import datetime import os import re import time from pprint import pformat from urllib import urlencode, quote from urlparse import urljoin try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO try: # The mod_python version is more efficient, so try importing it first. from mod_python.util import parse_qsl except ImportError: try: # Python 2.6 and greater from urlparse import parse_qsl except ImportError: # Python 2.5, 2.4. Works on Python 2.6 but raises # PendingDeprecationWarning from cgi import parse_qsl import Cookie # httponly support exists in Python 2.6's Cookie library, # but not in Python 2.4 or 2.5. _morsel_supports_httponly = Cookie.Morsel._reserved.has_key('httponly') # Some versions of Python 2.7 and later won't need this encoding bug fix: _cookie_encodes_correctly = Cookie.SimpleCookie().value_encode(';') == (';', '"\\073"') # See ticket #13007, and _tc = Cookie.SimpleCookie() _tc.load('f:oo') _cookie_allows_colon_in_names = 'Set-Cookie: f:oo=' in _tc.output() if _morsel_supports_httponly and _cookie_encodes_correctly and _cookie_allows_colon_in_names: SimpleCookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie else: if not _morsel_supports_httponly: class Morsel(Cookie.Morsel): def __setitem__(self, K, V): K = K.lower() if K == "httponly": if V: # The superclass rejects httponly as a key, # so we jump to the grandparent. super(Cookie.Morsel, self).__setitem__(K, V) else: super(Morsel, self).__setitem__(K, V) def OutputString(self, attrs=None): output = super(Morsel, self).OutputString(attrs) if "httponly" in self: output += "; httponly" return output class SimpleCookie(Cookie.SimpleCookie): if not _morsel_supports_httponly: def __set(self, key, real_value, coded_value): M = self.get(key, Morsel()) M.set(key, real_value, coded_value) dict.__setitem__(self, key, M) def __setitem__(self, key, value): rval, cval = self.value_encode(value) self.__set(key, rval, cval) if not _cookie_encodes_correctly: def value_encode(self, val): # Some browsers do not support quoted-string from RFC 2109, # including some versions of Safari and Internet Explorer. # These browsers split on ';', and some versions of Safari # are known to split on ', '. Therefore, we encode ';' and ',' # SimpleCookie already does the hard work of encoding and decoding. # It uses octal sequences like '\\012' for newline etc. # and non-ASCII chars. We just make use of this mechanism, to # avoid introducing two encoding schemes which would be confusing # and especially awkward for javascript. # NB, contrary to Python docs, value_encode returns a tuple containing # (real val, encoded_val) val, encoded = super(SimpleCookie, self).value_encode(val) encoded = encoded.replace(";", "\\073").replace(",","\\054") # If encoded now contains any quoted chars, we need double quotes # around the whole string. if "\\" in encoded and not encoded.startswith('"'): encoded = '"' + encoded + '"' return val, encoded if not _cookie_allows_colon_in_names: def load(self, rawdata, ignore_parse_errors=False): if ignore_parse_errors: self.bad_cookies = [] self._BaseCookie__set = self._loose_set super(SimpleCookie, self).load(rawdata) if ignore_parse_errors: self._BaseCookie__set = self._strict_set for key in self.bad_cookies: del self[key] _strict_set = Cookie.BaseCookie._BaseCookie__set def _loose_set(self, key, real_value, coded_value): try: self._strict_set(key, real_value, coded_value) except Cookie.CookieError: self.bad_cookies.append(key) dict.__setitem__(self, key, None) class CompatCookie(SimpleCookie): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CompatCookie, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) import warnings warnings.warn("CompatCookie is deprecated, use django.http.SimpleCookie instead.", DeprecationWarning) from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict, ImmutableList from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode from django.utils.http import cookie_date from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser from django.conf import settings from django.core.files import uploadhandler from utils import * RESERVED_CHARS="!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]" absolute_http_url_re = re.compile(r"^https?://", re.I) class Http404(Exception): pass class HttpRequest(object): """A basic HTTP request.""" # The encoding used in GET/POST dicts. None means use default setting. _encoding = None _upload_handlers = [] def __init__(self): self.GET, self.POST, self.COOKIES, self.META, self.FILES = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} self.path = '' self.path_info = '' self.method = None def __repr__(self): return '' % \ (pformat(self.GET), pformat(self.POST), pformat(self.COOKIES), pformat(self.META)) def get_host(self): """Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers.""" # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference. if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META: host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META: host = self.META['HTTP_HOST'] else: # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333. host = self.META['SERVER_NAME'] server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT']) if server_port != (self.is_secure() and '443' or '80'): host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port) return host def get_full_path(self): # RFC 3986 requires query string arguments to be in the ASCII range. # Rather than crash if this doesn't happen, we encode defensively. return '%s%s' % (self.path, self.META.get('QUERY_STRING', '') and ('?' + iri_to_uri(self.META.