import sys from django.apps import apps from import BaseCommand from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connections from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader from django.db.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Shows all available migrations for the current project" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( 'app_label', nargs='*', help='App labels of applications to limit the output to.', ) parser.add_argument( '--database', default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, help=( 'Nominates a database to show migrations for. Defaults to the ' '"default" database.' ), ) formats = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() formats.add_argument( '--list', '-l', action='store_const', dest='format', const='list', help=( 'Shows a list of all migrations and which are applied. ' 'With a verbosity level of 2 or above, the applied datetimes ' 'will be included.' ), ) formats.add_argument( '--plan', '-p', action='store_const', dest='format', const='plan', help=( 'Shows all migrations in the order they will be applied. ' 'With a verbosity level of 2 or above all direct migration dependencies ' 'and reverse dependencies (run_before) will be included.' ) ) parser.set_defaults(format='list') def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = options['verbosity'] # Get the database we're operating from db = options['database'] connection = connections[db] if options['format'] == "plan": return self.show_plan(connection, options['app_label']) else: return self.show_list(connection, options['app_label']) def _validate_app_names(self, loader, app_names): has_bad_names = False for app_name in app_names: try: apps.get_app_config(app_name) except LookupError as err: self.stderr.write(str(err)) has_bad_names = True if has_bad_names: sys.exit(2) def show_list(self, connection, app_names=None): """ Show a list of all migrations on the system, or only those of some named apps. """ # Load migrations from disk/DB loader = MigrationLoader(connection, ignore_no_migrations=True) recorder = MigrationRecorder(connection) recorded_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations() graph = loader.graph # If we were passed a list of apps, validate it if app_names: self._validate_app_names(loader, app_names) # Otherwise, show all apps in alphabetic order else: app_names = sorted(loader.migrated_apps) # For each app, print its migrations in order from oldest (roots) to # newest (leaves). for app_name in app_names: self.stdout.write(app_name, shown = set() for node in graph.leaf_nodes(app_name): for plan_node in graph.forwards_plan(node): if plan_node not in shown and plan_node[0] == app_name: # Give it a nice title if it's a squashed one title = plan_node[1] if graph.nodes[plan_node].replaces: title += " (%s squashed migrations)" % len(graph.nodes[plan_node].replaces) applied_migration = loader.applied_migrations.get(plan_node) # Mark it as applied/unapplied if applied_migration: if plan_node in recorded_migrations: output = ' [X] %s' % title else: title += " Run ' migrate' to finish recording." output = ' [-] %s' % title if self.verbosity >= 2 and hasattr(applied_migration, 'applied'): output += ' (applied at %s)' % applied_migration.applied.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.stdout.write(output) else: self.stdout.write(" [ ] %s" % title) shown.add(plan_node) # If we didn't print anything, then a small message if not shown: self.stdout.write(" (no migrations)", def show_plan(self, connection, app_names=None): """ Show all known migrations (or only those of the specified app_names) in the order they will be applied. """ # Load migrations from disk/DB loader = MigrationLoader(connection) graph = loader.graph if app_names: self._validate_app_names(loader, app_names) targets = [key for key in graph.leaf_nodes() if key[0] in app_names] else: targets = graph.leaf_nodes() plan = [] seen = set() # Generate the plan for target in targets: for migration in graph.forwards_plan(target): if migration not in seen: node = graph.node_map[migration] plan.append(node) seen.add(migration) # Output def print_deps(node): out = [] for parent in sorted(node.parents): out.append("%s.%s" % parent.key) if out: return " ... (%s)" % ", ".join(out) return "" for node in plan: deps = "" if self.verbosity >= 2: deps = print_deps(node) if node.key in loader.applied_migrations: self.stdout.write("[X] %s.%s%s" % (node.key[0], node.key[1], deps)) else: self.stdout.write("[ ] %s.%s%s" % (node.key[0], node.key[1], deps)) if not plan: self.stdout.write('(no migrations)',