""" weakref_backports is a partial backport of the weakref module for python versions below 3.4. Copyright (C) 2013 Python Software Foundation, see license.python.txt for details. The following changes were made to the original sources during backporting: * Added `self` to `super` calls. * Removed `from None` when raising exceptions. """ from weakref import ref class WeakMethod(ref): """ A custom `weakref.ref` subclass which simulates a weak reference to a bound method, working around the lifetime problem of bound methods. """ __slots__ = "_func_ref", "_meth_type", "_alive", "__weakref__" def __new__(cls, meth, callback=None): try: obj = meth.__self__ func = meth.__func__ except AttributeError: raise TypeError("argument should be a bound method, not {}" .format(type(meth))) def _cb(arg): # The self-weakref trick is needed to avoid creating a reference # cycle. self = self_wr() if self._alive: self._alive = False if callback is not None: callback(self) self = ref.__new__(cls, obj, _cb) self._func_ref = ref(func, _cb) self._meth_type = type(meth) self._alive = True self_wr = ref(self) return self def __call__(self): obj = super(WeakMethod, self).__call__() func = self._func_ref() if obj is None or func is None: return None return self._meth_type(func, obj) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, WeakMethod): if not self._alive or not other._alive: return self is other return ref.__eq__(self, other) and self._func_ref == other._func_ref return False def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, WeakMethod): if not self._alive or not other._alive: return self is not other return ref.__ne__(self, other) or self._func_ref != other._func_ref return True __hash__ = ref.__hash__