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))) or '') def build_absolute_uri(self, location=None): """ Builds an absolute URI from the location and the variables available in this request. If no location is specified, the absolute URI is built on ``request.get_full_path()``. """ if not location: location = self.get_full_path() if not absolute_http_url_re.match(location): current_uri = '%s://%s%s' % (self.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http', self.get_host(), self.path) location = urljoin(current_uri, location) return iri_to_uri(location) def is_secure(self): return os.environ.get("HTTPS") == "on" def is_ajax(self): return self.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest' def _set_encoding(self, val): """ Sets the encoding used for GET/POST accesses. If the GET or POST dictionary has already been created, it is removed and recreated on the next access (so that it is decoded correctly). """ self._encoding = val if hasattr(self, '_get'): del self._get if hasattr(self, '_post'): del self._post def _get_encoding(self): return self._encoding encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding) def _initialize_handlers(self): self._upload_handlers = [uploadhandler.load_handler(handler, self) for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS] def _set_upload_handlers(self, upload_handlers): if hasattr(self, '_files'): raise AttributeError("You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.") self._upload_handlers = upload_handlers def _get_upload_handlers(self): if not self._upload_handlers: # If thre are no upload handlers defined, initialize them from settings. self._initialize_handlers() return self._upload_handlers upload_handlers = property(_get_upload_handlers, _set_upload_handlers) def parse_file_upload(self, META, post_data): """Returns a tuple of (POST QueryDict, FILES MultiValueDict).""" self.upload_handlers = ImmutableList( self.upload_handlers, warning = "You cannot alter upload handlers after the upload has been processed." ) parser = MultiPartParser(META, post_data, self.upload_handlers, self.encoding) return parser.parse() def _get_raw_post_data(self): if not hasattr(self, '_raw_post_data'): if self._read_started: raise Exception("You cannot access raw_post_data after reading from request's data stream") try: content_length = int(self.META.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If CONTENT_LENGTH was empty string or not an integer, don't # error out. We've also seen None passed in here (against all # specs, but see ticket #8259), so we handle TypeError as well. content_length = 0 if content_length: self._raw_post_data = else: self._raw_post_data = self._stream = StringIO(self._raw_post_data) return self._raw_post_data raw_post_data = property(_get_raw_post_data) def _mark_post_parse_error(self): self._post = QueryDict('') self._files = MultiValueDict() self._post_parse_error = True def _load_post_and_files(self): # Populates self._post and self._files if self.method != 'POST': self._post, self._files = QueryDict('', encoding=self._encoding), MultiValueDict() return if self._read_started and not hasattr(self, '_raw_post_data'): self._mark_post_parse_error() return if self.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').startswith('multipart'): if hasattr(self, '_raw_post_data'): # Use already read data data = StringIO(self._raw_post_data) else: data = self try: self._post, self._files = self.parse_file_upload(self.META, data) except: # An error occured while parsing POST data. Since when # formatting the error the request handler might access # self.POST, set self._post and self._file to prevent # attempts to parse POST data again. # Mark that an error occured. This allows self.__repr__ to # be explicit about it instead of simply representing an # empty POST self._mark_post_parse_error() raise else: self._post, self._files = QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), MultiValueDict() ## File-like and iterator interface. ## ## Expects self._stream to be set to an appropriate source of bytes by ## a corresponding request subclass (WSGIRequest or ModPythonRequest). ## Also when request data has already been read by request.POST or ## request.raw_post_data, self._stream points to a StringIO instance ## containing that data. def read(self, *args, **kwargs): self._read_started = True return*args, **kwargs) def readline(self, *args, **kwargs): self._read_started = True return self._stream.readline(*args, **kwargs) def xreadlines(self): while True: buf = self.readline() if not buf: break yield buf __iter__ = xreadlines def readlines(self): return list(iter(self)) class QueryDict(MultiValueDict): """ A specialized MultiValueDict that takes a query string when initialized. This is immutable unless you create a copy of it. Values retrieved from this class are converted from the given encoding (DEFAULT_CHARSET by default) to unicode. """ # These are both reset in __init__, but is specified here at the class # level so that unpickling will have valid values _mutable = True _encoding = None def __init__(self, query_string, mutable=False, encoding=None): MultiValueDict.