from django.apps import apps from django.db import models def sql_flush(style, connection, only_django=False, reset_sequences=True, allow_cascade=False): """ Return a list of the SQL statements used to flush the database. If only_django is True, only include the table names that have associated Django models and are in INSTALLED_APPS . """ if only_django: tables = connection.introspection.django_table_names(only_existing=True, include_views=False) else: tables = connection.introspection.table_names(include_views=False) return connection.ops.sql_flush( style, tables, reset_sequences=reset_sequences, allow_cascade=allow_cascade, ) def emit_pre_migrate_signal(verbosity, interactive, db, **kwargs): # Emit the pre_migrate signal for every application. for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): if app_config.models_module is None: continue if verbosity >= 2: print("Running pre-migrate handlers for application %s" % app_config.label) models.signals.pre_migrate.send( sender=app_config, app_config=app_config, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive, using=db, **kwargs ) def emit_post_migrate_signal(verbosity, interactive, db, **kwargs): # Emit the post_migrate signal for every application. for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): if app_config.models_module is None: continue if verbosity >= 2: print("Running post-migrate handlers for application %s" % app_config.label) models.signals.post_migrate.send( sender=app_config, app_config=app_config, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive, using=db, **kwargs )