# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package. # # Translators: # Baptiste Darthenay , 2012-2013 # Baptiste Darthenay , 2013-2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: django\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-20 12:20+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-21 13:37+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Baptiste Darthenay \n" "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/" "language/eo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: contrib/auth/admin.py:44 msgid "Personal info" msgstr "Personaj informoj" #: contrib/auth/admin.py:45 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Permesoj" #: contrib/auth/admin.py:47 msgid "Important dates" msgstr "Gravaj datoj" #: contrib/auth/admin.py:134 msgid "Password changed successfully." msgstr "Pasvorto suksese ŝanĝita." #: contrib/auth/admin.py:145 #, python-format msgid "Change password: %s" msgstr "Ŝanĝi pasvorton: %s" #: contrib/auth/apps.py:10 msgid "Authentication and Authorization" msgstr "Aŭtentigo kaj rajtigo" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:37 contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:316 #: contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:321 contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:504 msgid "No password set." msgstr "Neniu pasvorto agordita." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:43 contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:326 #: contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:332 msgid "Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm." msgstr "Nevalida pasvorta formato, aŭ nekonata haketa algoritmo." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:76 msgid "A user with that username already exists." msgstr "Uzanto kun sama salutnomo jam ekzistas." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:77 contrib/auth/forms.py:285 #: contrib/auth/forms.py:349 msgid "The two password fields didn't match." msgstr "La du pasvotaj kampoj ne kongruas." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:79 contrib/auth/forms.py:129 msgid "Username" msgstr "Salutnomo" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:81 contrib/auth/forms.py:130 #: contrib/auth/models.py:368 msgid "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only." msgstr "Petita. 30 karakteroj aŭ malpli. Literoj, ciferoj kaj @/./+/-/_ nure." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:84 contrib/auth/forms.py:133 msgid "This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters." msgstr "" "Ĉi-tiu valoro povas enhavi nur literoj, ciferoj kaj la @/./+/-/_ karakteroj." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:86 contrib/auth/forms.py:135 #: contrib/auth/forms.py:163 contrib/auth/forms.py:351 msgid "Password" msgstr "Pasvorto" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:88 msgid "Password confirmation" msgstr "Pasvorta konfirmo" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:90 msgid "Enter the same password as above, for verification." msgstr "Entajpu la saman pasvorton kiel supre, por konfirmo." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:136 msgid "" "Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user's " "password, but you can change the password using this " "form." msgstr "" "Pasvortoj ne estas krude entenitaj, do ne eblas vidi la pasvorton de tiu " "uzanto, sed vi povas ŝanĝi la pasvorton uzante tiun " "formalaron." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:166 #, python-format msgid "" "Please enter a correct %(username)s and password. Note that both fields may " "be case-sensitive." msgstr "" "Bonvolu enigi korektan %(username)s-n kaj pasvorton. Notu, ke ambaŭ kampoj " "povas esti usklecodistingaj." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:168 msgid "This account is inactive." msgstr "Ĉi-tiu konto ne estas aktiva." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:231 msgid "Email" msgstr "Retpoŝto" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:287 msgid "New password" msgstr "Nova pasvorto" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:289 msgid "New password confirmation" msgstr "Nova pasvorto por konfirmo" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:320 msgid "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again." msgstr "" "Via malnova pasvorto estis nekorekte tajpita. Bonvolu denove entajpi ĝin." #: contrib/auth/forms.py:323 msgid "Old password" msgstr "Malnova pasvorto" #: contrib/auth/forms.py:353 msgid "Password (again)" msgstr "Pasvorto (denove)" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:252 contrib/auth/hashers.py:335 