""" This module houses the GoogleMap object, used for generating the needed javascript to embed Google Maps in a webpage. Google(R) is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. of Mountain View, California. Example: * In the view: return render_to_response('template.html', {'google' : GoogleMap(key="abcdefg")}) * In the template: {{ google.xhtml }} Google Maps via GeoDjango {{ google.style }} {{ google.scripts }} {{ google.body }}
Note: If you want to be more explicit in your templates, the following are equivalent: {{ google.body }} => "" {{ google.xhtml }} => "" {{ google.style }} => "" Explanation: - The `xhtml` property provides the correct XML namespace needed for Google Maps to operate in IE using XHTML. Google Maps on IE uses VML to draw polylines. Returns, by default: - The `style` property provides the correct style tag for the CSS properties required by Google Maps on IE: - The `scripts` property provides the necessary