""" Global Django exception and warning classes. """ class FieldDoesNotExist(Exception): """The requested model field does not exist""" pass class DjangoRuntimeWarning(RuntimeWarning): pass class AppRegistryNotReady(Exception): """The django.apps registry is not populated yet""" pass class ObjectDoesNotExist(Exception): """The requested object does not exist""" silent_variable_failure = True class MultipleObjectsReturned(Exception): """The query returned multiple objects when only one was expected.""" pass class SuspiciousOperation(Exception): """The user did something suspicious""" class SuspiciousMultipartForm(SuspiciousOperation): """Suspect MIME request in multipart form data""" pass class SuspiciousFileOperation(SuspiciousOperation): """A Suspicious filesystem operation was attempted""" pass class DisallowedHost(SuspiciousOperation): """HTTP_HOST header contains invalid value""" pass class DisallowedRedirect(SuspiciousOperation): """Redirect to scheme not in allowed list""" pass class TooManyFieldsSent(SuspiciousOperation): """ The number of fields in a GET or POST request exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS. """ pass class RequestDataTooBig(SuspiciousOperation): """ The size of the request (excluding any file uploads) exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE. """ pass class PermissionDenied(Exception): """The user did not have permission to do that""" pass class ViewDoesNotExist(Exception): """The requested view does not exist""" pass class MiddlewareNotUsed(Exception): """This middleware is not used in this server configuration""" pass class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): """Django is somehow improperly configured""" pass class FieldError(Exception): """Some kind of problem with a model field.""" pass NON_FIELD_ERRORS = '__all__' class ValidationError(Exception): """An error while validating data.""" def __init__(self, message, code=None, params=None): """ The `message` argument can be a single error, a list of errors, or a dictionary that maps field names to lists of errors. What we define as an "error" can be either a simple string or an instance of ValidationError with its message attribute set, and what we define as list or dictionary can be an actual `list` or `dict` or an instance of ValidationError with its `error_list` or `error_dict` attribute set. """ # PY2 can't pickle naive exception: http://bugs.python.org/issue1692335. super().__init__(message, code, params) if isinstance(message, ValidationError): if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): message = message.error_dict elif not hasattr(message, 'message'): message = message.error_list else: message, code, params = message.message, message.code, message.params if isinstance(message, dict): self.error_dict = {} for field, messages in message.items(): if not isinstance(messages, ValidationError): messages = ValidationError(messages) self.error_dict[field] = messages.error_list elif isinstance(message, list): self.error_list = [] for message in message: # Normalize plain strings to instances of ValidationError. if not isinstance(message, ValidationError): message = ValidationError(message) if hasattr(message, 'error_dict'): self.error_list.extend(sum(message.error_dict.values(), [])) else: self.error_list.extend(message.error_list) else: self.message = message self.code = code self.params = params self.error_list = [self] @property def message_dict(self): # Trigger an AttributeError if this ValidationError # doesn't have an error_dict. getattr(self, 'error_dict') return dict(self) @property def messages(self): if hasattr(self, 'error_dict'): return sum(dict(self).values(), []) return list(self) def update_error_dict(self, error_dict): if hasattr(self, 'error_dict'): for field, error_list in self.error_dict.items(): error_dict.setdefault(field, []).extend(error_list) else: error_dict.setdefault(NON_FIELD_ERRORS, []).extend(self.error_list) return error_dict def __iter__(self): if hasattr(self, 'error_dict'): for field, errors in self.error_dict.items(): yield field, list(ValidationError(errors)) else: for error in self.error_list: message = error.message if error.params: message %= error.params yield str(message) def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'error_dict'): return repr(dict(self)) return repr(list(self)) def __repr__(self): return 'ValidationError(%s)' % self class EmptyResultSet(Exception): """A database query predicate is impossible.""" pass