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:383 contrib/auth/hashers.py:411 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:444 contrib/auth/hashers.py:477 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:511 msgid "algorithm" msgstr "algoritmo" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:253 msgid "iterations" msgstr "iteracioj" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:254 contrib/auth/hashers.py:337 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:384 contrib/auth/hashers.py:412 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:512 msgid "salt" msgstr "salo" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:255 contrib/auth/hashers.py:385 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:413 contrib/auth/hashers.py:445 #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:478 contrib/auth/hashers.py:513 msgid "hash" msgstr "haketo" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:336 msgid "work factor" msgstr "laborfaktoro" #: contrib/auth/hashers.py:338 msgid "checksum" msgstr "kontrolsumo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:63 contrib/auth/models.py:112 msgid "name" msgstr "nomo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:65 msgid "codename" msgstr "kodnomo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:69 msgid "permission" msgstr "permeso" #: contrib/auth/models.py:70 contrib/auth/models.py:114 msgid "permissions" msgstr "permesoj" #: contrib/auth/models.py:119 msgid "group" msgstr "grupo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:120 contrib/auth/models.py:293 msgid "groups" msgstr "grupoj" #: contrib/auth/models.py:192 msgid "password" msgstr "pasvorto" #: contrib/auth/models.py:193 msgid "last login" msgstr "lasta ensaluto" #: contrib/auth/models.py:290 msgid "superuser status" msgstr "ĉefuzanta statuso" #: contrib/auth/models.py:291 msgid "" "Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning " "them." msgstr "" "Indikas ke tiu uzanto havas ĉiujn permesojn, sen eksplicite asigni ilin." #: contrib/auth/models.py:294 msgid "" "The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to " "each of his/her group." msgstr "" "La grupoj en kiu tiu uzanto apartenas. Uzanto akiros ĉiuj permesoj donita al " "ĉiuj de lia/ŝia grupo." #: contrib/auth/models.py:299 msgid "user permissions" msgstr "uzantaj permesoj" #: contrib/auth/models.py:300 msgid "Specific permissions for this user." msgstr "Specifaj permesoj por tiu ĉi uzanto." #: contrib/auth/models.py:367 msgid "username" msgstr "salutnomo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:371 msgid "Enter a valid username." msgstr "Enigu validan salutnomon." #: contrib/auth/models.py:373 msgid "first name" msgstr "persona nomo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:374 msgid "last name" msgstr "famalia nomo" #: contrib/auth/models.py:375 msgid "email address" msgstr "retpoŝta adreso" #: contrib/auth/models.py:376 msgid "staff status" msgstr "personara statuso" #: contrib/auth/models.py:377 msgid "Designates whether the user can log into this admin site." msgstr "Indikas ĉu la uzanto povas saluti en ĉi-tiu administranta retejo." #: contrib/auth/models.py:379 msgid "active" msgstr "aktiva" #: contrib/auth/models.py:380 msgid "" "Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this " "instead of deleting accounts." msgstr "" "Indikas ĉu tiu uzanto devus esti traktita kiel aktiva. Malselekti tion ĉi " "anstataŭ forigi kontojn." #: contrib/auth/models.py:382 msgid "date joined" msgstr "dato aliĝita" #: contrib/auth/models.py:390 msgid "user" msgstr "uzanto" #: contrib/auth/models.py:391 msgid "users" msgstr "uzantoj" #: contrib/auth/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:2 #, python-format msgid "Password reset on %(site_name)s" msgstr "Pasvorta rekomencigo ĉe %(site_name)s" #: contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py:387 msgid "Enter a valid email address." msgstr "Enigu validan retpoŝtan adreson." #: contrib/auth/views.py:92 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Adiaŭita" #: contrib/auth/views.py:169 msgid "Password reset" msgstr "Pasvorta rekomencigo" #: contrib/auth/views.py:181 msgid "Password reset successful" msgstr "Pasvorta rekomencigo suksesis" #: contrib/auth/views.py:216 msgid "Enter new password" msgstr "Enigu novan pasvorton" #: contrib/auth/views.py:227 msgid "Password reset unsuccessful" msgstr "Pasvorta rekomencigo malsuksesis" #: contrib/auth/views.py:244 msgid "Password reset complete" msgstr "Pasvorta rekomencigo plenumita" #: contrib/auth/views.py:278 msgid "Password change" msgstr "Pasvorta ŝanĝo" #: contrib/auth/views.py:291 msgid "Password change successful" msgstr "Pasvorto sukcese ŝanĝita"