""" Classes to represent the definitions of aggregate functions. """ from django.core.exceptions import FieldError from django.db.models.expressions import Func, Value from django.db.models.fields import FloatField, IntegerField __all__ = [ 'Aggregate', 'Avg', 'Count', 'Max', 'Min', 'StdDev', 'Sum', 'Variance', ] class Aggregate(Func): contains_aggregate = True name = None def resolve_expression(self, query=None, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False, for_save=False): assert len(self.source_expressions) == 1 # Aggregates are not allowed in UPDATE queries, so ignore for_save c = super(Aggregate, self).resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize) if c.source_expressions[0].contains_aggregate and not summarize: name = self.source_expressions[0].name raise FieldError("Cannot compute %s('%s'): '%s' is an aggregate" % ( c.name, name, name)) c._patch_aggregate(query) # backward-compatibility support return c @property def input_field(self): return self.source_expressions[0] @property def default_alias(self): if hasattr(self.source_expressions[0], 'name'): return '%s__%s' % (self.source_expressions[0].name, self.name.lower()) raise TypeError("Complex expressions require an alias") def get_group_by_cols(self): return [] def _patch_aggregate(self, query): """ Helper method for patching 3rd party aggregates that do not yet support the new way of subclassing. This method will be removed in Django 1.10. add_to_query(query, alias, col, source, is_summary) will be defined on legacy aggregates which, in turn, instantiates the SQL implementation of the aggregate. In all the cases found, the general implementation of add_to_query looks like: def add_to_query(self, query, alias, col, source, is_summary): klass = SQLImplementationAggregate aggregate = klass(col, source=source, is_summary=is_summary, **self.extra) query.aggregates[alias] = aggregate By supplying a known alias, we can get the SQLAggregate out of the aggregates dict, and use the sql_function and sql_template attributes to patch *this* aggregate. """ if not hasattr(self, 'add_to_query') or self.function is not None: return placeholder_alias = "_XXXXXXXX_" self.add_to_query(query, placeholder_alias, None, None, None) sql_aggregate = query.aggregates.pop(placeholder_alias) if 'sql_function' not in self.extra and hasattr(sql_aggregate, 'sql_function'): self.extra['function'] = sql_aggregate.sql_function if hasattr(sql_aggregate, 'sql_template'): self.extra['template'] = sql_aggregate.sql_template class Avg(Aggregate): function = 'AVG' name = 'Avg' def __init__(self, expression, **extra): output_field = extra.pop('output_field', FloatField()) super(Avg, self).__init__(expression, output_field=output_field, **extra) def as_oracle(self, compiler, connection): if self.output_field.get_internal_type() == 'DurationField': expression = self.get_source_expressions()[0] from django.db.backends.oracle.functions import IntervalToSeconds, SecondsToInterval return compiler.compile( SecondsToInterval(Avg(IntervalToSeconds(expression))) ) return super(Avg, self).as_sql(compiler, connection) class Count(Aggregate): function = 'COUNT' name = 'Count' template = '%(function)s(%(distinct)s%(expressions)s)' def __init__(self, expression, distinct=False, **extra): if expression == '*': expression = Value(expression) super(Count, self).__init__( expression, distinct='DISTINCT ' if distinct else '', output_field=IntegerField(), **extra) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, distinct={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.arg_joiner.join(str(arg) for arg in self.source_expressions), 'False' if self.extra['distinct'] == '' else 'True', ) def convert_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): if value is None: return 0 return int(value) class Max(Aggregate): function = 'MAX' name = 'Max' class Min(Aggregate): function = 'MIN' name = 'Min' class StdDev(Aggregate): name = 'StdDev' def __init__(self, expression, sample=False, **extra): self.function = 'STDDEV_SAMP' if sample else 'STDDEV_POP' super(StdDev, self).__init__(expression, output_field=FloatField(), **extra) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, sample={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.arg_joiner.join(str(arg) for arg in self.source_expressions), 'False' if self.function == 'STDDEV_POP' else 'True', ) def convert_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): if value is None: return value return float(value) class Sum(Aggregate): function = 'SUM' name = 'Sum' def as_oracle(self, compiler, connection): if self.output_field.get_internal_type() == 'DurationField': expression = self.get_source_expressions()[0] from django.db.backends.oracle.functions import IntervalToSeconds, SecondsToInterval return compiler.compile( SecondsToInterval(Sum(IntervalToSeconds(expression))) ) return super(Sum, self).as_sql(compiler, connection) class Variance(Aggregate): name = 'Variance' def __init__(self, expression, sample=False, **extra): self.function = 'VAR_SAMP' if sample else 'VAR_POP' super(Variance, self).__init__(expression, output_field=FloatField(), **extra) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, sample={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.arg_joiner.join(str(arg) for arg in self.source_expressions), 'False' if self.function == 'VAR_POP' else 'True', ) def convert_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): if value is None: return value return float(value)