from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags import humanize from django.template import Template, Context, defaultfilters from django.test import TestCase from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.timezone import utc from django.utils import translation from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils import tzinfo # Mock out datetime in some tests so they don't fail occasionally when they # run too slow. Use a fixed datetime for DST change in # America/Chicago (the default time zone) happened on March 11th in 2012. now = datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 9, 22, 30) class MockDateTime(datetime.datetime): @classmethod def now(self, tz=None): if tz is None or tz.utcoffset(now) is None: return now else: # equals now.replace(tzinfo=utc) return now.replace(tzinfo=tz) + tz.utcoffset(now) class HumanizeTests(TestCase): def humanize_tester(self, test_list, result_list, method): # Using max below ensures we go through both lists # However, if the lists are not equal length, this raises an exception for test_content, result in zip(test_list, result_list): t = Template('{%% load humanize %%}{{ test_content|%s }}' % method) rendered = t.render(Context(locals())).strip() self.assertEqual(rendered, escape(result), msg="%s test failed, produced '%s', should've produced '%s'" % (method, rendered, result)) def test_ordinal(self): test_list = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '11', '12', '13', '101', '102', '103', '111', 'something else', None) result_list = ('1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '11th', '12th', '13th', '101st', '102nd', '103rd', '111th', 'something else', None) self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'ordinal') def test_intcomma(self): test_list = (100, 1000, 10123, 10311, 1000000, 1234567.25, '100', '1000', '10123', '10311', '1000000', '1234567.1234567', None) result_list = ('100', '1,000', '10,123', '10,311', '1,000,000', '1,234,567.25', '100', '1,000', '10,123', '10,311', '1,000,000', '1,234,567.1234567', None) self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'intcomma') def test_l10n_intcomma(self): test_list = (100, 1000, 10123, 10311, 1000000, 1234567.25, '100', '1000', '10123', '10311', '1000000', '1234567.1234567', None) result_list = ('100', '1,000', '10,123', '10,311', '1,000,000', '1,234,567.25', '100', '1,000', '10,123', '10,311', '1,000,000', '1,234,567.1234567', None) with self.settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=False): self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'intcomma') def test_intcomma_without_number_grouping(self): # Regression for #17414 with translation.override('ja'): with self.settings(USE_L10N=True): self.humanize_tester([100], ['100'], 'intcomma') def test_intword(self): test_list = ('100', '1000000', '1200000', '1290000', '1000000000', '2000000000', '6000000000000', '1300000000000000', '3500000000000000000000', '8100000000000000000000000000000000', None) result_list = ('100', '1.0 million', '1.2 million', '1.3 million', '1.0 billion', '2.0 billion', '6.0 trillion', '1.3 quadrillion', '3.5 sextillion', '8.1 decillion', None) self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'intword') def test_i18n_intcomma(self): test_list = (100, 1000, 10123, 10311, 1000000, 1234567.25, '100', '1000', '10123', '10311', '1000000', None) result_list = ('100', '1.000', '10.123', '10.311', '1.000.000', '1.234.567,25', '100', '1.000', '10.123', '10.311', '1.000.000', None) with self.settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True): with translation.override('de'): self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'intcomma') def test_i18n_intword(self): test_list = ('100', '1000000', '1200000', '1290000', '1000000000', '2000000000', '6000000000000') result_list = ('100', '1,0 Million', '1,2 Millionen', '1,3 Millionen', '1,0 Milliarde', '2,0 Milliarden', '6,0 Billionen') with self.settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True): with translation.override('de'): self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'intword') def test_apnumber(self): test_list = [str(x) for x in range(1, 11)] test_list.append(None) result_list = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', '10', None) self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'apnumber') def test_naturalday(self): today = yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1) tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1) someday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=10) notdate = "I'm not a date value" test_list = (today, yesterday, tomorrow, someday, notdate, None) someday_result = result_list = (_('today'), _('yesterday'), _('tomorrow'), someday_result, "I'm not a date value", None) self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'naturalday') def test_naturalday_tz(self): today = tz_one = tzinfo.FixedOffset(datetime.timedelta(hours=-12)) tz_two = tzinfo.FixedOffset(datetime.timedelta(hours=12)) # Can be today or yesterday date_one = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, tzinfo=tz_one) naturalday_one = humanize.naturalday(date_one) # Can be today or tomorrow date_two = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, tzinfo=tz_two) naturalday_two = humanize.naturalday(date_two) # As 24h of difference they will never be the same self.assertNotEqual(naturalday_one, naturalday_two) def test_naturalday_uses_localtime(self): # Regression for #18504 # This is 2012-03-08HT19:30:00-06:00 in Ameria/Chicago dt = datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 9, 1, 30, tzinfo=utc) orig_humanize_datetime, humanize.datetime = humanize.datetime, MockDateTime try: with override_settings(USE_TZ=True): self.humanize_tester([dt], ['yesterday'], 'naturalday') finally: humanize.datetime = orig_humanize_datetime def test_naturaltime(self): class naive(datetime.tzinfo): def utcoffset(self, dt): return None test_list = [ now, now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=30), now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=2), now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=30, seconds=30), now - datetime.timedelta(hours=23, minutes=50, seconds=50), now - datetime.timedelta(days=1), now - datetime.timedelta(days=500), now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=30), now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=2), now + datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=30, seconds=30), now + datetime.timedelta(hours=23, minutes=50, seconds=50), now + datetime.timedelta(days=1), now + datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=6), now + datetime.timedelta(days=500), now.replace(tzinfo=naive()), now.replace(tzinfo=utc), ] result_list = [ 'now', 'a second ago', '30 seconds ago', 'a minute ago', '2 minutes ago', 'an hour ago', '23 hours ago', '1 day ago', '1 year, 4 months ago', 'a second from now', '30 seconds from now', 'a minute from now', '2 minutes from now', 'an hour from now', '23 hours from now', '1 day from now', '2 days, 6 hours from now', '1 year, 4 months from now', 'now', 'now', ] # Because of the DST change, 2 days and 6 hours after the chosen # date in naive arithmetic is only 2 days and 5 hours after in # aware arithmetic. result_list_with_tz_support = result_list[:] assert result_list_with_tz_support[-4] == '2 days, 6 hours from now' result_list_with_tz_support[-4] == '2 days, 5 hours from now' orig_humanize_datetime, humanize.datetime = humanize.datetime, MockDateTime try: self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list, 'naturaltime') with override_settings(USE_TZ=True): self.humanize_tester(test_list, result_list_with_tz_support, 'naturaltime') finally: humanize.datetime = orig_humanize_datetime