class BaseSpatialOperations: # Quick booleans for the type of this spatial backend, and # an attribute for the spatial database version tuple (if applicable) postgis = False spatialite = False mysql = False oracle = False spatial_version = None # How the geometry column should be selected. select = None # Does the spatial database have a geometry or geography type? geography = False geometry = False # Aggregates disallowed_aggregates = () geom_func_prefix = '' # Mapping between Django function names and backend names, when names do not # match; used in spatial_function_name(). function_names = {} # Blacklist/set of known unsupported functions of the backend unsupported_functions = { 'Area', 'AsGeoJSON', 'AsGML', 'AsKML', 'AsSVG', 'BoundingCircle', 'Centroid', 'Difference', 'Distance', 'Envelope', 'ForceRHR', 'GeoHash', 'Intersection', 'IsValid', 'Length', 'MakeValid', 'MemSize', 'NumGeometries', 'NumPoints', 'Perimeter', 'PointOnSurface', 'Reverse', 'Scale', 'SnapToGrid', 'SymDifference', 'Transform', 'Translate', 'Union', } # Constructors from_text = False from_wkb = False # Default conversion functions for aggregates; will be overridden if implemented # for the spatial backend. def convert_extent(self, box, srid): raise NotImplementedError('Aggregate extent not implemented for this spatial backend.') def convert_extent3d(self, box, srid): raise NotImplementedError('Aggregate 3D extent not implemented for this spatial backend.') # For quoting column values, rather than columns. def geo_quote_name(self, name): return "'%s'" % name # GeometryField operations def geo_db_type(self, f): """ Return the database column type for the geometry field on the spatial backend. """ raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of BaseSpatialOperations must provide a geo_db_type() method') def get_distance(self, f, value, lookup_type): """ Return the distance parameters for the given geometry field, lookup value, and lookup type. """ raise NotImplementedError('Distance operations not available on this spatial backend.') def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler): """ Return the placeholder for the given geometry field with the given value. Depending on the spatial backend, the placeholder may contain a stored procedure call to the transformation function of the spatial backend. """ raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of BaseSpatialOperations must provide a geo_db_placeholder() method') def check_expression_support(self, expression): if isinstance(expression, self.disallowed_aggregates): raise NotImplementedError( "%s spatial aggregation is not supported by this database backend." % ) super().check_expression_support(expression) def spatial_aggregate_name(self, agg_name): raise NotImplementedError('Aggregate support not implemented for this spatial backend.') def spatial_function_name(self, func_name): if func_name in self.unsupported_functions: raise NotImplementedError("This backend doesn't support the %s function." % func_name) return self.function_names.get(func_name, self.geom_func_prefix + func_name) # Routines for getting the OGC-compliant models. def geometry_columns(self): raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses of BaseSpatialOperations must provide a geometry_columns() method.') def spatial_ref_sys(self): raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of BaseSpatialOperations must a provide spatial_ref_sys() method')