Unit tests for template.py
These tests assume the following template syntax:
from django.core import template
import unittest
class RandomSyntaxErrorsCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testTagsOnOneLine(self):
"Tags straddling more than one line are not interpreted"
c = template.Context({'key':'value'})
t = template.Template('
expected = '{{key\n}}
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class PlainTextCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testPlainText(self):
"Plain text should go through the template parser untouched"
c = template.Context()
t = template.Template('Success
expected = 'Success
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class VariableSubstitutionCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testSingleTag(self):
"Variables should be replaced with their value in the current context"
c = template.Context({'headline':'Success'})
t = template.Template('{{headline}}
expected = 'Success
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDoubleTag(self):
"More than one replacement variable is allowed in a template"
c = template.Context({'firsttag':'it', 'secondtag':'worked'})
t = template.Template('{{firsttag}} {{secondtag}}
expected = 'it worked
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNonexistentVariable(self):
"Fail silently when a variable is not found in the current context"
c = template.Context({})
t = template.Template('{{unknownvar}}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariablesWithSpaces(self):
"A replacement-variable tag may not contain more than one word"
t = '{{multi word tag}}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testEmptyTag(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for empty variable tags"
t = '{{ }}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{{ }}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testIntegerContextValue(self):
"Accept integers as variable values"
c = template.Context({'var':55})
t = template.Template('{{var}}
expected = '55
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def textIntegerContextKey(self):
"Accept integers as variable keys"
c = template.Context({55:'var'})
t = template.Template('{{55}}
expected = 'var
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableAttributeAccess1(self):
"Attribute syntax allows a template to call an object's attribute"
class AClass: pass
obj = AClass()
obj.att = 'attvalue'
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.att }}
expected = 'attvalue
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableAttributeAccess2(self):
"Attribute syntax allows a template to call an object's attribute (with getattr defined)"
class AClass:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return "attvalue"
obj = AClass()
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.att }}
expected = 'attvalue
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableAttributeAccessMultiple(self):
"Multiple levels of attribute access are allowed"
class AClass: pass
obj = AClass()
obj.article = AClass()
obj.article.section = AClass()
obj.article.section.title = 'Headline'
c = template.Context({'obj':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ obj.article.section.title }}
expected = 'Headline
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNonexistentVariableAttributeObject(self):
"Fail silently when a variable's attribute isn't found"
class AClass: pass
obj = AClass()
obj.att = 'attvalue'
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.nonexistentatt }}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIllegalUnderscoreInVariableName(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a variable beginning with an underscore"
t = '{{ var._att }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{{ _att }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testIllegalCharacterInVariableName(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a variable containing an illegal character"
t = '{{ (blah }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{{ (blah.test) }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{{ bl(ah.test) }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testVariableAttributeDictionary(self):
"Attribute syntax allows a template to call a dictionary key's value"
obj = {'att':'attvalue'}
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.att }}
expected = 'attvalue
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNonexistentVariableAttributeDictionary(self):
"Fail silently when a variable's dictionary key isn't found"
obj = {'att':'attvalue'}
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.nonexistentatt }}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableAttributeCallable(self):
"Attribute syntax allows a template to call a simple method"
class AClass:
def hello(self): return 'hi'
obj = AClass()
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.hello }}
expected = 'hi
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableAttributeCallableWrongArguments(self):
"Fail silently when accessing a non-simple method"
class AClass:
def hello(self, name): return 'hi, %s' % name
obj = AClass()
c = template.Context({'var':obj})
t = template.Template('{{ var.hello }}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class VariableFiltersCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.c = template.Context({'var':'Hello There Programmer'})
def tearDown(self):
self.c = None
def testUpper(self):
"The 'upper' filter converts a string into all uppercase"
t = template.Template('{{ var|upper }}
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(self.c))
def testLower(self):
"The 'lower' filter converts a string into all lowercase"
t = template.Template('{{ var|lower }}
expected = 'hello there programmer
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(self.c))
def testUpperThenLower(self):
"Filters may be applied in succession (upper|lower)"
t = template.Template('{{ var|upper|lower }}
expected = 'hello there programmer
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(self.c))
def testLowerThenUpper(self):
"Filters may be applied in succession (lower|upper)"
t = template.Template('{{ var|lower|upper }}
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(self.c))
def testSpaceBetweenVariableAndFilterPipe(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for space between a variable and filter pipe"
t = '{{ var |lower }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testSpaceBetweenFilterPipeAndFilterName1(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for space after a filter pipe"
