""" Tools for sending email. """ from django.conf import settings from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Header import Header from email.Utils import formatdate from email import Charset import os import smtplib import socket import time import random # Don't BASE64-encode UTF-8 messages so that we avoid unwanted attention from # some spam filters. Charset.add_charset('utf-8', Charset.SHORTEST, Charset.QP, 'utf-8') # Cache the hostname, but do it lazily: socket.getfqdn() can take a couple of # seconds, which slows down the restart of the server. class CachedDnsName(object): def __str__(self): return self.get_fqdn() def get_fqdn(self): if not hasattr(self, '_fqdn'): self._fqdn = socket.getfqdn() return self._fqdn DNS_NAME = CachedDnsName() # Copied from Python standard library and modified to used the cached hostname # for performance. def make_msgid(idstring=None): """Returns a string suitable for RFC 2822 compliant Message-ID, e.g: <20020201195627.33539.96671@nightshade.la.mastaler.com> Optional idstring if given is a string used to strengthen the uniqueness of the message id. """ timeval = time.time() utcdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(timeval)) pid = os.getpid() randint = random.randrange(100000) if idstring is None: idstring = '' else: idstring = '.' + idstring idhost = DNS_NAME msgid = '<%s.%s.%s%s@%s>' % (utcdate, pid, randint, idstring, idhost) return msgid class BadHeaderError(ValueError): pass class SafeMIMEText(MIMEText): def __setitem__(self, name, val): "Forbids multi-line headers, to prevent header injection." if '\n' in val or '\r' in val: raise BadHeaderError, "Header values can't contain newlines (got %r for header %r)" % (val, name) if name == "Subject": val = Header(val, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) MIMEText.__setitem__(self, name, val) class SMTPConnection(object): """ A wrapper that manages the SMTP network connection. """ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, username=None, password=None, use_tls=None, fail_silently=False): self.host = host or settings.EMAIL_HOST self.port = port or settings.EMAIL_PORT self.username = username or settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER self.password = password or settings.EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD self.use_tls = (use_tls is not None) and use_tls or settings.EMAIL_USE_TLS self.fail_silently = fail_silently self.connection = None def open(self): """ Ensure we have a connection to the email server. Returns whether or not a new connection was required. """ if self.connection: # Nothing to do if the connection is already open. return False try: self.connection = smtplib.SMTP(self.host, self.port) if self.use_tls: self.connection.ehlo() self.connection.starttls() self.connection.ehlo() if self.username and self.password: self.connection.login(self.username, self.password) return True except: if not self.fail_silently: raise def close(self): """Close the connection to the email server.""" try: try: self.connection.quit() except socket.sslerror: # This happens when calling quit() on a TLS connection # sometimes. self.connection.close() except: if self.fail_silently: return raise finally: self.connection = None def send_messages(self, email_messages): """ Send one or more EmailMessage objects and return the number of email messages sent. """ if not email_messages: return new_conn_created = self.open() if not self.connection: # We failed silently on open(). Trying to send would be pointless. return num_sent = 0 for message in email_messages: sent = self._send(message) if sent: num_sent += 1 if new_conn_created: self.close() return num_sent def _send(self, email_message): """A helper method that does the actual sending.""" if not email_message.to: return False try: self.connection.sendmail(email_message.from_email, email_message.recipients(), email_message.message().as_string()) except: if not self.fail_silently: raise return False return True class EmailMessage(object): """ A container for email information. """ def __init__(self, subject='', body='', from_email=None, to=None, bcc=None, connection=None): self.to = to or [] self.bcc = bcc or [] self.from_email = from_email or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL self.subject = subject self.body = body self.connection = connection def get_connection(self, fail_silently=False): if not self.connection: self.connection = SMTPConnection(fail_silently=fail_silently) return self.connection def message(self): msg = SafeMIMEText(self.body, 'plain', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) msg['Subject'] = self.subject msg['From'] = self.from_email msg['To'] = ', '.join(self.to) msg['Date'] = formatdate() msg['Message-ID'] = make_msgid() if self.bcc: msg['Bcc'] = ', '.join(self.bcc) return msg def recipients(self): """ Returns a list of all recipients of the email (includes direct addressees as well as Bcc entries). """ return self.to + self.bcc def send(self, fail_silently=False): """Send the email message.""" return self.get_connection(fail_silently).send_messages([self]) def send_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None): """ Easy wrapper for sending a single message to a recipient list. All members of the recipient list will see the other recipients in the 'To' field. If auth_user is None, the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is used. If auth_password is None, the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is used. NOTE: This method is deprecated. It exists for backwards compatibility. New code should use the EmailMessage class directly. """ connection = SMTPConnection(username=auth_user, password=auth_password, fail_silently=fail_silently) return EmailMessage(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, connection=connection).send() def send_mass_mail(datatuple, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None): """ Given a datatuple of (subject, message, from_email, recipient_list), sends each message to each recipient list. Returns the number of e-mails sent. If from_email is None, the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting is used. If auth_user and auth_password are set, they're used to log in. If auth_user is None, the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is used. If auth_password is None, the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is used. NOTE: This method is deprecated. It exists for backwards compatibility. New code should use the EmailMessage class directly. """ connection = SMTPConnection(username=auth_user, password=auth_password, fail_silently=fail_silently) messages = [EmailMessage(subject, message, sender, recipient) for subject, message, sender, recipient in datatuple] return connection.send_messages(messages) def mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False): "Sends a message to the admins, as defined by the ADMINS setting." EmailMessage(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + subject, message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [a[1] for a in settings.ADMINS]).send(fail_silently=fail_silently) def mail_managers(subject, message, fail_silently=False): "Sends a message to the managers, as defined by the MANAGERS setting." EmailMessage(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + subject, message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [a[1] for a in settings.MANAGERS]).send(fail_silently=fail_silently)