from __future__ import unicode_literals import warnings from django.conf import settings from django.utils.html import format_html, format_html_join from django.utils.encoding import force_text, python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils import six import sys # Import ValidationError so that it can be imported from this # module to maintain backwards compatibility. from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError def flatatt(attrs): """ Convert a dictionary of attributes to a single string. The returned string will contain a leading space followed by key="value", XML-style pairs. It is assumed that the keys do not need to be XML-escaped. If the passed dictionary is empty, then return an empty string. The result is passed through 'mark_safe'. """ for attr_name, value in attrs.items(): if type(value) is bool: warnings.warn( "In Django 1.8, widget attribute %(attr_name)s=%(bool_value)s " "will %(action)s. To preserve current behavior, use the " "string '%(bool_value)s' instead of the boolean value." % { 'attr_name': attr_name, 'action': "be rendered as '%s'" % attr_name if value else "not be rendered", 'bool_value': value, }, DeprecationWarning ) return format_html_join('', ' {0}="{1}"', sorted(attrs.items())) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ErrorDict(dict): """ A collection of errors that knows how to display itself in various formats. The dictionary keys are the field names, and the values are the errors. """ def __str__(self): return self.as_ul() def as_ul(self): if not self: return '' return format_html('', format_html_join('', '
  • {0}{1}
  • ', ((k, force_text(v)) for k, v in self.items()) )) def as_text(self): return '\n'.join('* %s\n%s' % (k, '\n'.join(' * %s' % force_text(i) for i in v)) for k, v in self.items()) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ErrorList(list): """ A collection of errors that knows how to display itself in various formats. """ def __str__(self): return self.as_ul() def as_ul(self): if not self: return '' return format_html('', format_html_join('', '
  • {0}
  • ', ((force_text(e),) for e in self) ) ) def as_text(self): if not self: return '' return '\n'.join('* %s' % force_text(e) for e in self) def __repr__(self): return repr([force_text(e) for e in self]) # Utilities for time zone support in DateTimeField et al. def from_current_timezone(value): """ When time zone support is enabled, convert naive datetimes entered in the current time zone to aware datetimes. """ if settings.USE_TZ and value is not None and timezone.is_naive(value): current_timezone = timezone.get_current_timezone() try: return timezone.make_aware(value, current_timezone) except Exception: message = _( '%(datetime)s couldn\'t be interpreted ' 'in time zone %(current_timezone)s; it ' 'may be ambiguous or it may not exist.' ) params = {'datetime': value, 'current_timezone': current_timezone} six.reraise(ValidationError, ValidationError( message, code='ambiguous_timezone', params=params, ), sys.exc_info()[2]) return value def to_current_timezone(value): """ When time zone support is enabled, convert aware datetimes to naive dateimes in the current time zone for display. """ if settings.USE_TZ and value is not None and timezone.is_aware(value): current_timezone = timezone.get_current_timezone() return timezone.make_naive(value, current_timezone) return value