t = '{{ var| lower }}
expected = 'Hello There Programmer
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testNonexistentFilter(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for a nonexistent filter"
t = '{{ var|nonexistentfilter }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testDefaultFilter1(self):
"Ignore the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter already exists"
c = template.Context({'var':'Variable'})
t = template.Template('{{ var|default:"Default" }}
expected = 'Variable
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDefaultFilter2(self):
"Use the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter doesn't exist"
c = template.Context({'var':'Variable'})
t = template.Template('{{ nonvar|default:"Default" }}
expected = 'Default
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDefaultFilter3(self):
"Use the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter doesn't exist (spaces)"
c = template.Context({'var':'Variable'})
t = template.Template('{{ nonvar|default:"Default value" }}
expected = 'Default value
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDefaultFilter4(self):
"Use the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter doesn't exist (quoted)"
c = template.Context({'var':'Variable'})
t = template.Template('{{ nonvar|default:"Default \"quoted\" value" }}
expected = 'Default "quoted" value
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDefaultFilter4(self):
"Use the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter doesn't exist (escaped backslash)"
c = template.Context({'var':'Variable'})
t = template.Template('{{ nonvar|default:"Default \\\\ slash" }}
expected = 'Default \\ slash
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testDefaultFilter4(self):
"Use the default argument when a variable passed through the 'default' filter doesn't exist (single backslash)"
t = '{{ nonvar|default:"Default \\ slash" }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testIllegalCharacterInFilterName(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a filter containing an illegal character"
t = '{{ blah|(lower) }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{{ blah|low(er) }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
class BlockTagCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testNonexistentTag(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for invalid block tags"
t = '{% not-a-tag %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testEmptyTag(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for empty block tags"
t = '{% %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
class FirstOfCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testFirstOfDisplaysFirstIfSet(self):
"A firstof tag should display the first item if it evaluates to true somehow"
c = template.Context({'first': 'one', 'second': 'two'})
t = template.Template('{% firstof first second %}
expected = 'one
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testFirstOfDisplaysSecondIfFirstIsFalse(self):
"A firstof tag should display the second item if it evaluates to true and the first is false"
c = template.Context({'first': '', 'second': 'two'})
t = template.Template('{% firstof first second %}
expected = 'two
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testFirstOfRaisesErrorIfEmpty(self):
"A firstof tag should raise a syntax error if it doesn't have any arguments"
t = '{% firstof %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testFirstOfDoesNothingIfAllAreFalse(self):
"A firstof tag should display nothing if no arguments evaluate to true"
c = template.Context({'first': '', 'second': False})
t = template.Template('{% firstof first second third %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testFirstOfWorksWithInts(self):
"Can a firstof tag display an integer?"
c = template.Context({'first': 1, 'second': False})
t = template.Template('{% firstof first second %}
expected = '1
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class IfStatementCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testSingleIfStatementTrue(self):
"An if statement should display its contents if the test evaluates true"
c = template.Context({'test':True})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}Yes{% endif %}
expected = 'Yes
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testSingleIfStatementFalse(self):
"An if statement should not display its contents if the test is false"
c = template.Context({'test':False})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}Should not see this{% endif %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNestedIfStatementTrueThenTrue(self):
"Nested if statements should work properly (case 1)"
c = template.Context({'test1':True, 'test2':True})
t = template.Template('{% if test1 %} First {% if test2 %} Second {% endif %} First again {% endif %}
expected = ' First Second First again
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNestedIfStatementTrueThenFalse(self):
"Nested if statements should work properly (case 2)"
c = template.Context({'test1':True, 'test2':False})
t = template.Template('{% if test1 %} First {% if test2 %} Second {% endif %} First again {% endif %}
expected = ' First First again
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNestedIfStatementFalseThenTrue(self):
"Nested if statements should work properly (case 3)"
c = template.Context({'test1':False, 'test2':True})
t = template.Template('{% if test1 %} First {% if test2 %} Second {% endif %} First again {% endif %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNestedIfStatementFalseThenFalse(self):
"Nested if statements should work properly (case 4)"
c = template.Context({'test1':False, 'test2':False})
t = template.Template('{% if test1 %} First {% if test2 %} Second {% endif %} First again {% endif %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testElseIfTrue(self):
"An else statement should not execute if the test evaluates to true"
c = template.Context({'test':True})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}Correct{% else %}Incorrect{% endif %}
expected = 'Correct
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testElseIfFalse(self):
"An else statement should execute if the test evaluates to false"
c = template.Context({'test':False})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}Incorrect{% else %}Correct{% endif %}
expected = 'Correct
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNonClosedIfTag(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for non-closed 'if' tags"
