""" SQLite3 backend for django. Works with either the pysqlite2 module or the sqlite3 module in the standard library. """ import re import sys import datetime from django.db import utils from django.db.backends import * from django.db.backends.signals import connection_created from django.db.backends.sqlite3.client import DatabaseClient from django.db.backends.sqlite3.creation import DatabaseCreation from django.db.backends.sqlite3.introspection import DatabaseIntrospection from django.utils.safestring import SafeString try: try: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as Database except ImportError, e1: from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as Database except ImportError, exc: from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading either pysqlite2 or sqlite3 modules (tried in that order): %s" % exc) DatabaseError = Database.DatabaseError IntegrityError = Database.IntegrityError Database.register_converter("bool", lambda s: str(s) == '1') Database.register_converter("time", util.typecast_time) Database.register_converter("date", util.typecast_date) Database.register_converter("datetime", util.typecast_timestamp) Database.register_converter("timestamp", util.typecast_timestamp) Database.register_converter("TIMESTAMP", util.typecast_timestamp) Database.register_converter("decimal", util.typecast_decimal) Database.register_adapter(decimal.Decimal, util.rev_typecast_decimal) if Database.version_info >= (2,4,1): # Starting in 2.4.1, the str type is not accepted anymore, therefore, # we convert all str objects to Unicode # As registering a adapter for a primitive type causes a small # slow-down, this adapter is only registered for sqlite3 versions # needing it. Database.register_adapter(str, lambda s:s.decode('utf-8')) Database.register_adapter(SafeString, lambda s:s.decode('utf-8')) class DatabaseFeatures(BaseDatabaseFeatures): # SQLite cannot handle us only partially reading from a cursor's result set # and then writing the same rows to the database in another cursor. This # setting ensures we always read result sets fully into memory all in one # go. can_use_chunked_reads = False test_db_allows_multiple_connections = False supports_unspecified_pk = True supports_1000_query_parameters = False supports_mixed_date_datetime_comparisons = False def _supports_stddev(self): """Confirm support for STDDEV and related stats functions SQLite supports STDDEV as an extension package; so connection.ops.check_aggregate_support() can't unilaterally rule out support for STDDEV. We need to manually check whether the call works. """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE STDDEV_TEST (X INT)') try: cursor.execute('SELECT STDDEV(*) FROM STDDEV_TEST') has_support = True except utils.DatabaseError: has_support = False cursor.execute('DROP TABLE STDDEV_TEST') return has_support class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations): def date_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name): # sqlite doesn't support extract, so we fake it with the user-defined # function django_extract that's registered in connect(). Note that # single quotes are used because this is a string (and could otherwise # cause a collision with a field name). return "django_extract('%s', %s)" % (lookup_type.lower(), field_name) def date_interval_sql(self, sql, connector, timedelta): # It would be more straightforward if we could use the sqlite strftime # function, but it does not allow for keeping six digits of fractional # second information, nor does it allow for formatting date and datetime # values differently. So instead we register our own function that # formats the datetime combined with the delta in a manner suitable # for comparisons. return u'django_format_dtdelta(%s, "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d")' % (sql, connector, timedelta.days, timedelta.seconds, timedelta.microseconds) def date_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name): # sqlite doesn't support DATE_TRUNC, so we fake it with a user-defined # function django_date_trunc that's registered in connect(). Note that # single quotes are used because this is a string (and could otherwise # cause a collision with a field name). return "django_date_trunc('%s', %s)" % (lookup_type.lower(), field_name) def drop_foreignkey_sql(self): return "" def pk_default_value(self): return 'NULL' def quote_name(self, name): if name.startswith('"') and name.endswith('"'): return name # Quoting once is enough. return '"%s"' % name def no_limit_value(self): return -1 def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences): # NB: The generated SQL below is specific to SQLite # Note: The DELETE FROM... SQL generated below works for SQLite databases # because constraints don't exist sql = ['%s %s %s;' % \ (style.SQL_KEYWORD('DELETE'), style.SQL_KEYWORD('FROM'), style.SQL_FIELD(self.quote_name(table)) ) for table in tables] # Note: No requirement for reset of auto-incremented indices (cf. other # sql_flush() implementations). Just return SQL at this point return sql def year_lookup_bounds(self, value): first = '%s-01-01' second = '%s-12-31 23:59:59.999999' return [first % value, second % value] def convert_values(self, value, field): """SQLite returns floats when it should be returning decimals, and gets dates and datetimes wrong. For consistency with other backends, coerce