================= The forms library ================= ``django.forms`` is Django's form-handling library. .. admonition:: Looking for oldforms? ``django.forms`` was once called ``newforms`` since it replaced Django's original form/manipulator/validation framework. The old form handling library is still available as `django.oldforms`_, but will be removed in a future version of Django. .. _django.oldforms: ../oldforms/ Overview ======== ``django.forms`` is intended to handle HTML form display, data processing (validation) and redisplay. It's what you use if you want to perform server-side validation for an HTML form. For example, if your Web site has a contact form that visitors can use to send you e-mail, you'd use this library to implement the display of the HTML form fields, along with the form validation. Any time you need to use an HTML ``
``, you can use this library. The library deals with these concepts: * **Widget** -- A class that corresponds to an HTML form widget, e.g. ```` or ```` ``CheckboxInput`` ``
However the above can be slightly shortcutted and let the formset itself deal with the management form::
{{ formset }}
The above ends up calling the ``as_table`` method on the formset class.