c = template.Context({'test':True})
t = '{% if test %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testNonexistentTest(self):
"Fail silently when an if statement accesses a nonexistent test"
c = template.Context({'var':'value'})
t = template.Template('{% if nonexistent %}Hello{% endif %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIfTagNoArgs(self):
"If statements must have one argument (case 1)"
t = '{% if %}Hello{% endif %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testIfTagManyArgs(self):
"If statements must have one argument (case 2)"
t = '{% if multiple tests %}Hello{% endif %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testAttributeAccessInIfNode(self):
"An if node should resolve a variable's attributes before checking it as a test"
class AClass: pass
obj = AClass()
obj.article = AClass()
obj.article.section = AClass()
obj.article.section.title = 'Headline'
c = template.Context({'obj':obj})
t = template.Template('{% if obj.article.section.title %}Hello{% endif %}
expected = 'Hello
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
t = template.Template('{% if obj.article.section.not_here %}Hello{% endif %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIfNot(self):
"If statements supports 'not' as an optional argument"
t = template.Template('{% if not a %}Not a{% endif %}')
c = template.Context({'a': False})
expected = 'Not a'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
c['a'] = True
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIfOr(self):
"If statements support 'or'"
t = template.Template('{% if a or b %}Hello{% endif %}')
c = template.Context({'a': False, 'b': True})
expected = 'Hello'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
c['b'] = False
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIfOrNot(self):
"If statements support 'or' clauses with optional 'not's"
t = template.Template('{% if a or not b or c%}Hello{% endif %}')
c = template.Context({'a': False, 'b': False, 'c': False})
expected = 'Hello'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
c['b'] = True
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class ForLoopCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testNormalForLoop(self):
"A for loop should work as expected, given one or more values"
c = template.Context({'pieces': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% for piece in pieces %}{{ piece }}{% endfor %}
expected = '123
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testBlankForLoop(self):
"A for loop should work as expected, given an empty list"
c = template.Context({'pieces': []})
t = template.Template('{% for piece in pieces %}{{ piece }}{% endfor %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testInvalidForTagFourWords(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError if a 'for' statement is not exactly 4 words"
t = '{% for article %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testInvalidForTagThirdWord(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError if 3rd word in a 'for' statement isn't 'in'"
t = '{% for article NOTIN blah %}{% endfor %}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testNonClosedForTag(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError for non-closed 'for' tags"
t = '{% for i in numbers %}{{ i }}
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testNonexistentVariable1(self):
"Fail silently in loops with nonexistent variables in defn"
c = template.Context({'var':'value'})
t = template.Template('{% for i in nonexistent %}
{{ var }}
{% endfor %}')
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNonexistentVariable2(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in loops with nonexistent variables in loop"
c = template.Context({'set':('val1', 'val2')})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set %}
{{ nonexistent }}
{% endfor %}')
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testAttributeAccessInForNode(self):
"A for node should resolve a variable's attributes before looping through it"
c = template.Context({'article': {'authors':('Simon', 'Adrian')}})
t = template.Template('{% for i in article.authors %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}
', t.render(c))
t = template.Template('{% for i in article.nonexistent %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}
self.assertEqual('', t.render(c))
def testForLoopFirst(self):
"A for loop's 'first' variable should work as expected"
c = template.Context({'pieces': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% for piece in pieces %}{% if forloop.first %}First
{% endif %}{{ piece }}{% endfor %}
expected = 'First
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testForLoopLast(self):
"A for loop's 'last' variable should work as expected"
c = template.Context({'pieces': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% for piece in pieces %}{% if forloop.last %}Last
{% endif %}{{ piece }}{% endfor %}
expected = '12Last
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class CycleNodeCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testNormalUsage(self):
"A cycle tag should work as expected"
c = template.Context({'set':range(10)})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set %}{% cycle red, green %}-{{ i }} {% endfor %}')
expected = 'red-0 green-1 red-2 green-3 red-4 green-5 red-6 green-7 red-8 green-9 '
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNoArguments(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in cycle tags with no arguments"
t = '{% cycle %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testOneArgument(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in cycle tags with only one argument"
t = '{% cycle hello %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testExtraInitialSpaces(self):
"Extra spaces around cycle tags and their arguments should be ignored"
c = template.Context({'set':range(5)})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set %}{% cycle red, green %}{% endfor %}')
expected = 'redgreenredgreenred'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
class TemplateTagNodeCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testNormalUsage(self):
"A templatetag tag should work as expected"
c = template.Context()
t = template.Template('{% templatetag openblock %}{% templatetag closeblock %}{% templatetag openvariable %}{% templatetag closevariable %}')
