The actual percentage is 1/cull_percentage, so set cull_percentage=3 to cull 1/3 of the entries when max_entries is reached. A value of 0 for cull_percentage means that the entire cache will be dumped when max_entries is reached. This makes culling *much* faster at the expense of more cache misses. For example: memcached:// db://tablename/?timeout=120&max_entries=500&cull_percentage=4 Invalid arguments are silently ignored, as are invalid values of known arguments. """ ############## # Exceptions # ############## class InvalidCacheBackendError(Exception): pass ################################ # Abstract base implementation # ################################ class _Cache: def __init__(self, params): timeout = params.get('timeout', 300) try: timeout = int(timeout) except (ValueError, TypeError): timeout = 300 self.default_timeout = timeout def get(self, key, default=None): ''' Fetch a given key from the cache. If the key does not exist, return default, which itself defaults to None. ''' raise NotImplementedError def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): ''' Set a value in the cache. If timeout is given, that timeout will be used for the key; otherwise the default cache timeout will be used. ''' raise NotImplementedError def delete(self, key): ''' Delete a key from the cache, failing silently. ''' raise NotImplementedError def get_many(self, keys): ''' Fetch a bunch of keys from the cache. For certain backends (memcached, pgsql) this can be *much* faster when fetching multiple values. Returns a dict mapping each key in keys to its value. If the given key is missing, it will be missing from the response dict. ''' d = {} for k in keys: val = self.get(k) if val is not None: d[k] = val return d def has_key(self, key): ''' Returns True if the key is in the cache and has not expired. ''' return self.get(key) is not None ########################### # memcached cache backend # ########################### try: import memcache except ImportError: _MemcachedCache = None else: class _MemcachedCache(_Cache): "Memcached cache backend." def __init__(self, server, params): _Cache.__init__(self, params) self._cache = memcache.Client([server]) def get(self, key, default=None): val = self._cache.get(key) if val is None: return default else: return val def set(self, key, value, timeout=0): self._cache.set(key, value, timeout) def delete(self, key): self._cache.delete(key) def get_many(self, keys): return self._cache.get_multi(keys) ################################## # Single-process in-memory cache # ################################## import time class _SimpleCache(_Cache): "Simple single-process in-memory cache." def __init__(self, host, params): _Cache.__init__(self, params) self._cache = {} self._expire_info = {} max_entries = params.get('max_entries', 300) try: self._max_entries = int(max_entries) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._max_entries = 300 cull_frequency = params.get('cull_frequency', 3) try: self._cull_frequency = int(cull_frequency) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._cull_frequency = 3 def get(self, key, default=None): now = time.time() exp = self._expire_info.get(key) if exp is None: return default elif exp < now: del self._cache[key] del self._expire_info[key] return default else: return self._cache[key] def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): if len(self._cache) >= self._max_entries: self._cull() if timeout is None: timeout = self.default_timeout self._cache[key] = value self._expire_info[key] = time.time() + timeout def delete(self, key): try: del self._cache[key] except KeyError: pass try: del self._expire_info[key] except KeyError: pass def has_key(self, key): return self._cache.has_key(key) def _cull(self): if self._cull_frequency == 0: self._cache.clear() self._expire_info.clear() else: doomed = [k for (i, k) in enumerate(self._cache) if i % self._cull_frequency == 0] for k in doomed: self.delete(k) ############################### # Thread-safe in-memory cache # ############################### try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle import copy from django.utils.synch import RWLock class _LocMemCache(_SimpleCache): "Thread-safe in-memory cache." def __init__(self, host, params): _SimpleCache.__init__(self, host, params) self._lock = RWLock() def get(self, key, default=None): should_delete = False self._lock.reader_enters() try: now = time.time() exp = self._expire_info.get(key) if exp is None: return default elif exp < now: should_delete = True else: return copy.deepcopy(self._cache[key]) finally: self._lock.reader_leaves() if should_delete: self._lock.writer_enters() try: del self._cache[key] del self._expire_info[key] return default finally: self._lock.writer_leaves() def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): self._lock.writer_enters() try: _SimpleCache.set(self, key, value, timeout) finally: self._lock.writer_leaves() def delete(self, key): self._lock.writer_enters() try: _SimpleCache.delete(self, key) finally: self._lock.writer_leaves() #################### # File-based cache # #################### import os import urllib class _FileCache(_SimpleCache): "File-based cache." def __init__(self, dir, params): self._dir = dir if not os.path.exists(self._dir): self._createdir() _SimpleCache.