when required. """ internal_type = field.get_internal_type() if internal_type == 'DecimalField': return util.typecast_decimal(field.format_number(value)) elif internal_type and internal_type.endswith('IntegerField') or internal_type == 'AutoField': return int(value) elif internal_type == 'DateField': return util.typecast_date(value) elif internal_type == 'DateTimeField': return util.typecast_timestamp(value) elif internal_type == 'TimeField': return util.typecast_time(value) # No field, or the field isn't known to be a decimal or integer return value class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper): vendor = 'sqlite' # SQLite requires LIKE statements to include an ESCAPE clause if the value # being escaped has a percent or underscore in it. # See http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html for an explanation. operators = { 'exact': '= %s', 'iexact': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'contains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'icontains': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'regex': 'REGEXP %s', 'iregex': "REGEXP '(?i)' || %s", 'gt': '> %s', 'gte': '>= %s', 'lt': '< %s', 'lte': '<= %s', 'startswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'endswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'istartswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", 'iendswith': "LIKE %s ESCAPE '\\'", } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self) self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self) self.client = DatabaseClient(self) self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self) self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self) self.validation = BaseDatabaseValidation(self) def _cursor(self): if self.connection is None: settings_dict = self.settings_dict if not settings_dict['NAME']: from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured raise ImproperlyConfigured("Please fill out the database NAME in the settings module before using the database.") kwargs = { 'database': settings_dict['NAME'], 'detect_types': Database.PARSE_DECLTYPES | Database.PARSE_COLNAMES, } kwargs.update(settings_dict['OPTIONS']) self.connection = Database.connect(**kwargs) # Register extract, date_trunc, and regexp functions. self.connection.create_function("django_extract", 2, _sqlite_extract) self.connection.create_function("django_date_trunc", 2, _sqlite_date_trunc) self.connection.create_function("regexp", 2, _sqlite_regexp) self.connection.create_function("django_format_dtdelta", 5, _sqlite_format_dtdelta) connection_created.send(sender=self.__class__, connection=self) return self.connection.cursor(factory=SQLiteCursorWrapper) def close(self): # If database is in memory, closing the connection destroys the # database. To prevent accidental data loss, ignore close requests on # an in-memory db. if self.settings_dict['NAME'] != ":memory:": BaseDatabaseWrapper.close(self) FORMAT_QMARK_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?![^%])%s') class SQLiteCursorWrapper(Database.Cursor): """ Django uses "format" style placeholders, but pysqlite2 uses "qmark" style. This fixes it -- but note that if you want to use a literal "%s" in a query, you'll need to use "%%s". """ def execute(self, query, params=()): query = self.convert_query(query) try: return Database.Cursor.execute(self, query, params) except Database.IntegrityError, e: raise utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e)), sys.exc_info()[2] except Database.DatabaseError, e: raise utils.DatabaseError, utils.DatabaseError(*tuple(e)), sys.exc_info()[2] def executemany(self, query, param_list): query = self.convert_query(query) try: return Database.Cursor.executemany(self, query, param_list) except Database.IntegrityError, e: raise utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e)), sys.exc_info()[2] except Database.DatabaseError, e: raise utils.DatabaseError, utils.DatabaseError(*tuple(e)), sys.exc_info()[2] def convert_query(self, query): return FORMAT_QMARK_REGEX.sub('?', query).replace('%%','%') def _sqlite_extract(lookup_type, dt): if dt is None: return None try: dt = util.typecast_timestamp(dt) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None if lookup_type == 'week_day': return (dt.isoweekday() % 7) + 1 else: return getattr(dt, lookup_type) def _sqlite_date_trunc(lookup_type, dt): try: dt = util.typecast_timestamp(dt) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None if lookup_type == 'year': return "%i-01-01 00:00:00" % dt.year elif lookup_type == 'month': return "%i-%02i-01 00:00:00" % (dt.year, dt.month) elif lookup_type == 'day': return "%i-%02i-%02i 00:00:00" % (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day) def _sqlite_format_dtdelta(dt, conn, days, secs, usecs): try: dt = util.typecast_timestamp(dt) delta = datetime.timedelta(int(days), int(secs), int(usecs)) if conn.strip() == '+': dt = dt + delta else: dt = dt - delta except (ValueError, TypeError): return None if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime): rv = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if dt.microsecond: rv = "%s.%0.6d" % (rv, dt.microsecond) else: rv = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") return rv def _sqlite_regexp(re_pattern, re_string): import re try: return bool(re.search(re_pattern, re_string)) except: return False