# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A list of Colombian departaments as `choices` in a formfield. This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory when explicitly needed. """ DEPARTMENT_CHOICES = ( ('AMA', u'Amazonas'), ('ANT', u'Antioquia'), ('ARA', u'Arauca'), ('ATL', u'Atlántico'), ('DC', u'Bogotá'), ('BOL', u'Bolívar'), ('BOY', u'Boyacá'), ('CAL', u'Caldas'), ('CAQ', u'Caquetá'), ('CAS', u'Casanare'), ('CAU', u'Cauca'), ('CES', u'Cesar'), ('CHO', u'Chocó'), ('COR', u'Córdoba'), ('CUN', u'Cundinamarca'), ('GUA', u'Guainía'), ('GUV', u'Guaviare'), ('HUI', u'Huila'), ('LAG', u'La Guajira'), ('MAG', u'Magdalena'), ('MET', u'Meta'), ('NAR', u'Nariño'), ('NSA', u'Norte de Santander'), ('PUT', u'Putumayo'), ('QUI', u'Quindío'), ('RIS', u'Risaralda'), ('SAP', u'San Andrés and Providencia'), ('SAN', u'Santander'), ('SUC', u'Sucre'), ('TOL', u'Tolima'), ('VAC', u'Valle del Cauca'), ('VAU', u'Vaupés'), ('VID', u'Vichada'), )