__init__(self) if not encoding: encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET self.encoding = encoding for key, value in parse_qsl((query_string or ''), True): # keep_blank_values=True self.appendlist(force_unicode(key, encoding, errors='replace'), force_unicode(value, encoding, errors='replace')) self._mutable = mutable def _get_encoding(self): if self._encoding is None: self._encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET return self._encoding def _set_encoding(self, value): self._encoding = value encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding) def _assert_mutable(self): if not self._mutable: raise AttributeError("This QueryDict instance is immutable") def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._assert_mutable() key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding) value = str_to_unicode(value, self.encoding) MultiValueDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): self._assert_mutable() super(QueryDict, self).__delitem__(key) def __copy__(self): result = self.__class__('', mutable=True, encoding=self.encoding) for key, value in dict.items(self): dict.__setitem__(result, key, value) return result def __deepcopy__(self, memo): import copy result = self.__class__('', mutable=True, encoding=self.encoding) memo[id(self)] = result for key, value in dict.items(self): dict.__setitem__(result, copy.deepcopy(key, memo), copy.deepcopy(value, memo)) return result def setlist(self, key, list_): self._assert_mutable() key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding) list_ = [str_to_unicode(elt, self.encoding) for elt in list_] MultiValueDict.setlist(self, key, list_) def setlistdefault(self, key, default_list=()): self._assert_mutable() if key not in self: self.setlist(key, default_list) return MultiValueDict.getlist(self, key) def appendlist(self, key, value): self._assert_mutable() key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding) value = str_to_unicode(value, self.encoding) MultiValueDict.appendlist(self, key, value) def update(self, other_dict): self._assert_mutable() f = lambda s: str_to_unicode(s, self.encoding) if hasattr(other_dict, 'lists'): for key, valuelist in other_dict.lists(): for value in valuelist: MultiValueDict.update(self, {f(key): f(value)}) else: d = dict([(f(k), f(v)) for k, v in other_dict.items()]) MultiValueDict.update(self, d) def pop(self, key, *args): self._assert_mutable() return MultiValueDict.pop(self, key, *args) def popitem(self): self._assert_mutable() return MultiValueDict.popitem(self) def clear(self): self._assert_mutable() MultiValueDict.clear(self) def setdefault(self, key, default=None): self._assert_mutable() key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding) default = str_to_unicode(default, self.encoding) return MultiValueDict.setdefault(self, key, default) def copy(self): """Returns a mutable copy of this object.""" return self.__deepcopy__({}) def urlencode(self, safe=None): """ Returns an encoded string of all query string arguments. :arg safe: Used to specify characters which do not require quoting, for example:: >>> q = QueryDict('', mutable=True) >>> q['next'] = '/a&b/' >>> q.urlencode() 'next=%2Fa%26b%2F' >>> q.urlencode(safe='/') 'next=/a%26b/' """ output = [] if safe: encode = lambda k, v: '%s=%s' % ((quote(k, safe), quote(v, safe))) else: encode = lambda k, v: urlencode({k: v}) for k, list_ in self.lists(): k = smart_str(k, self.encoding) output.extend([encode(k, smart_str(v, self.encoding)) for v in list_]) return '&'.join(output) def parse_cookie(cookie): if cookie == '': return {} if not isinstance(cookie, Cookie.BaseCookie): try: c = SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie, ignore_parse_errors=True) except Cookie.CookieError: # Invalid cookie return {} else: c = cookie cookiedict = {} for key in c.keys(): cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value return cookiedict class BadHeaderError(ValueError): pass class HttpResponse(object): """A basic HTTP response, with content and dictionary-accessed headers.""" status_code = 200 def __init__(self, content='', mimetype=None, status=None, content_type=None): # _headers is a mapping of the lower-case name to the original case of # the header (required for working with legacy systems) and the header # value. Both the name of the header and its value are ASCII strings. self._headers = {} self._charset = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET if mimetype: content_type = mimetype # For backwards compatibility if not content_type: content_type = "%s; charset=%s" % (settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE, self._charset) if not isinstance(content, basestring) and hasattr(content, '__iter__'): self._container = content self._is_string = False else: self._container = [content] self._is_string = True self.cookies = SimpleCookie() if status: self.status_code = status