from __future__ import unicode_literals import warnings from django.test import SimpleTestCase, RequestFactory, override_settings from django.utils import six, translation from django.utils.deprecation import RenameMethodsBase class RenameManagerMethods(RenameMethodsBase): renamed_methods = ( ('old', 'new', DeprecationWarning), ) class RenameMethodsTests(SimpleTestCase): """ Tests the `RenameMethodsBase` type introduced to rename `get_query_set` to `get_queryset` across the code base following #15363. """ def test_class_definition_warnings(self): """ Ensure a warning is raised upon class definition to suggest renaming the faulty method. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('always') class Manager(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def old(self): pass self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded[0].message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`Manager.old` method should be renamed `new`.') def test_get_new_defined(self): """ Ensure `old` complains and not `new` when only `new` is defined. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') class Manager(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def new(self): pass warnings.simplefilter('always') manager = Manager() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 0) manager.old() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded.pop().message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`Manager.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.') def test_get_old_defined(self): """ Ensure `old` complains when only `old` is defined. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') class Manager(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def old(self): pass warnings.simplefilter('always') manager = Manager() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 0) manager.old() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded.pop().message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`Manager.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.') def test_deprecated_subclass_renamed(self): """ Ensure the correct warnings are raised when a class that didn't rename `old` subclass one that did. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') class Renamed(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def new(self): pass class Deprecated(Renamed): def old(self): super(Deprecated, self).old() warnings.simplefilter('always') deprecated = Deprecated() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded.pop().message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`Renamed.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.') recorded[:] = [] deprecated.old() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 2) msgs = [str(warning.message) for warning in recorded] self.assertEqual(msgs, [ '`Deprecated.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.', '`Renamed.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.', ]) def test_renamed_subclass_deprecated(self): """ Ensure the correct warnings are raised when a class that renamed `old` subclass one that didn't. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') class Deprecated(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def old(self): pass class Renamed(Deprecated): def new(self): super(Renamed, self).new() warnings.simplefilter('always') renamed = Renamed() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 0) renamed.old() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded.pop().message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`Renamed.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.') def test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins(self): """ Ensure the correct warnings are raised when a subclass inherit from a class that renamed `old` and mixins that may or may not have renamed `new`. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') class Renamed(six.with_metaclass(RenameManagerMethods)): def new(self): pass class RenamedMixin(object): def new(self): super(RenamedMixin, self).new() class DeprecatedMixin(object): def old(self): super(DeprecatedMixin, self).old() class Deprecated(DeprecatedMixin, RenamedMixin, Renamed): pass warnings.simplefilter('always') deprecated = Deprecated() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 1) msg = str(recorded.pop().message) self.assertEqual(msg, '`RenamedMixin.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.') deprecated.old() self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 2) msgs = [str(warning.message) for warning in recorded] self.assertEqual(msgs, [ '`DeprecatedMixin.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.', '`RenamedMixin.old` is deprecated, use `new` instead.', ]) class DeprecatingRequestMergeDictTest(SimpleTestCase): def test_deprecated_request(self): """ Ensure the correct warning is raised when WSGIRequest.REQUEST is accessed. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: warnings.simplefilter('always') request = RequestFactory().get('/') request.REQUEST # evaluate msgs = [str(warning.message) for warning in recorded] self.assertEqual(msgs, [ '`request.REQUEST` is deprecated, use `request.GET` or ' '`request.POST` instead.', '`MergeDict` is deprecated, use `dict.update()` instead.', ]) @override_settings(USE_I18N=True) class DeprecatedChineseLanguageCodes(SimpleTestCase): def test_deprecation_warning(self): warnings.simplefilter('always') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: with translation.override('zh-cn'): pass with translation.override('zh-tw'): pass msgs = [str(warning.message) for warning in recorded] self.assertEqual(msgs, [ "The use of the language code 'zh-cn' is deprecated. " "Please use the 'zh-hans' translation instead.", "The use of the language code 'zh-tw' is deprecated. " "Please use the 'zh-hant' translation instead.", ])