from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import re from importlib import import_module from django import get_version from django.apps import apps from django.db import migrations from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader from django.db.migrations.serializer import serializer_factory from django.utils._os import upath from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.inspect import get_func_args from django.utils.module_loading import module_dir from django.utils.timezone import now try: import enum except ImportError: # No support on Python 2 if enum34 isn't installed. enum = None class SettingsReference(str): """ Special subclass of string which actually references a current settings value. It's treated as the value in memory, but serializes out to a settings.NAME attribute reference. """ def __new__(self, value, setting_name): return str.__new__(self, value) def __init__(self, value, setting_name): self.setting_name = setting_name class OperationWriter(object): def __init__(self, operation, indentation=2): self.operation = operation self.buff = [] self.indentation = indentation def serialize(self): def _write(_arg_name, _arg_value): if (_arg_name in self.operation.serialization_expand_args and isinstance(_arg_value, (list, tuple, dict))): if isinstance(_arg_value, dict): self.feed('%s={' % _arg_name) self.indent() for key, value in _arg_value.items(): key_string, key_imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(key) arg_string, arg_imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(value) args = arg_string.splitlines() if len(args) > 1: self.feed('%s: %s' % (key_string, args[0])) for arg in args[1:-1]: self.feed(arg) self.feed('%s,' % args[-1]) else: self.feed('%s: %s,' % (key_string, arg_string)) imports.update(key_imports) imports.update(arg_imports) self.unindent() self.feed('},') else: self.feed('%s=[' % _arg_name) self.indent() for item in _arg_value: arg_string, arg_imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(item) args = arg_string.splitlines() if len(args) > 1: for arg in args[:-1]: self.feed(arg) self.feed('%s,' % args[-1]) else: self.feed('%s,' % arg_string) imports.update(arg_imports) self.unindent() self.feed('],') else: arg_string, arg_imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(_arg_value) args = arg_string.splitlines() if len(args) > 1: self.feed('%s=%s' % (_arg_name, args[0])) for arg in args[1:-1]: self.feed(arg) self.feed('%s,' % args[-1]) else: self.feed('%s=%s,' % (_arg_name, arg_string)) imports.update(arg_imports) imports = set() name, args, kwargs = self.operation.deconstruct() operation_args = get_func_args(self.operation.__init__) # See if this operation is in django.db.migrations. If it is, # We can just use the fact we already have that imported, # otherwise, we need to add an import for the operation class. if getattr(migrations, name, None) == self.operation.__class__: self.feed('migrations.%s(' % name) else: imports.add('import %s' % (self.operation.__class__.__module__)) self.feed('%s.%s(' % (self.operation.__class__.__module__, name)) self.indent() for i, arg in enumerate(args): arg_value = arg arg_name = operation_args[i] _write(arg_name, arg_value) i = len(args) # Only iterate over remaining arguments for arg_name in operation_args[i:]: if arg_name in kwargs: # Don't sort to maintain signature order arg_value = kwargs[arg_name] _write(arg_name, arg_value) self.unindent() self.feed('),') return self.render(), imports def indent(self): self.indentation += 1 def unindent(self): self.indentation -= 1 def feed(self, line): self.buff.append(' ' * (self.indentation * 4) + line) def render(self): return '\n'.join(self.buff) class MigrationWriter(object): """ Takes a Migration instance and is able to produce the contents of the migration file from it. """ def __init__(self, migration): self.migration = migration self.needs_manual_porting = False def as_string(self): """ Returns a string of the file contents. """ items = { "replaces_str": "", "initial_str": "", } imports = set() # Deconstruct operations operations = [] for operation in self.migration.operations: operation_string, operation_imports = OperationWriter(operation).serialize() imports.update(operation_imports) operations.append(operation_string) items["operations"] = "\n".join(operations) + "\n" if operations else "" # Format dependencies and write out swappable dependencies right dependencies = [] for dependency in self.migration.dependencies: if dependency[0] == "__setting__": dependencies.append(" migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.%s)," % dependency[1]) imports.add("from django.conf import settings") else: # No need to output bytestrings for dependencies dependency = tuple(force_text(s) for s in dependency) dependencies.append(" %s," % self.serialize(dependency)[0]) items["dependencies"] = "\n".join(dependencies) + "\n" if dependencies else "" # Format imports nicely, swapping imports of functions from migration files # for comments migration_imports = set() for line in list(imports): if re.match("^import (.*)\.\d+[^\s]*$", line): migration_imports.add(line.split("import")[1].strip()) imports.remove(line) self.needs_manual_porting = True # django.db.migrations is always used, but models import may not be. # If models import exists, merge it with migrations import. if "from django.db import models" in imports: imports.discard("from django.db import models") imports.add("from django.db import migrations, models") else: imports.add("from django.db import migrations") # Sort imports by the package / module to be imported (the part after # "from" in "from ... import ..." or after "import" in "import ..."). sorted_imports = sorted(imports, key=lambda i: i.split()[1]) items["imports"] = "\n".join(sorted_imports) + "\n" if imports else "" if migration_imports: items["imports"] += ( "\n\n# Functions from the following migrations need manual " "copying.\n# Move them and any dependencies into this file, " "then update the\n# RunPython operations to refer to the local " "versions:\n# %s" ) % "\n# ".join(sorted(migration_imports)) # If there's a replaces, make a string for it if self.migration.replaces: items['replaces_str'] = "\n replaces = %s\n" % self.serialize(self.migration.replaces)[0] # Hinting that goes into comment items.update( version=get_version(), timestamp=now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), ) if self.migration.initial: items['initial_str'] = "\n initial = True\n" return (MIGRATION_TEMPLATE % items).encode("utf8") @property def basedir(self): migrations_package_name, _ = MigrationLoader.migrations_module(self.migration.app_label) if migrations_package_name is None: raise ValueError( "Django can't create migrations for app '%s' because " "migrations have been disabled via the MIGRATION_MODULES " "setting." % self.migration.app_label ) # See if we can import the migrations module directly try: migrations_module = import_module(migrations_package_name) except ImportError: pass else: try: return upath(module_dir(migrations_module)) except ValueError: pass # Alright, see if it's a direct submodule of the app app_config = apps.get_app_config(self.migration.app_label) maybe_app_name, _, migrations_package_basename = migrations_package_name.rpartition(".") if == maybe_app_name: return os.path.join(app_config.path, migrations_package_basename) # In case of using MIGRATION_MODULES setting and the custom package # doesn't exist, create one, starting from an existing package existing_dirs, missing_dirs = migrations_package_name.split("."), [] while existing_dirs: missing_dirs.insert(0, existing_dirs.pop(-1)) try: base_module = import_module(".".join(existing_dirs)) except ImportError: continue else: try: base_dir = upath(module_dir(base_module)) except ValueError: continue else: break else: raise ValueError( "Could not locate an appropriate location to create " "migrations package %s. Make sure the toplevel " "package exists and can be imported." % migrations_package_name) final_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, *missing_dirs) if not os.path.isdir(final_dir): os.makedirs(final_dir) for missing_dir in missing_dirs: base_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, missing_dir) with open(os.path.join(base_dir, ""), "w"): pass return final_dir @property def filename(self): return "" % @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self.basedir, self.filename) @classmethod def serialize(cls, value): return serializer_factory(value).serialize() MIGRATION_TEMPLATE = """\ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django %(version)s on %(timestamp)s from __future__ import unicode_literals %(imports)s class Migration(migrations.Migration): %(replaces_str)s%(initial_str)s dependencies = [ %(dependencies)s\ ] operations = [ %(operations)s\ ] """