.TH "compile-messages.py" "1" "August 2007" "Django Project" "" .SH "NAME" compile-messages.py \- Internationalization utility for the Django web framework .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B compile-messages.py \fR[-l ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" A Django-customised wrapper around gettext's \fBmsgfmt\fR command. Generates binary message catalogs (.mo files) from textual translation descriptions (.po files). .sp The script should be invoked after running .BI make-messages.py, in the same directory from which .BI make-messages.py was invoked. .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .I \-l Compile the message catalogs for a specific locale. If this option is omitted, all message catalogs are (re-)compiled. .SH "SEE ALSO" The man page for .BI msgfmt from the GNU gettext utilities, and the internationalization documentation for Django: .sp .I http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/i18n/ .SH "AUTHORS/CREDITS" Originally developed at World Online in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Refer to the AUTHORS file in the Django distribution for contributors. .SH "LICENSE" New BSD license. For the full license text refer to the LICENSE file in the Django distribution.