from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.compiler import GeoSQLCompiler as BaseGeoSQLCompiler from import compiler SQLCompiler = compiler.SQLCompiler class GeoSQLCompiler(BaseGeoSQLCompiler, SQLCompiler): pass class SQLInsertCompiler(compiler.SQLInsertCompiler, GeoSQLCompiler): def placeholder(self, field, val): if field is None: # A field value of None means the value is raw. return val elif hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'): # Some fields (e.g. geo fields) need special munging before # they can be inserted. ph = field.get_placeholder(val, self.connection) if ph == 'NULL': # If the placeholder returned is 'NULL', then we need to # to remove None from the Query parameters. Specifically, # cx_Oracle will assume a CHAR type when a placeholder ('%s') # is used for columns of MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY. Thus, we use # 'NULL' for the value, and remove None from the query params. # See also #10888. param_idx = self.query.columns.index(field.column) params = list(self.query.params) params.pop(param_idx) self.query.params = tuple(params) return ph else: # Return the common case for the placeholder return '%s' class SQLDeleteCompiler(compiler.SQLDeleteCompiler, GeoSQLCompiler): pass class SQLUpdateCompiler(compiler.SQLUpdateCompiler, GeoSQLCompiler): pass class SQLAggregateCompiler(compiler.SQLAggregateCompiler, GeoSQLCompiler): pass class SQLDateCompiler(compiler.SQLDateCompiler, GeoSQLCompiler): pass