expected = '{%%}{{}}'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testNoArguments(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in templatetag tags with no arguments"
t = '{% templatetag %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testTwoArguments(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in templatetag tags with more than one argument"
t = '{% templatetag hello goodbye %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
t = '{% templatetag hello goodbye helloagain %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
def testBadArgument(self):
"Raise TemplateSyntaxError in templatetag tags with invalid arguments"
t = '{% templatetag hello %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
class PluginFilterCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def custom_filter(self, value, arg):
"Temporary filter used to verify the filter plugin system is working"
return "_%s_%s_" % (value, arg)
def testPluginFilter(self):
"Plugin support allows for custom filters"
template.register_filter('unittest', self.custom_filter, True)
c = template.Context({'var':'value'})
t = template.Template('{{ var|unittest:"hello" }}')
expected = '_value_hello_'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testUnregisterPluginFilter(self):
"Plugin support allows custom filters to be unregistered"
template.register_filter('unittest', self.custom_filter, True)
c = template.Context({'var':'value'})
t = template.Template('{{ var|unittest:"hello" }}')
rendered = t.render(c) # should run with no exception
class PluginTagCheck(unittest.TestCase):
class CustomNode(template.Node):
"Prints argument"
def __init__(self, arg):
self.arg = arg
def render(self, context):
return '_%s_' % self.arg
def do_custom_node(self, parser, token):
"Handle the 'unittest' custom tag"
bits = token.contents.split()
return self.CustomNode(bits[1])
def testPluginTag(self):
"Plugin support allows for custom tags"
template.register_tag('unittest', self.do_custom_node)
c = template.Context({})
t = template.Template('{% unittest hello %}')
expected = '_hello_'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testUnregisterPluginTag(self):
"Plugin support allows custom tags to be unregistered"
template.register_tag('unittest', self.do_custom_node)
c = template.Context({})
t = template.Template('{% unittest hello %}')
rendered = t.render(c) # should run with no exception
t = '{% unittest hello %}'
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, t)
class ContextUsageCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testVariableContext2(self):
"Variables should fall through additional block-level contexts"
c = template.Context({'global':'out', 'set': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{{ global }}
{% for i in set %}{{ i }} {{ global }}
{% endfor %}')
expected = 'out
1 out
2 out
3 out
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableContext2(self):
"Variables set within a block statement override like-named variables within their scope"
c = template.Context({'i':'out', 'set': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{{ i }}
{% for i in set %}{{ i }}
{% endfor %}{{ i }}')
expected = 'out
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testVariableContextDelete(self):
"Variables can be deleted from the current context"
c = template.Context({'a':'first', 'b':'second'})
del c['a']
self.assertEqual(c.__repr__(), template.Context({'b':'second'}).__repr__())
def testInvalidVariableContextDelete(self):
"Raise KeyError if code tries to delete a variable that doesn't exist in the current context"
c = template.Context({'a':'first'})
self.assertRaises(KeyError, c.__delitem__, 'b')
class AdvancedUsageCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testIfInsideFor(self):
"An if statement should be executed repeatedly inside a for statement"
c = template.Context({'set':(True, False, True, True, False)})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set %}{% if i %}- 1
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testIfElseInsideFor(self):
"An if/else statement should be executed repeatedly inside a for statement"
c = template.Context({'set':(True, False, True, True, False)})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set %}- {% if i %}1{% else %}0{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testForInsideIf_True(self):
"A for loop inside an if statement should be executed if the test=true"
c = template.Context({'test':True, 'set':('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}{% for i in set %}- {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}')
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testForInsideIf_False(self):
"A for loop inside an if statement shouldn't be executed if the test=false"
c = template.Context({'test':False, 'set':('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% if test %}{% for i in set %}- {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}')
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testForInsideIfInsideFor(self):
"A for loop inside an if statement inside a for loop should work properly"
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, False, False, False, True), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
t = template.Template('{% for i in set1 %}{% if i %}{% for j in set2 %}{{ j }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}')
expected = '123123'
self.assertEqual(expected, t.render(c))
def testMultipleRendersWhenCompiled(self):
"A template can render multiple contexts without having to be recompiled"
t = template.Template('{% for i in set1 %}{% if i %}{% for j in set2 %}{{ j }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}')
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, False, False, False, False), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
self.assertEqual('123', t.render(c))
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, True, False, False, False), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
self.assertEqual('123123', t.render(c))
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, True, True, False, False), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
self.assertEqual('123123123', t.render(c))
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, True, True, True, False), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
self.assertEqual('123123123123', t.render(c))
c = template.Context({'set1': (True, True, True, True, True), 'set2': ('1', '2', '3')})
self.assertEqual('123123123123123', t.render(c))
def tests():
s = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
if __name__ == "__main__":