import copy import datetime from django.utils import six from django.db.backends.schema import BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor from django.db.utils import DatabaseError class DatabaseSchemaEditor(BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor): sql_create_column = "ALTER TABLE %(table)s ADD %(column)s %(definition)s" sql_alter_column_type = "MODIFY %(column)s %(type)s" sql_alter_column_null = "MODIFY %(column)s NULL" sql_alter_column_not_null = "MODIFY %(column)s NOT NULL" sql_alter_column_default = "MODIFY %(column)s DEFAULT %(default)s" sql_alter_column_no_default = "MODIFY %(column)s DEFAULT NULL" sql_delete_column = "ALTER TABLE %(table)s DROP COLUMN %(column)s" sql_delete_table = "DROP TABLE %(table)s CASCADE CONSTRAINTS" def quote_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, (, datetime.time, datetime.datetime)): return "'%s'" % value elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): return repr(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): return "1" if value else "0" else: return str(value) def delete_model(self, model): # Run superclass action super(DatabaseSchemaEditor, self).delete_model(model) # Clean up any autoincrement trigger self.execute(""" DECLARE i INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO i FROM USER_CATALOG WHERE TABLE_NAME = '%(sq_name)s' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'SEQUENCE'; IF i = 1 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP SEQUENCE "%(sq_name)s"'; END IF; END; /""" % {'sq_name': self.connection.ops._get_sequence_name(model._meta.db_table)}) def alter_field(self, model, old_field, new_field, strict=False): try: # Run superclass action super(DatabaseSchemaEditor, self).alter_field(model, old_field, new_field, strict) except DatabaseError as e: description = str(e) # If we're changing to/from LOB fields, we need to do a # SQLite-ish workaround if 'ORA-22858' in description or 'ORA-22859' in description: self._alter_field_lob_workaround(model, old_field, new_field) else: raise def _alter_field_lob_workaround(self, model, old_field, new_field): """ Oracle refuses to change a column type from/to LOB to/from a regular column. In Django, this shows up when the field is changed from/to a TextField. What we need to do instead is: - Add the desired field with a temporary name - Update the table to transfer values from old to new - Drop old column - Rename the new column """ # Make a new field that's like the new one but with a temporary # column name. new_temp_field = copy.deepcopy(new_field) new_temp_field.column = self._generate_temp_name(new_field.column) # Add it self.add_field(model, new_temp_field) # Transfer values across self.execute("UPDATE %s set %s=%s" % ( self.quote_name(model._meta.db_table), self.quote_name(new_temp_field.column), self.quote_name(old_field.column), )) # Drop the old field self.remove_field(model, old_field) # Rename the new field self.alter_field(model, new_temp_field, new_field) # Close the connection to force cx_Oracle to get column types right # on a new cursor self.connection.close() def normalize_name(self, name): """ Get the properly shortened and uppercased identifier as returned by quote_name(), but without the actual quotes. """ nn = self.quote_name(name) if nn[0] == '"' and nn[-1] == '"': nn = nn[1:-1] return nn def _generate_temp_name(self, for_name): """ Generates temporary names for workarounds that need temp columns """ suffix = hex(hash(for_name)).upper()[1:] return self.normalize_name(for_name + "_" + suffix) def prepare_default(self, value): return self.quote_value(value)