import os import imp def module_has_submodule(mod, submod_name): # If the module was loaded from an egg, __loader__ will be set and # its find_module must be used to search for submodules. loader = getattr(mod, '__loader__', None) if loader: mod_path = "%s.%s" % (mod.__name__, submod_name) mod_path = mod_path[len(loader.prefix):] x = loader.find_module(mod_path) if x is None: # zipimport.zipimporter.find_module is documented to take # dotted paths but in fact through Pyton 2.7 is observed # to require os.sep in place of try using os.sep # if the dotted path version failed to find the requested # submodule. x = loader.find_module(mod_path.replace('.', os.sep)) return x is not None try: imp.find_module(submod_name, mod.__path__) return True except ImportError: return False