from __future__ import unicode_literals import inspect from django.core import exceptions, serializers from django.db import connection from django.test import TestCase from .fields import CustomTypedField, Small from .models import ChoicesModel, DataModel, MyModel, OtherModel class CustomField(TestCase): def test_refresh(self): d = DataModel.objects.create(data=[1, 2, 3]) d.refresh_from_db(fields=['data']) self.assertIsInstance(, list) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2, 3]) def test_defer(self): d = DataModel.objects.create(data=[1, 2, 3]) self.assertIsInstance(, list) d = DataModel.objects.get( self.assertIsInstance(, list) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2, 3]) d = DataModel.objects.defer("data").get( self.assertIsInstance(, list) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2, 3]) # Refetch for save d = DataModel.objects.defer("data").get( d = DataModel.objects.get( self.assertIsInstance(, list) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2, 3]) def test_custom_field(self): # Creating a model with custom fields is done as per normal. s = Small(1, 2) self.assertEqual(str(s), "12") m = MyModel.objects.create(name="m", data=s) # Custom fields still have normal field's attributes. self.assertEqual(m._meta.get_field("data").verbose_name, "small field") # The attribute has been initialized correctly. It's a Small # object. self.assertEqual((,, (1, 2)) # The data loads back from the database correctly and 'data' has the # right type. m1 = MyModel.objects.get( self.assertIsInstance(, Small) self.assertEqual(str(, "12") # We can do normal filtering on the custom field (and will get an error # when we use a lookup type that does not make sense). s1 = Small(1, 3) s2 = Small("a", "b") self.assertQuerysetEqual( MyModel.objects.filter(data__in=[s, s1, s2]), [ "m", ], lambda m:, ) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: MyModel.objects.filter(data__lt=s)) # Serialization works, too. stream = serializers.serialize("json", MyModel.objects.all()) self.assertJSONEqual(stream, [{ "pk":, "model": "field_subclassing.mymodel", "fields": {"data": "12", "name": "m"} }]) obj = list(serializers.deserialize("json", stream))[0] self.assertEqual(obj.object, m) # Test retrieving custom field data m.delete() m1 = MyModel.objects.create(name="1", data=Small(1, 2)) MyModel.objects.create(name="2", data=Small(2, 3)) self.assertQuerysetEqual( MyModel.objects.all(), [ "12", "23", ], lambda m: str(, ordered=False ) def test_field_subclassing(self): o = OtherModel.objects.create(data=Small("a", "b")) o = OtherModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(, "a") self.assertEqual(, "b") def test_subfieldbase_plays_nice_with_module_inspect(self): """ Custom fields should play nice with python standard module inspect. """ # Even when looking for totally different properties, SubfieldBase's # non property like behavior made inspect crash. Refs #12568. data = dict(inspect.getmembers(MyModel)) self.assertIn('__module__', data) self.assertEqual(data['__module__'], 'field_subclassing.models') def test_validation_of_choices_for_custom_field(self): # a valid choice o = ChoicesModel.objects.create(data=Small('a', 'b')) o.full_clean() # an invalid choice o = ChoicesModel.objects.create(data=Small('d', 'e')) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError): o.full_clean() class TestDbType(TestCase): def test_db_parameters_respects_db_type(self): f = CustomTypedField() self.assertEqual(f.db_parameters(connection)['type'], 'custom_field')