""" Classes allowing "generic" relations through ContentType and object-id fields. """ from django import forms from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db import backend from django.db.models import signals from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField, Field, ManyToManyRel from django.db.models.loading import get_model from django.dispatch import dispatcher from django.utils.functional import curry class GenericForeignKey(object): """ Provides a generic relation to any object through content-type/object-id fields. """ def __init__(self, ct_field="content_type", fk_field="object_id"): self.ct_field = ct_field self.fk_field = fk_field def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): # Make sure the fields exist (these raise FieldDoesNotExist, # which is a fine error to raise here) self.name = name self.model = cls self.cache_attr = "_%s_cache" % name # For some reason I don't totally understand, using weakrefs here doesn't work. dispatcher.connect(self.instance_pre_init, signal=signals.pre_init, sender=cls, weak=False) # Connect myself as the descriptor for this field setattr(cls, name, self) def instance_pre_init(self, signal, sender, args, kwargs): # Handle initalizing an object with the generic FK instaed of # content-type/object-id fields. if kwargs.has_key(self.name): value = kwargs.pop(self.name) kwargs[self.ct_field] = self.get_content_type(value) kwargs[self.fk_field] = value._get_pk_val() def get_content_type(self, obj): # Convenience function using get_model avoids a circular import when using this model ContentType = get_model("contenttypes", "contenttype") return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): if instance is None: raise AttributeError, "%s must be accessed via instance" % self.name try: return getattr(instance, self.cache_attr) except AttributeError: rel_obj = None ct = getattr(instance, self.ct_field) if ct: try: rel_obj = ct.get_object_for_this_type(pk=getattr(instance, self.fk_field)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass setattr(instance, self.cache_attr, rel_obj) return rel_obj def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance is None: raise AttributeError, "%s must be accessed via instance" % self.related.opts.object_name ct = None fk = None if value is not None: ct = self.get_content_type(value) fk = value._get_pk_val() setattr(instance, self.ct_field, ct) setattr(instance, self.fk_field, fk) setattr(instance, self.cache_attr, value) class GenericRelation(RelatedField, Field): """Provides an accessor to generic related objects (i.e. comments)""" def __init__(self, to, **kwargs): kwargs['verbose_name'] = kwargs.get('verbose_name', None) kwargs['rel'] = GenericRel(to, related_name=kwargs.pop('related_name', None), limit_choices_to=kwargs.pop('limit_choices_to', None), symmetrical=kwargs.pop('symmetrical', True)) # Override content-type/object-id field names on the related class self.object_id_field_name = kwargs.pop("object_id_field", "object_id") self.content_type_field_name = kwargs.pop("content_type_field", "content_type") kwargs['blank'] = True kwargs['editable'] = False Field.__init__(self, **kwargs) def get_manipulator_field_objs(self): choices = self.get_choices_default() return [curry(forms.SelectMultipleField, size=min(max(len(choices), 5), 15), choices=choices)] def get_choices_default(self): return Field.get_choices(self, include_blank=False) def flatten_data(self, follow, obj = None): new_data = {} if obj: instance_ids = [instance._get_pk_val() for instance in getattr(obj, self.name).all()] new_data[self.name] = instance_ids return new_data def m2m_db_table(self): return self.rel.to._meta.db_table def m2m_column_name(self): return self.object_id_field_name def m2m_reverse_name(self): return self.model._meta.pk.attname def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(GenericRelation, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) # Save a reference to which model this class is on for future use self.model = cls # Add the descriptor for the m2m relation setattr(cls, self.name, ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor(self)) def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related): pass def set_attributes_from_rel(self): pass def get_internal_type(self): return "ManyToManyField" class ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object): """ This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have multiple "remote" values and have a GenericRelation defined in their model (rather than having another model pointed *at* them). In the example "article.publications", the publications attribute is a ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor instance. """ def __init__(self, field): self.field = field def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): if instance is None: raise AttributeError, "Manager must be accessed via instance" # This import is done here to avoid circular import importing this module from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType # Dynamically create a class that subclasses the related model's # default manager. rel_model = self.field.rel.to superclass = rel_model._default_manager.__class__ RelatedManager = create_generic_related_manager(superclass) manager = RelatedManager( model = rel_model, instance = instance, symmetrical = (self.field.rel.symmetrical and instance.__class__ == rel_model), join_table = backend.quote_name(self.field.m2m_db_table()), source_col_name = backend.quote_name(self.field.m2m_column_name()), target_col_name = backend.quote_name(self.field.m2m_reverse_name()), content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.field.model), content_type_field_name = self.field.content_type_field_name, object_id_field_name = self.field.object_id_field_name ) return manager def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance is None: raise AttributeError, "Manager must be accessed via instance" manager = self.__get__(instance) manager.clear() for obj in value: manager.add(obj) def create_generic_related_manager(superclass): """ Factory function for a manager that subclasses 'superclass' (which is a Manager) and adds behavior for generic related objects. """ class GenericRelatedObjectManager(superclass): def __init__(self, model=None, core_filters=None, instance=None, symmetrical=None, join_table=None, source_col_name=None, target_col_name=None, content_type=None, content_type_field_name=None, object_id_field_name=None): super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).__init__() self.core_filters = core_filters or {} self.model = model self.content_type = content_type self.symmetrical = symmetrical self.instance = instance self.join_table = join_table self.join_table = model._meta.db_table self.source_col_name = source_col_name self.target_col_name = target_col_name self.content_type_field_name = content_type_field_name self.object_id_field_name = object_id_field_name self.pk_val = self.instance._get_pk_val() def get_query_set(self): query = { '%s__pk' % self.content_type_field_name : self.content_type.id, '%s__exact' % self.object_id_field_name : self.pk_val, } return superclass.get_query_set(self).filter(**query) def add(self, *objs): for obj in objs: setattr(obj, self.content_type_field_name, self.content_type) setattr(obj, self.object_id_field_name, self.pk_val) obj.save() add.alters_data = True def remove(self, *objs): for obj in objs: obj.delete() remove.alters_data = True def clear(self): for obj in self.all(): obj.delete() clear.alters_data = True def create(self, **kwargs): kwargs[self.content_type_field_name] = self.content_type kwargs[self.object_id_field_name] = self.pk_val obj = self.model(**kwargs) obj.save() return obj create.alters_data = True return GenericRelatedObjectManager class GenericRel(ManyToManyRel): def __init__(self, to, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None, symmetrical=True): self.to = to self.num_in_admin = 0 self.related_name = related_name self.filter_interface = None self.limit_choices_to = limit_choices_to or {} self.edit_inline = False self.raw_id_admin = False self.symmetrical = symmetrical self.multiple = True assert not (self.raw_id_admin and self.filter_interface), \ "Generic relations may not use both raw_id_admin and filter_interface"