"Functions that help with dynamically creating decorators for views." try: from functools import wraps, update_wrapper, WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS except ImportError: from django.utils.functional import wraps, update_wrapper, WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS # Python 2.4 fallback. class classonlymethod(classmethod): def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: raise AttributeError("This method is available only on the view class.") return super(classonlymethod, self).__get__(instance, owner) def method_decorator(decorator): """ Converts a function decorator into a method decorator """ # 'func' is a function at the time it is passed to _dec, but will eventually # be a method of the class it is defined it. def _dec(func): def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): @decorator def bound_func(*args2, **kwargs2): return func(self, *args2, **kwargs2) # bound_func has the signature that 'decorator' expects i.e. no # 'self' argument, but it is a closure over self so it can call # 'func' correctly. return bound_func(*args, **kwargs) # In case 'decorator' adds attributes to the function it decorates, we # want to copy those. We don't have access to bound_func in this scope, # but we can cheat by using it on a dummy function. @decorator def dummy(*args, **kwargs): pass update_wrapper(_wrapper, dummy) # Need to preserve any existing attributes of 'func', including the name. update_wrapper(_wrapper, func) return _wrapper update_wrapper(_dec, decorator) # Change the name to aid debugging. _dec.__name__ = 'method_decorator(%s)' % decorator.__name__ return _dec def decorator_from_middleware_with_args(middleware_class): """ Like decorator_from_middleware, but returns a function that accepts the arguments to be passed to the middleware_class. Use like:: cache_page = decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware) # ... @cache_page(3600) def my_view(request): # ... """ return make_middleware_decorator(middleware_class) def decorator_from_middleware(middleware_class): """ Given a middleware class (not an instance), returns a view decorator. This lets you use middleware functionality on a per-view basis. The middleware is created with no params passed. """ return make_middleware_decorator(middleware_class)() def available_attrs(fn): """ Return the list of functools-wrappable attributes on a callable. This is required as a workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue3445. """ return tuple(a for a in WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS if hasattr(fn, a)) def make_middleware_decorator(middleware_class): def _make_decorator(*m_args, **m_kwargs): middleware = middleware_class(*m_args, **m_kwargs) def _decorator(view_func): def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(middleware, 'process_request'): result = middleware.process_request(request) if result is not None: return result if hasattr(middleware, 'process_view'): result = middleware.process_view(request, view_func, args, kwargs) if result is not None: return result try: response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: if hasattr(middleware, 'process_exception'): result = middleware.process_exception(request, e) if result is not None: return result raise if hasattr(middleware, 'process_response'): result = middleware.process_response(request, response) if result is not None: return result return response return wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))(_wrapped_view) return _decorator return _make_decorator