""" HTML Widget classes """ import datetime from itertools import chain import time from urlparse import urljoin from util import flatatt import django.utils.copycompat as copy from django.conf import settings from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict, MergeDict from django.utils.html import escape, conditional_escape from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy from django.utils.encoding import StrAndUnicode, force_unicode from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils import datetime_safe, formats __all__ = ( 'Media', 'MediaDefiningClass', 'Widget', 'TextInput', 'PasswordInput', 'HiddenInput', 'MultipleHiddenInput', 'ClearableFileInput', 'FileInput', 'DateInput', 'DateTimeInput', 'TimeInput', 'Textarea', 'CheckboxInput', 'Select', 'NullBooleanSelect', 'SelectMultiple', 'RadioSelect', 'CheckboxSelectMultiple', 'MultiWidget', 'SplitDateTimeWidget', ) MEDIA_TYPES = ('css','js') class Media(StrAndUnicode): def __init__(self, media=None, **kwargs): if media: media_attrs = media.__dict__ else: media_attrs = kwargs self._css = {} self._js = [] for name in MEDIA_TYPES: getattr(self, 'add_' + name)(media_attrs.get(name, None)) # Any leftover attributes must be invalid. # if media_attrs != {}: # raise TypeError("'class Media' has invalid attribute(s): %s" % ','.join(media_attrs.keys())) def __unicode__(self): return self.render() def render(self): return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(chain(*[getattr(self, 'render_' + name)() for name in MEDIA_TYPES]))) def render_js(self): return [u'' % self.absolute_path(path) for path in self._js] def render_css(self): # To keep rendering order consistent, we can't just iterate over items(). # We need to sort the keys, and iterate over the sorted list. media = self._css.keys() media.sort() return chain(*[ [u'' % (self.absolute_path(path), medium) for path in self._css[medium]] for medium in media]) def absolute_path(self, path, prefix=None): if path.startswith(u'http://') or path.startswith(u'https://') or path.startswith(u'/'): return path if prefix is None: if settings.STATIC_URL is None: # backwards compatibility prefix = settings.MEDIA_URL else: prefix = settings.STATIC_URL return urljoin(prefix, path) def __getitem__(self, name): "Returns a Media object that only contains media of the given type" if name in MEDIA_TYPES: return Media(**{str(name): getattr(self, '_' + name)}) raise KeyError('Unknown media type "%s"' % name) def add_js(self, data): if data: for path in data: if path not in self._js: self._js.append(path) def add_css(self, data): if data: for medium, paths in data.items(): for path in paths: if not self._css.get(medium) or path not in self._css[medium]: self._css.setdefault(medium, []).append(path) def __add__(self, other): combined = Media() for name in MEDIA_TYPES: getattr(combined, 'add_' + name)(getattr(self, '_' + name, None)) getattr(combined, 'add_' + name)(getattr(other, '_' + name, None)) return combined def media_property(cls): def _media(self): # Get the media property of the superclass, if it exists if hasattr(super(cls, self), 'media'): base = super(cls, self).media else: base = Media() # Get the media definition for this class definition = getattr(cls, 'Media', None) if definition: extend = getattr(definition, 'extend', True) if extend: if extend == True: m = base else: m = Media() for medium in extend: m = m + base[medium] return m + Media(definition) else: return Media(definition) else: return base return property(_media) class MediaDefiningClass(type): "Metaclass for classes that can have media definitions" def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): new_class = super(MediaDefiningClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) if 'media' not in attrs: new_class.media = media_property(new_class) return new_class class Widget(object): __metaclass__ = MediaDefiningClass is_hidden = False # Determines whether this corresponds to an . needs_multipart_form = False # Determines does this widget need multipart-encrypted form is_localized = False is_required = False def __init__(self, attrs=None): if attrs is not None: self.attrs = attrs.copy() else: self.attrs = {} def __deepcopy__(self, memo): obj = copy.copy(self) obj.attrs = self.attrs.copy() memo[id(self)] = obj return obj def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): """ Returns this Widget rendered as HTML, as a Unicode string. The 'value' given is not guaranteed to be valid input, so subclass implementations should program defensively. """ raise NotImplementedError def build_attrs(self, extra_attrs=None, **kwargs): "Helper function for building an attribute dictionary." attrs = dict(self.attrs, **kwargs) if extra_attrs: attrs.update(extra_attrs) return attrs def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): """ Given a dictionary of data and this widget's name, returns the value of this widget. Returns None if it's not provided. """ return data.get(name, None) def _has_changed(self, initial, data): """ Return True if data differs from initial. """ # For purposes of seeing whether something has changed, None is # the same as an empty string, if the data or inital value we get # is None, replace it w/ u''. if data is None: data_value = u'' else: data_value = data if initial is None: initial_value = u'' else: initial_value = initial if force_unicode(initial_value) != force_unicode(data_value): return True return False def id_for_label(self, id_): """ Returns the HTML ID attribute of this Widget for use by a ' % (label_for, self.tag(), choice_label)) def is_checked(self): return self.value == self.choice_value def tag(self): if 'id' in self.attrs: self.attrs['id'] = '%s_%s' % (self.attrs['id'], self.index) final_attrs = dict(self.attrs, type='radio', name=self.name, value=self.choice_value) if self.is_checked(): final_attrs['checked'] = 'checked' return mark_safe(u'' % flatatt(final_attrs)) class RadioFieldRenderer(StrAndUnicode): """ An object used by RadioSelect to enable customization of radio widgets. """ def __init__(self, name, value, attrs, choices): self.name, self.value, self.attrs = name, value, attrs self.choices = choices def __iter__(self): for i, choice in enumerate(self.choices): yield RadioInput(self.name, self.value, self.attrs.copy(), choice, i) def __getitem__(self, idx): choice = self.choices[idx] # Let the IndexError propogate return RadioInput(self.name, self.value, self.attrs.copy(), choice, idx) def __unicode__(self): return self.render() def render(self): """Outputs a