self['Content-Type'] = content_type def __str__(self): """Full HTTP message, including headers.""" return '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in self._headers.values()]) \ + '\n\n' + self.content def _convert_to_ascii(self, *values): """Converts all values to ascii strings.""" for value in values: if isinstance(value, unicode): try: value = value.encode('us-ascii') except UnicodeError, e: e.reason += ', HTTP response headers must be in US-ASCII format' raise else: value = str(value) if '\n' in value or '\r' in value: raise BadHeaderError("Header values can't contain newlines (got %r)" % (value)) yield value def __setitem__(self, header, value): header, value = self._convert_to_ascii(header, value) self._headers[header.lower()] = (header, value) def __delitem__(self, header): try: del self._headers[header.lower()] except KeyError: pass def __getitem__(self, header): return self._headers[header.lower()][1] def has_header(self, header): """Case-insensitive check for a header.""" return self._headers.has_key(header.lower()) __contains__ = has_header def items(self): return self._headers.values() def get(self, header, alternate): return self._headers.get(header.lower(), (None, alternate))[1] def set_cookie(self, key, value='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=False, httponly=False): """ Sets a cookie. ``expires`` can be a string in the correct format or a ``datetime.datetime`` object in UTC. If ``expires`` is a datetime object then ``max_age`` will be calculated. """ self.cookies[key] = value if expires is not None: if isinstance(expires, datetime.datetime): delta = expires - expires.utcnow() # Add one second so the date matches exactly (a fraction of # time gets lost between converting to a timedelta and # then the date string). delta = delta + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) # Just set max_age - the max_age logic will set expires. expires = None max_age = max(0, delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds) else: self.cookies[key]['expires'] = expires if max_age is not None: self.cookies[key]['max-age'] = max_age # IE requires expires, so set it if hasn't been already. if not expires: self.cookies[key]['expires'] = cookie_date(time.time() + max_age) if path is not None: self.cookies[key]['path'] = path if domain is not None: self.cookies[key]['domain'] = domain if secure: self.cookies[key]['secure'] = True if httponly: self.cookies[key]['httponly'] = True def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None): self.set_cookie(key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain, expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT') def _get_content(self): if self.has_header('Content-Encoding'): return ''.join(self._container) return smart_str(''.join(self._container), self._charset) def _set_content(self, value): self._container = [value] self._is_string = True content = property(_get_content, _set_content) def __iter__(self): self._iterator = iter(self._container) return self def next(self): chunk = if isinstance(chunk, unicode): chunk = chunk.encode(self._charset) return str(chunk) def close(self): if hasattr(self._container, 'close'): self._container.close() # The remaining methods partially implement the file-like object interface. # See def write(self, content): if not self._is_string: raise Exception("This %s instance is not writable" % self.__class__) self._container.append(content) def flush(self): pass def tell(self): if not self._is_string: raise Exception("This %s instance cannot tell its position" % self.__class__) return sum([len(chunk) for chunk in self._container]) class HttpResponseRedirect(HttpResponse): status_code = 302 def __init__(self, redirect_to): super(HttpResponseRedirect, self).__init__() self['Location'] = iri_to_uri(redirect_to) class HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(HttpResponse): status_code = 301 def __init__(self, redirect_to): super(HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, self).__init__() self['Location'] = iri_to_uri(redirect_to) class HttpResponseNotModified(HttpResponse): status_code = 304 class HttpResponseBadRequest(HttpResponse): status_code = 400 class HttpResponseNotFound(HttpResponse): status_code = 404 class HttpResponseForbidden(HttpResponse): status_code = 403 class HttpResponseNotAllowed(HttpResponse): status_code = 405 def __init__(self, permitted_methods): super(HttpResponseNotAllowed, self).__init__() self['Allow'] = ', '.join(permitted_methods) class HttpResponseGone(HttpResponse): status_code = 410 class HttpResponseServerError(HttpResponse): status_code = 500 # A backwards compatible alias for HttpRequest.get_host. def get_host(request): return request.get_host() # It's neither necessary nor appropriate to use # django.utils.encoding.smart_unicode for parsing URLs and form inputs. Thus, # this slightly more restricted function. def str_to_unicode(s, encoding): """ Converts basestring objects to unicode, using the given encoding. Illegally encoded input characters are replaced with Unicode "unknown" codepoint (\ufffd). Returns any non-basestring objects without change. """ if isinstance(s, str): return unicode(s, encoding, 'replace') else: return s