__init__(self, dir, params) del self._cache del self._expire_info def get(self, key, default=None): fname = self._key_to_file(key) try: f = open(fname, 'rb') exp = pickle.load(f) now = time.time() if exp < now: f.close() os.remove(fname) else: return pickle.load(f) except (IOError, pickle.PickleError): pass return default def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): fname = self._key_to_file(key) if timeout is None: timeout = self.default_timeout try: filelist = os.listdir(self._dir) except (IOError, OSError): self._createdir() filelist = [] if len(filelist) > self._max_entries: self._cull(filelist) try: f = open(fname, 'wb') now = time.time() pickle.dump(now + timeout, f, 2) pickle.dump(value, f, 2) except (IOError, OSError): raise def delete(self, key): try: os.remove(self._key_to_file(key)) except (IOError, OSError): pass def has_key(self, key): return os.path.exists(self._key_to_file(key)) def _cull(self, filelist): if self.cull_frequency == 0: doomed = filelist else: doomed = [k for (i, k) in enumerate(filelist) if i % self._cull_frequency == 0] for fname in doomed: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self._dir, fname)) except (IOError, OSError): pass def _createdir(self): try: os.makedirs(self._dir) except OSError: raise EnvironmentError, "Cache directory '%s' does not exist and could not be created'" % self._dir def _key_to_file(self, key): return os.path.join(self._dir, urllib.quote_plus(key)) ############# # SQL cache # ############# import base64 from django.core.db import db, DatabaseError from datetime import datetime class _DBCache(_Cache): "SQL cache backend." def __init__(self, table, params): _Cache.__init__(self, params) self._table = table max_entries = params.get('max_entries', 300) try: self._max_entries = int(max_entries) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._max_entries = 300 cull_frequency = params.get('cull_frequency', 3) try: self._cull_frequency = int(cull_frequency) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._cull_frequency = 3 def get(self, key, default=None): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT cache_key, value, expires FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [key]) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: return default now = datetime.now() if row[2] < now: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [key]) db.commit() return default return pickle.loads(base64.decodestring(row[1])) def set(self, key, value, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = self.default_timeout cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s" % self._table) num = cursor.fetchone()[0] now = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() + timeout).replace(microsecond=0) if num > self._max_entries: self._cull(cursor, now) encoded = base64.encodestring(pickle.dumps(value, 2)).strip() cursor.execute("SELECT cache_key FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [key]) try: if cursor.fetchone(): cursor.execute("UPDATE %s SET value = %%s, expires = %%s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [encoded, str(exp), key]) else: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s (cache_key, value, expires) VALUES (%%s, %%s, %%s)" % self._table, [key, encoded, str(exp)]) except DatabaseError: # To be threadsafe, updates/inserts are allowed to fail silently pass else: db.commit() def delete(self, key): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [key]) db.commit() def has_key(self, key): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT cache_key FROM %s WHERE cache_key = %%s" % self._table, [key]) return cursor.fetchone() is not None def _cull(self, cursor, now): if self._cull_frequency == 0: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % self._table) else: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE expires < %%s" % self._table, [str(now)]) cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s" % self._table) num = cursor.fetchone()[0] if num > self._max_entries: cursor.execute("SELECT cache_key FROM %s ORDER BY cache_key LIMIT 1 OFFSET %%s" % self._table, [num / self._cull_frequency]) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE cache_key < %%s" % self._table, [cursor.fetchone()[0]]) ########################################## # Read settings and load a cache backend # ########################################## from cgi import parse_qsl _BACKENDS = { 'memcached' : _MemcachedCache, 'simple' : _SimpleCache, 'locmem' : _LocMemCache, 'file' : _FileCache, 'db' : _DBCache, } def get_cache(backend_uri): if backend_uri.find(':') == -1: raise InvalidCacheBackendError("Backend URI must start with scheme://") scheme, rest = backend_uri.split(':', 1) if not rest.startswith('//'): raise InvalidCacheBackendError("Backend URI must start with scheme://") if scheme not in _BACKENDS.keys(): raise InvalidCacheBackendError("%r is not a valid cache backend" % scheme) host = rest[2:] qpos = rest.find('?') if qpos != -1: params = dict(parse_qsl(rest[qpos+1:])) host = rest[2:qpos] else: params = {} if host.endswith('/'): host = host[:-1] return _BACKENDS[scheme](host, params) from django.conf.settings import CACHE_BACKEND cache = get_cache(CACHE_BACKEND)