from django.core import meta, validators class Site(meta.Model): db_table = 'sites' fields = ( meta.CharField('domain', 'domain name', maxlength=100), meta.CharField('name', 'display name', maxlength=50), ) ordering = (('domain', 'ASC'),) def __repr__(self): return self.domain def _module_get_current(): "Returns the current site, according to the SITE_ID constant." from django.conf.settings import SITE_ID return get_object(id__exact=SITE_ID) class Package(meta.Model): db_table = 'packages' fields = ( meta.CharField('label', 'label', maxlength=20, primary_key=True), meta.CharField('name', 'name', maxlength=30, unique=True), ) ordering = (('name', 'ASC'),) def __repr__(self): return class ContentType(meta.Model): db_table = 'content_types' fields = ( meta.CharField('name', 'name', maxlength=100), meta.ForeignKey(Package, name='package'), meta.CharField('python_module_name', 'Python module name', maxlength=50), ) ordering = (('package', 'ASC'), ('name', 'ASC'),) unique_together = (('package', 'python_module_name'),) def __repr__(self): return "%s | %s" % (self.package, def get_model_module(self): "Returns the Python model module for accessing this type of content." return __import__('django.models.%s.%s' % (self.package, self.python_module_name), '', '', ['']) def get_object_for_this_type(self, **kwargs): """ Returns an object of this type for the keyword arguments given. Basically, this is a proxy around this object_type's get_object() model method. The ObjectNotExist exception, if thrown, will not be caught, so code that calls this method should catch it. """ return self.get_model_module().get_object(**kwargs) class Redirect(meta.Model): db_table = 'redirects' fields = ( meta.ForeignKey(Site, radio_admin=meta.VERTICAL), meta.CharField('old_path', 'redirect from', maxlength=200, db_index=True, help_text="This should be an absolute path, excluding the domain name. Example: '/events/search/'."), meta.CharField('new_path', 'redirect to', maxlength=200, blank=True, help_text="This can be either an absolute path (as above) or a full URL starting with 'http://'."), ) unique_together=(('site_id', 'old_path'),) ordering = (('old_path', 'ASC'),) admin = meta.Admin( fields = ( (None, {'fields': ('site_id', 'old_path', 'new_path')}), ), list_display = ('__repr__',), list_filter = ('site_id',), search_fields = ('old_path', 'new_path'), ) def __repr__(self): return "%s ---> %s" % (self.old_path, self.new_path) class FlatFile(meta.Model): db_table = 'flatfiles' fields = ( meta.CharField('url', 'URL', maxlength=100, validator_list=[validators.isAlphaNumericURL], help_text="Example: '/about/contact/'. Make sure to have leading and trailing slashes."), meta.CharField('title', 'title', maxlength=200), meta.TextField('content', 'content', help_text="Full HTML is allowed."), meta.BooleanField('enable_comments', 'enable comments'), meta.CharField('template_name', 'template name', maxlength=70, blank=True, help_text="Example: 'flatfiles/contact_page'. If this isn't provided, the system will use 'flatfiles/default'."), meta.BooleanField('registration_required', 'registration required', help_text="If this is checked, only logged-in users will be able to view the page."), meta.ManyToManyField(Site), ) ordering = (('url', 'ASC'),) admin = meta.Admin( fields = ( (None, {'fields': ('url', 'title', 'content', 'sites')}), ('Advanced options', {'classes': 'collapse', 'fields': ('enable_comments', 'registration_required', 'template_name')}), ), list_filter = ('sites',), search_fields = ('url', 'title'), ) def __repr__(self): return "%s -- %s" % (self.url, self.title) def get_absolute_url(self): return self.url