import ctypes from unittest import mock from django.contrib.gis.ptr import CPointerBase from django.test import SimpleTestCase class CPointerBaseTests(SimpleTestCase): def test(self): destructor_mock = mock.Mock() class NullPointerException(Exception): pass class FakeGeom1(CPointerBase): null_ptr_exception_class = NullPointerException class FakeGeom2(FakeGeom1): ptr_type = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float) destructor = destructor_mock fg1 = FakeGeom1() fg2 = FakeGeom2() # These assignments are OK. None is allowed because it's equivalent # to the NULL pointer. fg1.ptr = fg1.ptr_type() fg1.ptr = None fg2.ptr = fg2.ptr_type(ctypes.c_float(5.23)) fg2.ptr = None # Because pointers have been set to NULL, an exception is raised on # access. Raising an exception is preferable to a segmentation fault # that commonly occurs when a C method is given a NULL reference. for fg in (fg1, fg2): with self.assertRaises(NullPointerException): fg.ptr # Anything that's either not None or the acceptable pointer type # results in a TypeError when trying to assign it to the `ptr` property. # Thus, memory addresses (integers) and pointers of the incorrect type # (in `bad_ptrs`) aren't allowed. bad_ptrs = (5, ctypes.c_char_p(b'foobar')) for bad_ptr in bad_ptrs: for fg in (fg1, fg2): with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, 'Incompatible pointer type'): fg.ptr = bad_ptr # Object can be deleted without a destructor set. fg = FakeGeom1() fg.ptr = fg.ptr_type(1) del fg # A NULL pointer isn't passed to the destructor. fg = FakeGeom2() fg.ptr = None del fg self.assertFalse(destructor_mock.called) # The destructor is called if set. fg = FakeGeom2() ptr = fg.ptr_type(ctypes.c_float(1.)) fg.ptr = ptr del fg destructor_mock.assert_called_with(ptr) def test_destructor_catches_importerror(self): class FakeGeom(CPointerBase): destructor = mock.Mock(side_effect=ImportError) fg = FakeGeom() fg.ptr = fg.ptr_type(1) del fg