from django import http from django.db import models from django.contrib.databrowse.datastructures import EasyModel from django.contrib.databrowse.sites import DatabrowsePlugin from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.utils.text import capfirst from django.utils.translation import get_date_formats from django.views.generic import date_based from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode import datetime import time class CalendarPlugin(DatabrowsePlugin): def __init__(self, field_names=None): self.field_names = field_names def field_dict(self, model): """ Helper function that returns a dictionary of all DateFields or DateTimeFields in the given model. If self.field_names is set, it takes take that into account when building the dictionary. """ if self.field_names is None: return dict([(, f) for f in model._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.DateField)]) else: return dict([(, f) for f in model._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.DateField) and in self.field_names]) def model_index_html(self, request, model, site): fields = self.field_dict(model) if not fields: return u'' return u'
View calendar by: %s
' % \ u', '.join(['%s' % (, force_unicode(capfirst(f.verbose_name))) for f in fields.values()]) def urls(self, plugin_name, easy_instance_field): if isinstance(easy_instance_field.field, models.DateField): return [u'%s%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (easy_instance_field.model.url(), plugin_name,, easy_instance_field.raw_value.year, easy_instance_field.raw_value.strftime('%b').lower(),] def model_view(self, request, model_databrowse, url): self.model, = model_databrowse.model, self.fields = self.field_dict(self.model) # If the model has no DateFields, there's no point in going further. if not self.fields: raise http.Http404('The requested model has no calendars.') if url is None: return self.homepage_view(request) url_bits = url.split('/') if self.fields.has_key(url_bits[0]): return self.calendar_view(request, self.fields[url_bits[0]], *url_bits[1:]) raise http.Http404('The requested page does not exist.') def homepage_view(self, request): easy_model = EasyModel(, self.model) field_list = self.fields.values() field_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.verbose_name, y.verbose_name)) return render_to_response('databrowse/calendar_homepage.html', {'root_url':, 'model': easy_model, 'field_list': field_list}) def calendar_view(self, request, field, year=None, month=None, day=None): easy_model = EasyModel(, self.model) queryset = easy_model.get_query_set() extra_context = {'root_url':, 'model': easy_model, 'field': field} if day is not None: return date_based.archive_day(request, year, month, day, queryset,, template_name='databrowse/calendar_day.html', allow_empty=False, allow_future=True, extra_context=extra_context) elif month is not None: return date_based.archive_month(request, year, month, queryset,, template_name='databrowse/calendar_month.html', allow_empty=False, allow_future=True, extra_context=extra_context) elif year is not None: return date_based.archive_year(request, year, queryset,, template_name='databrowse/calendar_year.html', allow_empty=False, allow_future=True, extra_context=extra_context) else: return date_based.archive_index(request, queryset,, template_name='databrowse/calendar_main.html', allow_empty=True, allow_future=True, extra_context=extra_context) assert False, ('%s, %s, %s, %s' % (field, year, month, day))